1,941 research outputs found

    Papiloma de plexo coroideo del cuarto ventrículo cerebral : diagnóstico y tratamiento quirúrgico

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    Se trata de una perra mestiza, de ocho años de edad y unos 30 kg de peso, con hemiparesis e inclinación de la cabeza hacia el lado izquierdo. Tras realizar una resonancia magnética nuclear (RMN) se identificó la lesión, compatible con una neoplasia, en fosa posterior a nivel del cuarto ventrículo cerebral. El tratamiento quirúrgico consistió en una craneotomía suboccipital que permitió el acceso a la fosa posterior, para poder así extraer el tumor. El resultado obtenido tras la cirugía se puede considerar satisfactorio, si tenemos en cuenta el alto grado de morbilidad que supone trabajar en esta regiónHerein, we report the case of an eight-year-old, 30 kg, female mixed-breed dog, with hemiparesis and left head tilt. Magnetic resonance imaging led to identify the lession as a tumor in the caudal fossa of the fourth ventricle. The surgical treatment consisted of a suboccipital craniotomy, which allowed the access to the caudal fossa, and the xtirpation of the tumor. A satisfactory result was achieved after the surgery, if we consider the high sick rate involved when working in this region

    Enhanced non-quark-antiquark and non-glueball Nc behavior of light scalar mesons

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    We show that the latest and very precise dispersive data analyses require a large and very unnat- ural fine-tuning of the 1/Nc expansion at Nc = 3 if the f_0(600) and K(800) light scalar mesons are to be considered predominantly quark-antiquark states, which is not needed for light vector mesons. For this, we use scattering observables whose 1/Nc corrections are suppressed further than one power of 1/Nc for quark-antiquark or glueball states, thus enhancing contributions of other nature. This is achieved without using unitarized ChPT, but if it is used we can also show that it is not just that the coefficients of the 1/Nc expansion are unnatural, but that the expansion itself does not even follow the expected 1/Nc scaling of a glueball or a quark-antiquark meson.Comment: Discussion disfavoring a glueball interpretation added. Version published in Phys. Rev.

    Thin and thick cloud top height retrieval algorithm with the Infrared Camera and LIDAR of the JEM-EUSO Space Mission

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    The origin of cosmic rays have remained a mistery for more than a century. JEM-EUSO is a pioneer space-based telescope that will be located at the International Space Station (ISS) and its aim is to detect Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) and Extremely High Energy Cosmic Rays (EHECR) by observing the atmosphere. Unlike ground-based telescopes, JEM-EUSO will observe from upwards, and therefore, for a properly UHECR reconstruction under cloudy conditions, a key element of JEM-EUSO is an Atmospheric Monitoring System (AMS). This AMS consists of a space qualified bi-spectral Infrared Camera, that will provide the cloud coverage and cloud top height in the JEM-EUSO Field of View (FoV) and a LIDAR, that will measure the atmospheric optical depth in the direction it has been shot. In this paper we will explain the effects of clouds for the determination of the UHECR arrival direction. Moreover, since the cloud top height retrieval is crucial to analyze the UHECR and EHECR events under cloudy conditions, the retrieval algorithm that fulfills the technical requierements of the Infrared Camera of JEM-EUSO to reconstruct the cloud top height is presently reported.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, Atmohead Conference 201

    Nature of the f_0(600) from its N_c dependence at two loops in unitarized Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    By using unitarized two-loop Chiral Perturbation Theory partial waves to describe pion-pion scattering we find that the dominant component of the lightest scalar meson does not follow the q-qbar dependence on the number of colors that, in contrast, is obeyed by the lightest vectors. The method suggests that a subdominant q-qbar component of the f_0(600) possibly originates around 1 GeV.Comment: 4 pages, 1 Figure. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Alteraciones volumétricas en las costillas: entre la tuberculosis y las enfermedades carenciales

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    X Congreso Nacional de Paleopatología. Univesidad Autónoma de Madrid, septiembre de 200

    Indices de estabilidad de voltaje en definición de "ranking" de contingencias

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    Varios tipos de índices de estabilidad de voltaje han sido propuestos para el análisis de este fenómeno y, a la vez, alrededor de ellos se han propuesto métodos de ordenamiento de las contingencias para establecer las que son críticas en un Sistema de Potencia. Un grupo de estos índices se conocen como índices físicos dado que su cálculo se fundamenta en características de la red. Este artículo compara algunas de estas metodologías propuestas, resaltando el ordenamiento de contingencias para evaluación de la estabilidad de voltaje. Las metodologías son implementadas en Matlab y probadas en el sistema IEEE de 118 nodos.Different stability indexes and contingencies ranking methods have been proposed in order to study this phenomenon. There are physical indexes, which use the net characteristics. In this paper, we compare some of these methodologies, focusing on those for stability studies. In order to prove the algorithm, we implemented the IEEE test 118-buses system on Matlab

    KBE Application for the Design and Manufacture of HSM Fixtures

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    The design of machining fixtures for aeronautical parts is strongly based in the knowledge of the fixture designer, and it comprises certain repetitive tasks. An analysis of the design process allows us to state its suitability for developing Knowledge Based Engineering (KBE) applications in order to capture the knowledge, and to systematize and automate the designs.This work justifies the importance of fixtures for High Speed Milling (HSM), and explains the development of a KBE application to automate the design and manufacturing of such elements. The application is the outcome of a project carried out in collaboration with the company EADS.In the development process, a specific methodology was used in order to represent the knowledge in a semi-structured way and to document the information needed to define the system. The developed KBE application is independent of the parts design system. This makes it necessary to use an interface to input the part geometry into the KBE application, where it is analyzed in order to extract the relevant information for the fixture design process. The results obtained from the application come in three different ways: raw material drawings, fixture 3D solid models, and text files (Bill Of Materials – BOM, and Numerical Control – NC programs). All the results are exported to other applications for use in other tasks. The designer interacts with the application through an ad hoc interface, where he is asked to select or input some data and where the results are also visualized. The prototype KBE application has been carried out in the ICAD development environment and the main interface is with the CAD/CAM system CATIA V4.

    Estudio de las mineralizaciones de Plomo-Zinc-Cobre del Permotrías del Complejo Maláguide en los alrededores de Vélez-Rubio (Almería)

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    Tras un breve encuadre geológico regional del área estudiada, se comentan someramente las características del Complejo Maláguide en las inmediaciones de Vélez Rubio. Posteriormente se describen los aspectos litoestratigráficos y sedimentológicos de los materiales permotriásicos del Complejo Maláguide, con los cuales se ligan las mineralizaciones de Pb-Zn-Cu objeto de esta nota. Se distinguen cinco tramos litológicos fundamentales, que han sido correlacionados entre las diversas zonas con indicios de Pb-Zn. Los estudios sedimentológicos parecen indicar que la sucesión de estos tramos constituyen una secuencia positiva que abarca desde depósitos típicamente fluviales a sedimentos formados en medio lacustre o de aguas marinas someras. La mineralización, sobre todo de Pb, es objeto de un detallado estudio mineralógico y textural, en el cual se apoya la interpretación genética, que aboga por un origen sedimentario de la misma

    Comparison of growth and lipid accumulation at three different growth regimes with Desmodesmus sp.

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    The production of third generation biofuel and use of microalgae as feedstock have recently gained increased attention in the research area in search of more sustainable processes. These microorganisms have characteristics that offer great potential to produce either feedstock to other process or even final use products. They have fast growth rates and accumulation of intracellular metabolites, including lipids. There are three basic types of cultures in which microalgae can develop: autotrophic, heterotrophic and mixotrophic. The objective of this work was to study the growth of the microalgae Desmodesmus sp. in these three types of cultivations in order to establish the most effective farming strain for lipids production. It was observed that the strain had higher yields of biomass and lipids in the mixotrophic cultivation with glucose (10 g L−1) as the carbon source, obtaining 54.5 × 106 cells mL−1 with a growth rate of 0.28 (days−1) and 25.1% of lipids in a 6 day cultivation time9421427COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPsem informação2014/10064-9; 2015/19935-