16 research outputs found

    Construction of a krigged precipitation field based on surface observations and remote sensing tools

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    Póster presentado en: 3rd European Nowcasting Conference, celebrada en la sede central de AEMET en Madrid del 24 al 26 de abril de 2019

    Instability indices derived from current and future infrared hyperspectral instruments and NWP models: advantages and limitations

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    Presentación realizada en: 2015 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference celebrada en Toulouse, Francia, del 21 al 25 de septiembre de 2015

    Generation of precipitation fields based on surface observations and remote sensing tools. Application to the flash-flood in the Cidacos River Basin on July 8, 2019

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    Ponencia presentada en: XIX Congreso de la Asociación Española de Teledetección celebrado en Pamplona del 29 de junio al 1 de julio de 2022.[ES]Los eventos de precipitación torrencial en pequeñas cuencas fluviales pueden producir inundaciones repentinas con alto impacto y daños asociados. En esta contribución se construyen los campos horarios de precipitación para el evento del 8 de julio 2019 en la Cuenca del Cidacos, ubicado en la Zona Media de Navarra, y que produjo una víctima mortal en una pequeña cuenca adyacente, así como grandes pérdidas económicas en localidades como Tafalla. Partiendo de datos de precipitación medidos por una serie de pluviómetros pertenecientes a distintos organismos oficiales (Agencia Estatal de Meteorología, Gobierno de Navarra y Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro) distribuidos por la Zona Media de Navarra y haciendo uso de diferentes herramientas de teledetección atmosférica, se generan campos de precipitación a escala horaria mediante la aplicación de un algoritmo geoestadístico (KED, Kriging con Deriva Externa) y un proceso de validación cruzada. La información auxiliar para el kriging se obtiene de un producto de teledetección basado en las exploraciones de uno de los radares banda C de AEMET emplazado en Zaragoza, así como del producto satelital CRR (Convective Rainfall Rate) del grupo del SAF NWC, que desarrolla aplicaciones meteorológicas con datos de satélite.[EN]Heavy precipitation events in small river basins can produce high impact flash floods. In this contribution, a precipitation field is constructed for the event of July 8, 2019 in the Cidacos Basin, located in the Middle Zone of Navarra. This episode caused a fatality in a small adjacent basin, as well as great economic losses in nearby locations such as Tafalla. Starting from precipitation data measured by a set of rain-gauges from different organisms (State Meteorological Agency, Government of Navarra and Ebro Hydrographic Confederation) distributed across the Middle Zone of Navarra and using different meteorological remote sensing tools, precipitation fields are generated at hourly scale by applying a geostatistical algorithm (KED, Kriging with External Drift) and a cross-validation process. The auxiliary information for kriging is obtained from a remote sensing product based on scans of one of the C-band radars of AEMET located in Zaragoza, as well as the CRR (Convective Rainfall Rate) satellite product of the SAF NWC group, which develops meteorological applications with satellite data

    Nowcasting SAF products and applications

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    Presentación realizada en: Using ECMWF's Forecasts (UEF2017), celebrada del 12 al 16 de junio de 2017 en Reading (Inglaterra)

    Estudio del índice de aerosoles del TOMS para la predicción de las intrusiones de polvo sahariano en las Islas Canarias

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    Ponencia presentada en: V Simposio Nacional de Predicción, celebrado en 2001 en Madrid.Se realiza una climatología de las invasiones de polvo sobre las Islas Canarias a partir de la serie de imágenes de índice de aerosoles del TOMS (Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer) de NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center a bordo del Nimbus7, pudiendo diferenciar tres periodos diferentes durante el año: Desde enero y hasta finales de mayo las intrusiones de polvo no son muy frecuentes pero pueden llegar a ser intensas, desde finales de mayo hasta mediados de octubre son más frecuentes e intensas y desde mediados de octubre hasta diciembre son poco frecuentes y de menor intensidad. En general las intrusiones de polvo en invierno afectan más a la población porque el polvo entra en niveles más bajos que en verano. Se presenta una nueva herramienta para predecir las invasiones de polvo sobre las islas Canarias que combina información del TOMS/EarthProbe y de las retrotrayectorias previstas calculadas con el modelo numérico HIRLAM, mostrándose su utilidad

    Stationary severe thunderstorms over Malaga on 19 February 2017

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    Póster presentado en: "Workshop on Using ECMWF’s Forecasts (UEF2017)", que se celebró en Reading, Reino Unido, del 12 al 16 de junio de 2017.During the dawn of 19 February 2017, a set of intense thunderstorms occurred over south Spain. Malaga city was especially affected by these thunderstorms. Precipitation, that started at about 01:30 UTC (02:30 local time) and lasted around 8 hours, peaked just after 02:00 UTC. The horizontal distribution of precipitation was quite variable, showing some maxima over the center and eastern Malaga city. This case study, that discusses the highly localized and stationary thunderstorms previously described, is tackled from both scales, synoptic and mesoscale, adding some issues at microscale. To carry out this task, deterministic outputs and convective diagnostic products of the ECMWF model, and remote sensing (radar, lightning and both basic and NWCSAF satellite products) and observation data products are used

    NWCSAF GEO v2016 : new products, changes and improvements

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    Ponencia presentada en: 2016 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, 26-30 September 2016, Darmstadt, GermanyThe objective of the Nowcasting Satellite Application Facility (NWC SAF) is the generation of satellite derived products for their direct application to Nowcasting for targeted users. To achieve this goal, the NWC SAF team develops, maintains and distributes software packages that allows the users to generate, at their premises and for the user defined area, satellite derived products with a direct application to Nowcasting. The NWC SAF distributes two different software packages for GEO and LEO satellites. Current operational software package for GEO satellites is MSG v2013, distributed in 2013 and applicable to MSG data. Products generated with MSG v2013 include Cloud Products (Cloud Mask, Cloud Top Temperature and Height, Cloud Type, Cloud phase), Precipitation Products (Probability of Precipitation and Convective Rainfall Rate and Probability of Precipitation and Convective Rainfall Rate from Cloud Microphysics), High Resolution Winds (HRW), Water content and Instability Indices, Automatic Satellite Image Interpretation and detection and tracking of Rapidly Developing Convective Cells. A new software package, GEO v2016, has been distributed in November 2016. Main changes and improvements of GEO v2016 respect to previous operational SW package MSG v2013 are highlighted in this paper

    NWCSAF GEO v2016 : new products, changes and improvements

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    Póster presentado en: 2016 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, 26-30 September 2016, Darmstadt, GermanyThe objective of the Nowcasting Satellite Application Facility (NWC SAF) is the generation of satellite derived products for their direct application to Nowcasting for targeted users. To achieve this goal, the NWC SAF team develops, maintains and distributes software packages that allows the users to generate, at their premises and for the user defined area, satellite derived products with a direct application to Nowcasting. The NWC SAF distributes two different software packages for GEO and LEO satellites. Current operational software package for GEO satellites is MSG v2013, distributed in 2013 and applicable to MSG data. Products generated with MSG v2013 include Cloud Products (Cloud Mask, Cloud Top Temperature and Height, Cloud Type, Cloud phase), Precipitation Products (Probability of Precipitation and Convective Rainfall Rate and Probability of Precipitation and Convective Rainfall Rate from Cloud Microphysics), High Resolution Winds (HRW), Water content and Instability Indices, Automatic Satellite Image Interpretation and detection and tracking of Rapidly Developing Convective Cells. A new software package, GEO v2016, has been distributed in November 2016. Main changes and improvements of GEO v2016 respect to previous operational SW package MSG v2013 are highlighted in this paper

    Productos meteorológicos del NWC SAF

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    Ponencia presentada en: VI Simposio Nacional de Predicción, celebrado en los servicios centrales de AEMET, en Madrid, del 17 al 19 de septiembre de 2018.Los datos que se extraen de los satélites son mucho más que meras imágenes individuales. Trabajando sobre ellas y combinando unas con otras podemos extraer una serie de productos muy útiles para el pronóstico inmediato o nowcasting. Con este fin, el NWC SAF (Satellite Application Facility on support to Nowcasting) genera y difunde los productos y servicios operativos de EUMETSAT, para lo que pone a disposición de los usuarios un software con el que poder generar las herramientas que a todo predictor le serán de suma utilidad cuando haya que tomar decisiones en un periodo de una a tres o seis horas