6 research outputs found

    La sentiment analysis come strumento di studio del parlato emozionale?

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    Vari studi in letteratura hanno dimostrato che il parlato emozionale è caratterizzato da vari indici acustici. Tuttavia, tali studi hanno quasi sempre utilizzato parlato recitato, ignorando il parlato elicitato in maniera ecologica a causa della difficoltà nel reperire adeguate produzioni emozionali. In questo contributo, esploriamo la possibilità di utilizzare la sentiment analysis per selezionare produzioni emozionali da corpora orali. Abbiamo utilizzato il corpus LibriSpeech, da cui abbiamo estratto valori di sentiment analysis a livello di frase e di parola, nonché vari indici acustici e spettrali associati al parlato emozionale. L’analisi della relazione tra i livelli acustico e testuale ha rivelato effetti significativi ma di portata ridotta. Questo ci fa pensare che tali due livelli (acustico e lessicale) tendano a essere relativamente indipendenti, rendendo inappropriato l’utilizzo di metriche testuali per la selezione di materiale acusticamente emozionale.Abundant literature has shown that emotional speech is characterized by various acoustic cues. However, most studies focused on sentences produced by actors, disregarding ecologically elicited speech due to difficulties in finding suitable emotional data. In this contribution we explore the possibility of using sentiment analysis for the selection of emotional chunks from speech corpora. We used the LibriSpeech corpus and extracted sentiment analysis scores at word and sentence levels, as well as several acoustic and spectral parameters of emotional voice. The analysis of the relation between textual and acoustic indices revealed significant but small effects. This suggests that these two levels tend to be fairly independent, making it improper to use sentiment analysis for the selection of acoustically emotional speech

    Proceedings of the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2018

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    On behalf of the Program Committee, a very warm welcome to the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-­‐it 2018). This edition of the conference is held in Torino. The conference is locally organised by the University of Torino and hosted into its prestigious main lecture hall “Cavallerizza Reale”. The CLiC-­‐it conference series is an initiative of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC) which, after five years of activity, has clearly established itself as the premier national forum for research and development in the fields of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing, where leading researchers and practitioners from academia and industry meet to share their research results, experiences, and challenges

    Inferring Population Structure from Early Life Stage: The Case of the European Anchovy in the Sicilian and Maltese Shelves

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    The European anchovy is an important fishing resource in the Sicilian Channel that supports a high recruitment success variability. The presence of two spawning areas, the drifting of the larvae along the currents and the different oceanographic conditions within the region suggest the presence of different larvae subpopulations. Morphometric and biochemical approaches have been used to analyze the differences among larvae collected. The amino acid composition discriminates two larval groups closely related to the spawning regions: Adventure Bank and the shelf between the South of Sicily and Malta. In addition, there are morphometric and growth differences between recently hatched larvae in these two regions, reinforcing the hypothesis of two larval subpopulations and suggesting differences in the parental reproduction effort. Between the South of Sicily and Malta there are growth and biochemical composition differences since larvae from the Maltese coast present a higher protein content and a bigger growth rate than those from Sicily, pointing out that Malta is an area with a better nutritional condition environment. No differences in the growth rate have been observed between the Adventure Bank area and the Maltese shelf, therefore, a diverse nutritional condition cannot be suggested between these two areas despite the Maltese larvae having a higher protein content present

    Voice Quality in English

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    Le présent numéro traite d'un sujet qui se trouve au centre de la recherche contemporaine : la qualité de voix en relation à la langue anglaise, dans une perspective aussi bien liée à la production qu'à la perception. Sont abordés : les implications sociales de la qualité de voix, certains types de qualité de voix (en particulier la creaky voice), la problématique du diagnostic et de la remédiation, les relations avec la sphère émotionnelle des locuteurs, leur genre. Ces phénomènes sont étudiés chez différents locuteurs natifs ou non natifs : locuteurs de l'anglais nord-américain, de l'anglais écossais, apprenants francophones ou locuteurs de L2 d'autres origines. Deux articles concluent ce volume et portent sur l'accent et la graphophonologie, ainsi que sur la misogynie linguistique