157 research outputs found

    Introducing spatial information into predictive NF-kappa B modelling - an agent-based approach

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    Nature is governed by local interactions among lower-level sub-units, whether at the cell, organ, organism, or colony level. Adaptive system behaviour emerges via these interactions, which integrate the activity of the sub-units. To understand the system level it is necessary to understand the underlying local interactions. Successful models of local interactions at different levels of biological organisation, including epithelial tissue and ant colonies, have demonstrated the benefits of such 'agent-based' modelling [1-4]. Here we present an agent-based approach to modelling a crucial biological system the intracellular NF-kappa B signalling pathway. The pathway is vital to immune response regulation, and is fundamental to basic survival in a range of species [5-7]. Alterations in pathway regulation underlie a variety of diseases, including atherosclerosis and arthritis. Our modelling of individual molecules, receptors and genes provides a more comprehensive outline of regulatory network mechanisms than previously possible with equation-based approaches [8]. The method also permits consideration of structural parameters in pathway regulation; here we predict that inhibition of NF-kappa B is directly affected by actin filaments of the cytoskeleton sequestering excess inhibitors, therefore regulating steady-state and feedback behaviour

    The rise in computational systems biology approaches for understanding NF-κB signaling dynamics

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    A study by Cheng et al. in this issue of Science Signaling highlights the distinct single-cell signaling characteristics conferred by pathways mediated by the adaptor proteins MyD88 and TRIF in the TLR4-dependent activation of the transcription factor nuclear factor κB (NF-κB)

    Computational models of the NF-κB signalling pathway

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    In this review article, we discuss the current state of computational modelling of the nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) signalling pathway. NF-κB is a transcription factor, which is ubiquitous within cells and controls a number of immune responses, including inflammation and apoptosis. The NF-κB signalling pathway is tightly regulated, commencing with activation at the cell membrane, signal transduction through various components within the cytoplasm, translocation of NF-κB into the nucleus and, finally, the transcription of various genes relating to the innate and adaptive immune responses. There have been a number of computational (mathematical) models developed of the signalling pathway over the past decade. This review describes how these approaches have helped advance our understanding of NF-κB control

    Regulation of Inflammatory and anti-apoptotic responses through the IL-1RI/TILRR complex

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    Members of the toll-like and IL-1 receptor family (TIR) are central regulators of immune and inflammatory responses. Signal activation is induced through ligand binding and controlled by system specific co-receptors. The IL-1RI coreceptor TILRR is a splice variant of FREM1. TILRR association with the signaling receptor magnifies IL-1 induced activation of the canonical and non-canonical NF-kB network by enhancing signal amplification at the level of the receptor complex and potentiates recruitment of the MyD88 adapter and PI3 kinase. TILRRcontrolled MyD88 dependent activation of the canonical pathway is regulated in a Ras-dependent manner, reflected in alterations in cytoskeletal structure and cell adhesion. The changes induced provide a process for rapid control of NF-kB, involving sequestration and release of cytoskeletal bound IkBα through a mechanism controlled by TILRR signal amplification. In silico simulations using agent based modeling of the NFkB network predict cytoskeletal control of inhibitor levels to provide a mechanism for signal calibration and to enable activation-sensitive regulation of NFkB induced inflammatory responses. Our studies have identified two functional sites within the TILRR core protein, which selectively control inflammatory and anti-apoptotic responses. The mechanisms underlying distinct network amplification and the relevance of pathway-specific regulation of canonical and non-canonical NFkB activation will be discussed

    Reducing complexity in an agent based reaction model-Benefits and limitations of simplifications in relation to run time and system level output.

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    Agent based modelling is a methodology for simulating a variety of systems across a broad spectrum of fields. However, due to the complexity of the systems it is often impossible or impractical to model them at a one to one scale. In this paper we use a simple reaction rate model implemented using the FLAME framework to test the impact of common methods for reducing model complexity such as reducing scale, increasing iteration duration and reducing message overheads. We demonstrate that such approaches can have significant impact on simulation runtime albeit with increasing risk of aberrant system behaviour and errors, as the complexity of the model is reduced

    Distinct binding interactions of α5β1-integrin and proteoglycans with fibronectin

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    Dynamic single molecule force spectroscopy was performed to monitor the unbinding of fibronectin with the proteoglycans syndecan-4 and decorin, and to compare this with the unbinding characteristics of α5β1-integrin. A single energy barrier was sufficient to describe the unbinding of both syndecan-4 and decorin from fibronectin, while two barriers were observed for the dissociation of α5β1-integrin from fibronectin. The outer (high affinity) barrier in the interactions of fibronectin with α5β1-integrin and syndecan-4 are characterized by larger barrier heights and widths, and slower dissociation rates than those of the inner (low affinity) barrier in the interactions of fibronectin with α5β1-integrin and decorin. These results indicate that syndecan-4 and (ultimately) α5β1-integrin have the ability to withstand deformation in their interactions with fibronectin, while the decorin-fibronectin interaction is considerably more brittle

    Bioinformatics Analysis of the FREM1 Gene—Evolutionary Development of the IL-1R1 Co-Receptor, TILRR

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    The TLRs and IL-1 receptors have evolved to coordinate the innate immune response following pathogen invasion. Receptors and signalling intermediates of these systems are generally characterised by a high level of evolutionary conservation. The recently described IL-1R1 co-receptor TILRR is a transcriptional variant of the FREM1 gene. Here we investigate whether innate co-receptor differences between teleosts and mammals extend to the expression of the TILRR isoform of FREM1. Bioinformatic and phylogenetic approaches were used to analyse the genome sequences of FREM1 from eukaryotic organisms including 37 tetrapods and five teleost fish. The TILRR consensus peptide sequence was present in the FREM1 gene of the tetrapods, but not in fish orthologs of FREM1, and neither FREM1 nor TILRR were present in invertebrates. The TILRR gene appears to have arisen via incorporation of adjacent non-coding DNA with a contiguous exonic sequence after the teleost divergence. Comparing co-receptors in other systems, points to their origin during the same stages of evolution. Our results show that modern teleost fish do not possess the IL-1RI co-receptor TILRR, but that this is maintained in tetrapods as early as amphibians. Further, they are consistent with data showing that co-receptors are recent additions to these regulatory systems and suggest this may underlie differences in innate immune responses between mammals and fish

    The IL-1RI co-receptor TILRR (FREM1 isoform 2) controls aberrant inflammatory responses and development of vascular disease

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    Summary Expression of the interleukin-1 receptor type I (IL-1RI) co-receptor Toll-like and interleukin-1 receptor regulator (TILRR) is significantly increased in blood monocytes following myocardial infarction and in the atherosclerotic plaque, whereas levels in healthy tissue are low. TILRR association with IL-1RI at these sites causes aberrant activation of inflammatory genes, which underlie progression of cardiovascular disease. The authors show that genetic deletion of TILRR or antibody blocking of TILRR function reduces development of atherosclerotic plaques. Lesions exhibit decreased levels of monocytes, with increases in collagen and smooth muscle cells, characteristic features of stable plaques. The results suggest that TILRR may constitute a rational target for site- and signal-specific inhibition of vascular disease

    Towards a platform model of the IL-1 stimulated NF-kB signalling pathway using communicating stream X-machines

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    The Nuclear Factor-kappa B (NF-κB) signalling pathway is one of the key signalling pathways involved in the control and regulation of the immune system [3]. Activation of the NF-κB transcription factor is a tightly regulated event, with NF-κB normally sequestered in the cytosol of non-stimulated cells. Following activation of a cell membrane receptor and propagation of the signal via intracellular signalling to the IκB Kinase (IKK), phosphorylation-induced degradation of IκB inhibitors occurs to facilitate the release of NF-κB and its translocation to the nucleus. Dysregulation of the pathway is known to be involved in a large number of inflammatory diseases. Although considerable research has been performed since its discovery in 1986, we are still not in a position to control the signalling pathway, and thus limit the effects of NF-κB within promotion of inflammatory diseases. Through adherence to the CoSMoS framework, we are developing a computational model of the IL-1 stimulated NF-κB intracellular signalling pathway, to assist in promoting our understanding of the mechanistic behaviours within the signalling network, and therefore identify potential targets for therapeutic interventions. We have previously developed a separate domain model [4, 5] as advocated by the CoSMoS framework, which captures the essential processes and entities of the system under study using; in particular, the emergent behaviour, at an appropriate level of abstraction using a mixture of cartoon and UML diagrams, along with statistical techniques to define the temporal-spatial dynamics

    Computational modelling of NF-κB activation by IL-1RI and its co-receptor TILRR, predicts a role for Cytoskeletal Sequestration of IκBα in inflammatory signalling.

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    The transcription factor NF-κB (nuclear factor kappa B) is activated by Toll-like receptors and controlled by mechanotransduction and changes in the cytoskeleton. In this study we combine 3-D predictive protein modelling and in vitro experiments with in silico simulations to determine the role of the cytoskeleton in regulation of NF-κB. Simulations used a comprehensive agent-based model of the NF-κB pathway, which includes the type 1 IL-1 receptor (IL-1R1) complex and signalling intermediates, as well as cytoskeletal components. Agent based modelling relies on in silico reproductions of systems through the interactions of its components, and provides a reliable tool in investigations of biological processes, which require spatial considerations and involve complex formation and translocation of regulatory components. We show that our model faithfully reproduces the multiple steps comprising the NF-κB pathway, and provides a framework from which we can explore novel aspects of the system. The analysis, using 3-D predictive protein modelling and in vitro assays, demonstrated that the NF-κB inhibitor, IκBα is sequestered to the actin/spectrin complex within the cytoskeleton of the resting cell, and released during IL-1 stimulation, through a process controlled by the IL-1RI co-receptor TILRR (Toll-like and IL-1 receptor regulator). In silico simulations using the agent-based model predict that the cytoskeletal pool of IκBα is released to adjust signal amplification in relation to input levels. The results suggest that the process provides a mechanism for signal calibration and enables efficient, activation-sensitive regulation of NF-κB and inflammatory responses
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