2 research outputs found

    Sustainability tradeoffs within photoautotrophic cultivation systems: integrating physical and lifecycle modeling for design and optimization

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    2018 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Photoautotroph-based biofuels are considered one of the most promising renewable resources to meet the global energy requirements for transportation systems. Long-term research and development has resulted in demonstrations of microalgae areal oil productivities that are higher than crop-based biofuels, about 10 times that of palm oil and about 130 times that of soybean. Cyanobacteria is reported to have ~4 times the areal productivity of microalgae on an equivalent energy basis. Downstream of this cultivation process, the cyanobacteria biomass and bioproducts can be supplied to biorefineries producing feed, biomaterials, biosynthetic chemicals, and biofuels. As such, cyanobacteria, and microalgae-based systems can be a significant contributor to more sustainable energy and production systems. This research presents novel means to be able to analyze, integrate, assess, and design sustainable photoautotrophic biofuel and bioproduct systems, as defined using lifecycle assessment methods (LCA). As part of a broad collaboration between industry, academia, and the national laboratories, I have developed models and experiments to quantify tradeoffs among the scalability, sustainability, and technical feasibility of cyanobacteria biorefineries and microalgae cultivation systems. A central hypothesis to this research is that the lifecycle energy costs and benefits, the cultivation productivity, and the scalability of any given organism or technology is governed by the fluid mechanics of the photobioreactor systems. The fluid characteristics of both open raceway ponds and flat photobioreactors, are characterized through industrial-scale experiment and modeling. Turbulent mixing is studied by applying Acoustic Doppler Velocimetry (ADV), Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) characterization tools. The implications of these fluid conditions on photoautotrophic organisms are studied through cultivation and modeling of the cyanobacteria, Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. Growth-stage models of this cyanobacteria include functions dependent on incident radiation, temperature, nutrient availability, dark and photo-respiration. By developing an integrated approach to laboratory experimentation and industrial-scale growth experiments, we have validated models to quantify the scalability and sustainability of these novel biosystems. These capabilities are utilized to perform long-term and industrially-relevant assessments of the costs and benefits of these promising technologies, and will serve to inform the biological engineering research and development of new organisms

    Anaerobic digestion comparison of manure leachate by high-rate anaerobic reactors

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    2013 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.A multi-stage anaerobic digester (MSAD) has been developed to obtain high organic leachate from high solids organic waste, thus high-rate anaerobic reactors can be fed by manure leachate, which can be obtained from a leachate bed reactor. Such configuration not only makes feasible the application of high-rate reactors to treat high solids content manure, but also the hydrolysis and the methanogenesis stages can be separated and controlled, individually. However, limited research is available on achieving ideal hydrodynamic conditions, inoculation, and performance of high-rate anaerobic reactors when manure leachate is used as the carbon source. Thus, this research is aimed not only to compare the performance of three different reactor configurations; the Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB), fixed film, and a hybrid for processing manure leachate as a carbon source, but also to establish design criteria for such reactors including organic loading rates (OLRs) and hydraulic loading rates (HLRs). In the first part of this research, the influence of the hydraulic loading rates (HLR) in high-rate anaerobic reactors was investigated. The upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor depicted a Morrill dispersion index (MDI) of 1.7, which is measured to evaluate the plug flow conditions of a reactor by approaching a value of 2 or less, at a HLR of 0.296 m3/m2-h. On the other hand, a MDI of 4 was observed when the HLR was increased to 0.829 m3/m2-h. The variation of the HLR had not notable impact MDI of the fixed-film and hybrid reactors; however, short circuits were observed at low HLR. Thus, the most suitable HLRs of such reactors were 10.632 m3/m2-h for the fixed-film reactor and 12.450 m3/m2-h for the hybrid reactor. To evaluate the performance of the UASB, fixed-film, and hybrid reactors to treat manure leachate, this research resulted in development of a method to inoculate such reactors in a single inoculation reactor. The accomplishment of the inoculation was measured by the redox potential, with values below -300 mV after seven days and remained steady until the day 33 with methane percentages in biogas ranging from 45% to 83%. Additionally, plastic media from the inoculation reactor was tested by the biochemical methane potential (BMP) assay, where inoculated organisms were confirmed to produce methane when supplied with glucose as a substrate. In spite that a hybrid anaerobic reactor inoculated with biomass obtained from an UASB reactor, plastic media, and manure leachate was successfully operated at an OLR of 4 kg/m3-d, when transferring the inoculated sludge and media to high-rate reactors, anaerobic digestion was not accomplished. The experiment setup did not support maintenance of anaerobic conditions. In addition, manifolds and open-channel flows were recommended in this research to enhance the reactors configurations. Moreover, results from hydrodynamic studies were applied to provide recomndations for future design parameter, which are included in this thesis