696 research outputs found

    Individual Insurance: Health Insurers Try to Tap Potential Market Growth

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    Examines the challenges the current individual health insurance market poses for insurers and consumers, the market's growth potential, market and regulatory conditions across states, and trends in marketing strategies. Considers policy implications

    Phenotypic Plasticity of Reproduction in Schizachyrium scoparium (Poaceae) Populations in Relation to Ecological History

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    Genetic differentiation in reproduction in the wide-ranging Schizachyrium scoparium (Poaceae) has been demonstrated in uniform gardens. However, the fine-tuning of flowering phenology and biomass allocation in relation to spatial and temporal fluctuations in the local environment is best accomplished by plastic responses to local variability. An earlier central New Jersey study suggested that S. scoparium populations in old fields of 2 to 40 years differed in plasticity. To test this apparent effect of ecological history on the development of different levels of plasticity, genotypes were collected from high- and low-fertility sites in New Jersey (forest biome) and in Oklahoma (grassland biome). Three greenhouse experiments manipulating light and nutrients were used to partition variation into genetic and environmental components. High light or high nutrients resulted in plasticity for increased biomass, greater reproductive allocation, and more tillers. Earlier flowering was induced by high light, but nutrient treatments had no effect. Populations were more likely to differ in plasticity across regions than within regions, and Oklahoma populations were consistently more plastic than New Jersey populations. In response to nutrients, populations from high-nutrient sites were often more plastic than those from low-nutrient sites. There were fewer differences in plasticity in response to light between high- and low-nutrient populations. The greater plasticity in Oklahoma populations is suggested to be the result of historically greater environmental unpredictability and K-selection factors such as density-dependent selection and greater competition for resources. A native grass population is more than just a Latin binomial. Evolutionary forces create an ecological unit unique and irreplaceable at the local level

    The Economic Recession: Early Impacts on Health Care Safety Net Providers

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    Examines how the recession and state and local budget cuts affected safety-net clinics' capacity to meet demand in five communities, the extent to which federal stimulus funds mitigated the impact, strategies for sustainability, and implications

    Effects of selenium accumulation on reproductive functions in Brassica juncea and Stanleya pinnata

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    Selenium (Se) is an essential micronutrient for many organisms, but is also a toxin and environmental pollutant at elevated levels. Due to its chemical similarity to sulphur, most plants readily take up and assimilate Se. Se accumulators such as Brassica juncea can accumulate Se between 0.01% and 0.1% of dry weight (DW), and Se hyperaccumulators such as Stanleya pinnata (Brassicaeae) contain between 0.1% and 1.5% DW of Se. While Se accumulation offers the plant a variety of ecological benefits, particularly protection from herbivory, its potential costs are still unexplored. This study examines the effects of plant Se levels on reproductive functions. In B. juncea, Se concentrations >0.05–0.1% caused decreases in biomass, pollen germination, individual seed and total seed weight, number of seeds produced, and seed germination. In S. pinnata there was no negative effect of increased Se concentration on pollen germination. In cross-pollination of B. juncea plants with different Se levels, both the maternal and paternal Se level affected reproduction, but the maternal Se concentration had the most pronounced effect. Interestingly, high-Se maternal plants were most efficiently pollinated by Se-treated paternal plants. These data provide novel insights into the potential reproductive costs of Se accumulation, interactive effects of Se in pollen grains and in the pistil, and the apparent evolution of physiological tolerance mechanisms in hyperaccumulators to avoid reproductive repercussions

    Selenium hyperaccumulation offers protection from cell disruptor herbivores

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hyperaccumulation, the rare capacity of certain plant species to accumulate toxic trace elements to levels several orders of magnitude higher than other species growing on the same site, is thought to be an elemental defense mechanism against herbivores and pathogens. Previous research has shown that selenium (Se) hyperaccumulation protects plants from a variety of herbivores and pathogens. Selenium hyperaccumulating plants sequester Se in discrete locations in the leaf periphery, making them potentially more susceptible to some herbivore feeding modes than others. In this study we investigate the protective function of Se in the Se hyperaccumulators <it>Stanleya pinnata </it>and <it>Astragalus bisulcatus </it>against two cell disrupting herbivores, the western flower thrips (<it>Frankliniella occidentalis</it>) and the two-spotted spider mite (<it>Tetranychus urticae</it>).</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>Astragalus bisulcatus </it>and <it>S. pinnata </it>with high Se concentrations (greater than 650 mg Se kg<sup>-1</sup>) were less subject to thrips herbivory than plants with low Se levels (less than 150 mg Se kg<sup>-1</sup>). Furthermore, in plants containing elevated Se levels, leaves with higher concentrations of Se suffered less herbivory than leaves with less Se. Spider mites also preferred to feed on low-Se <it>A. bisulcatus </it>and <it>S. pinnata </it>plants rather than high-Se plants. Spider mite populations on <it>A. bisulcatus </it>decreased after plants were given a higher concentration of Se. Interestingly, spider mites could colonize <it>A. bisulcatus </it>plants containing up to 200 mg Se kg<sup>-1 </sup>dry weight, concentrations which are toxic to many other herbivores. Selenium distribution and speciation studies using micro-focused X-ray fluorescence (μXRF) mapping and Se K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy revealed that the spider mites accumulated primarily methylselenocysteine, the relatively non-toxic form of Se that is also the predominant form of Se in hyperaccumulators.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This is the first reported study investigating the protective effect of hyperaccumulated Se against cell-disrupting herbivores. The finding that Se protected the two hyperaccumulator species from both cell disruptors lends further support to the elemental defense hypothesis and increases the number of herbivores and feeding modes against which Se has shown a protective effect. Because western flower thrips and two-spotted spider mites are widespread and economically important herbivores, the results from this study also have potential applications in agriculture or horticulture, and implications for the management of Se-rich crops.</p

    Farmers Markets and the Local Food System: The Case of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

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    In order to examine and obtain a better understanding of the local food system within Adams County, Pennsylvania, this study explores the characteristics and perspectives of the customers and vendors at the farmers markets in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Survey findings from the Gettysburg Farmers Market and the three Adams County Farmers Markets include customer demographic information, perspectives and shopping behavior as well as vendor product information, farm size and location and preference for market management. Introductory background information on the Farm Bill and the influence of agricultural practices on the environment, human health and nutrition and the relationship between farmers markets and the local economy are offered in order to emphasize the value of a well-managed local food system. Conclusions provide evidence that lower income and lower education levels are not sufficiently represented at all the markets and food stamp programs are being underutilized. This study suggests employing additional marketing to target underrepresented demographic groups, public transportation to potentially inaccessible market locations and increased advertisement and encouragement of food stamp programs at all markets in order to expand the customer base and increase access to healthy, local foods for less advantaged citizens. The results from this study are intended to offer evidence that will promote and facilitate market management, strengthen customer/vendor relationships and encourage better ties between the local community and local food systems at the farmers markets within Gettysburg in Adams County, Pennsylvania