76 research outputs found

    Management of a complex dentoalveolar trauma: a case report

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    This paper describes the case of a 12-year-old male patient who presented a severe lateral luxation of the maxillary central incisors due to a bicycle fall. Treatment involved suture of the soft tissues lacerations, and repositioning and splinting of the injured teeth, followed by endodontic treatment and periodontal surgery. After a 2-year follow-up, clinical and radiographic evaluation revealed that the incisors presented satisfactory esthetic and functional demands.Este artigo apresenta o caso de um paciente de 12 anos de idade que apresentou uma luxação lateral severa dos incisivos centrais superiores decorrente de uma queda de bicicleta. O tratamento envolveu a sutura dos tecidos moles dilacerados e reposicionamento e fixação dos dentes traumatizados, seguidos por tratamento endodôntico e cirurgia periodontal. Após um acompanhamento de 2 anos, a avaliação clinica e radiográfica revelou que os incisivos apresentavam exigências estéticas e funcionais satisfatórias

    Vertical alveolar crest bone maintenance around implants in two-stage surgery: an in situ study in dogs

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate in situ changes in the alveolar crest bone height around immediate implant-supported crowns in comparison to tooth-supported crowns (control) with the cervical margins located at the bone crest level, without occlusal load. In Group I, after extraction of 12 mandibular premolars from 4 adult dogs, implants from Branemark System (MK III TiU RP 4.0 x 11.5 mm) were placed to retain complete acrylic crowns. In Group II, premolars were prepared to receive complete metal crowns. Sixteen weeks after placement of the crowns (38 weeks after tooth extraction), the height of the alveolar bone crest was measured with a digital caliper. Data were analyzed statistically by the Mann-Whitney test at 5% significance level. The in situ analysis showed no statistically significant difference (p=0.880) between the implant-supported and the tooth-supported groups (1.528 + 0.459 mm and 1.570 + 0.263 mm, respectively). Based on the findings of the present study, it may be concluded that initial peri-implant bone loss may result from the remodeling process necessary to establish the biological space, similar to which occurs with tooth-supported crowns.O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar in situ modificações ocorridas na crista óssea alveolar induzidas por implantes imediatos e às induzidas por dentes naturais, ambos preparados para suportarem dispositivos protéticos situados sobre a margem óssea cervical, sem carga oclusal. No grupo I, após a extração de 12 pré-molares inferiores de 4 cães adultos, foram instalados implantes do Sistema Branemark (MK III TiU RP 4,0 x 11,5 mm) e coroas totais acrílicas. No grupo II, os pré-molares, foram submetidos a preparos convencionais, sendo cimentadas coroas totais metálicas. Após 16 semanas da instalação das coroas (38 semanas após a extração), a reabsorção da crista óssea alveolar foi avaliada in situ, por meio da mensuração das peças, com paquímetro digital. Para obtenção das medidas do grupo I, os pontos de referência foram a plataforma de assentamento do implante e a crista óssea alveolar. No grupo II, a posição do limite cervical da prótese e o início da crista óssea. Os valores obtidos foram comparados pelo teste de Mann-Whitmey com nível de significância de 5%. A média de reabsorção da crista óssea foi de 1,528 + 0,459 mm para o grupo I e de 1,570 + 0,263 mm para o grupo II, não havendo diferença estatisticamente significante (p=0,880) entre os grupos. Os resultados do presente estudo permitiram concluir que a reabsorção perimplantar inicial que ocorre na crista óssea resulta de um padrão de remodelação necessário para o estabelecimento do espaço biológico na área, assim como ocorre nos dentes naturais preparados para receberem próteses convencionais

    Oral findings and dental care in a patient with myelomeningocele: case report of a 3-year-old child

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    Myelomeningocele (MMC) is a congenital malformation of the neural tube that occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy. This malformation refers to the caudal non-closure of the neural tube and neural tissue exposure, which lead to neurological problems, such as hydrocephalus, motor disability, genitourinary tract and skeletal abnormalities and mental retardation. Patients with MMC have an acknowledged predisposition to latex allergy and are usually at a high caries risk and activity due to poor oral hygiene, fermentable carbon hydrate-rich diet and prolonged use of sugar-containing medications. This paper addresses the common oral findings in pediatric patients with MMC, discusses the strategies and precautions to deal with these individuals and reports the dental care to a young child diagnosed with this condition.Mielomeningocele (MMC) representa uma malformação congênita do tubo neural que acontece nas primeiras semanas de gestação. Esta malformação refere-se ao não fechamento da coluna vertebral expondo a medula espinhal, que levará a problemas neurológicos, como hidrocefalia, dificuldades motoras, anomalias esqueléticas e do trato genito-urinário, além de retardo mental. Pacientes com MMC apresentam uma reconhecida predisposição à alergia ao latex e geralmente apresentam um alto risco e atividade de cárie dental decorrente de uma higiene oral deficiente, de uma dieta rica em carboidratos e do uso prolongado de medicamentos contendo açúcares. Este trabalho discorre sobre os achados bucais em crianças com MMC, discute as estratégias e precauções no manejo destes pacientes e descreve o tratamento odontológico de uma criança diagnosticada com esta condição

    Use of Images and Clinical Experience to Calibrate Dental Surgeons for the Diagnosis of Molar Incisor Hypomineralization

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    Objective: To evaluate an imaging protocol for use as a diagnostic and calibration tool for dentists before and after practical activity. Material and Methods: Thirty photos of children\u27s teeth with or without changes in dental enamel were selected and evaluated by a group of experienced dentists previously calibrated to establish the diagnosis defined as the gold standard. After instructions, the images were shown to a group of postgraduate dentists for free identification of dental changes. Subsequently, a lecture on molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) was carried out, and, at 14 days and all calibration was performed using the criteria previously. The retest was performed at 28 days. After experience in clinical activity in the following two weeks, the post-test was performed at 49 days.  Data were analyzed using Cohen\u27s kappa coefficient. Results: Theoretical learning on the subject showed low inter-examiner agreement when the diagnosis of defects was made from images obtained from intraoral photographs. After clinical practice, there was greater intra-examiner agreement.  After theoretical training, dentists started to identify different types of enamel alteration, although with low agreement between them. Conclusion: Clinical experience in theoretical and imaging training favored the identification of defects. However, it is necessary to improve the protocol to establish a reliable and viable diagnostic method for calibration in MIH

    Subcutaneous connective tissue response to primary root canal filling materials

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    This study evaluated the response of the subcutaneous connective tissue of BALB/c mice to root filling materials indicated for primary teeth: zinc oxide/eugenol cement (ZOE), Calen paste thickened with zinc oxide (Calen/ZO) and Sealapex sealer. The mice (n=102) received polyethylene tube implants with the materials, thereby forming 11 groups, as follows: I, II, III: Calen/ZO for 7, 21 and 63 days, respectively; IV, V, VI: Sealapex for 7, 21 and 63 days, respectively; VII, VIII, IX: ZOE for 7, 21 and 63 days, respectively; X and XI: empty tube for 7 and 21 days, respectively. The biopsied tissues were submitted to histological analysis (descriptive analysis and semi-quantitative analysis using a scoring system for collagen fiber formation, tissue thickness and inflammatory infiltrate). A quantitative analysis was performed by measuring the area and thickness of the granulomatous reactionary tissue (GRT). Data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis, ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc tests (?=0.05). There was no significant difference (p&gt;0.05) among the materials with respect to collagen fiber formation or GRT thickness. However, Calen/ZO produced the least severe inflammatory infiltrate (p<0.05). The area of the GRT was significantly smaller (p<0.05) for Calen/ZO and Sealapex. In conclusion, Calen/ZO presented the best tissue reaction, followed by Sealapex and ZOE.Neste estudo avaliou-se a resposta do tecido conjuntivo subcutâneo de camundongos BALB/c a materiais obturadores de canal radicular de dentes decíduos: óxido de zinco/eugenol (OZE), pasta Calen® espessada com óxido de zinco (Calen/OZ) e cimento Sealapex®. Os camundongos (n=102) receberam implantes de tubos de polietileno??? e foram divididos em grupos: I, II, III - Calen/OZ (7, 21 e 63 dias, respectivamente); IV, V, VI - Sealapex (7, 21 e 63 dias, respectivamente); VII, VIII, IX - OZE (7, 21 e 63 dias, respectivamente); X, XI - tubo vazio (7 e 21 dias, respectivamente). Os tecidos foram submetidos ao processamento e análise histopatológica descritiva e por meio de escores do fibrosamento, espessura tecidual e infiltrado inflamatório. Para a análise quantitativa mensurou-se a área e a espessura do tecido granulomatoso reacional (TGR). Os resultados foram analisados pelos testes de Kruskal-Wallis, ANOVA e pós-teste de Tukey (?=0,05). Não houve diferença significante (p&gt;0,05) entre os materiais, com relação ao fibrosamento e à espessura do TGR. Contudo, Calen/OZ apresentou infiltrado inflamatório de menor intensidade (p<0,05). A área do TGR foi menor (p<0,05) para Calen/OZ e Sealapex. Pôde-se concluir que Calen/OZ foi o material que apresentou a melhor compatibilidade tecidual, seguido pelos cimentos Sealapex e OZE

    Antibacterial activity of root canal filling materials for primary teeth: zinc oxide and eugenol cement, Calen paste thickened with zinc oxide, Sealapex and EndoREZ

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    This study evaluated in vitro the antibacterial activity of 4 root canal filling materials for primary teeth - zinc oxide and eugenol cement (ZOE), Calen paste thickened with zinc oxide (Calen/ZO), Sealapex sealer and EndoREZ sealer - against 5 bacterial strains commonly found in endodontic infections (Kocuria rhizophila, Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus mutans, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus) using the agar diffusion test (agar-well technique). Calen paste, 1% chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) and distilled water served as controls. Seven wells per dish were made at equidistant points and immediately filled with the test and control materials. After incubation of the plates at 37oC for 24 h, the diameter of the zones of bacterial growth inhibition produced around the wells was measured (in mm) with a digital caliper under reflected light. Data were analyzed statistically by analysis of variance and Tukey's post-hoc test (?=0.05). There were statistically significant differences (p<0.0001) among the zones of bacterial growth inhibition produced by the different materials against all target microorganisms. K. rhizophila was inhibited more effectively (p<0.05) by ZOE, while Calen/ZO had its highest antibacterial activity against E. faecalis (p<0.05). S. mutans was inhibited by Calen/ZO, Sealapex and ZOE in the same intensity (p>0.05). E. coli was inhibited more effectively (p<0.05) by ZOE, followed by Calen/ZO and Sealapex. Calen/ZO and ZOE were equally effective (p>0.05) against S. aureus, while Sealapex had the lowest antibacterial efficacy (p<0.05) against this microorganism. EndoREZ presented antibacterial activity only against K. rhizophila and S. aureus. The Calen paste and Calen/ZO produced larger zones of inhibition than 1% CHX when the marker microorganism was E faecalis. In conclusion, the in vitro antibacterial activity of the 4 root canal filling materials for primary teeth against bacterial strains commonly found in endodontic infections can be presented in a decreasing order of efficacy as follows: ZOE>Calen/ZO>Sealapex>EndoREZ.Este estudo avaliou in vitro a atividade antibacteriana de 4 materiais obturadores de canais radiculares de dentes decíduos - cimento de óxido de zinco e eugenol (OZE), pasta Calen espessada com óxido de zinco (Calen/OZ), cimento Sealapex e cimento EndoREZ - sobre 5 cepas bacterianas comumente encontradas em infecções endodônticas: Kocuria rhizophila, Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus mutans, Escherichia coli e Staphylococcus aureus, usando o teste de difusão em ágar (técnica do poço). A pasta Calen, digluconato de clorexidina a 1% (CHX) e água destilada foram usados como controle. Sete poços por placa foram preparados em pontos eqüidistantes e imediatamente preenchidos com os materiais experimentais e controle. Após incubação das placas a 37oC por 24 h, o diâmetro dos halos de inibição do crescimento bacteriano formados ao redor dos poços foi medido (em mm) com um paquímetro digital sob luz refletida. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e ao pós-teste de Tukey (?=0,05). Com relação à atividade antibacteriana, evidenciaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significantes (p<0,0001) entre os halos de inibição formados pelos diferentes materiais, para todos os microrganismos avaliados. A K. rhizophila foi inibida mais eficazmente pelo OZE (p<0,05), enquanto que o E. faecalis foi inibido mais eficazmente pela Calen/OZ (p<0,05). O S. mutans foi inibido pela Calen/OZ, cimento Sealapex e OZE na mesma intensidade (p>0,05). A E. coli foi inibida mais eficazmente pelo OZE, seguido pela Calen/OZ e pelo cimento Sealapex (p<0,05). O S. aureus foi inibido pela Calen/OZ e OZE na mesma intensidade (p>0,05), e menos intensamente pelo cimento Sealapex (p<0,05). O cimento EndoREZ apresentou atividade antibacteriana apenas frente a K. rhizophila e ao S. aureus. A pasta Calen e a Calen/OZ ocasionaram halos de inibição maiores que a CHX quando o microrganismo indicador foi o E. faecalis. Pode-se concluir que a atividade antibacteriana, in vitro, dos 4 materiais obturadores de canais radiculares de dentes decíduos sobre cepas bacterianas comumente encontradas em infecções endodônticas pode ser apresentada numa ordem decrescente de eficácia da seguinte maneira: OZE>Calen/OZ>Sealapex>EndoREZ

    Use of Restorative Materials in Primary Teeth – A Retrospective University-Based Study

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    Objective: To investigate the types of restorative materials used for restorative treatment in primary teeth through a retrospective university-based study. Material and Methods: The sample consisted of all clinical records of children attended at the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic at the School of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto at the University of São Paulo in Brazil. Inclusion criteria were primary anterior and posterior teeth that received dental restorations for treatment of dental caries lesions, dental trauma or dental development defects from 2013 to 2018. Restoration repairs and interim restorations during this period were also recorded. Descriptive analyzes were performed to assess the distribution according to the type of restorative material used over the years. Results: A total of 5,236 restorative procedures were performed in primary teeth, including restoration repair and interim restorations. Of those, 69% were done in posterior teeth and 31% in anterior teeth. Sixty percent of the procedures performed during this period were made of composite resin and a lower percentage of glass ionomer cement (18%) followed by silver amalgam (1%). The number of interim restorations was smaller but proportional to those of composite resin over the years. Conclusion: A tendency to carry out restorative treatment of primary teeth with composite resin during the 6 years of follow-up was observed

    Visual Inspection and Toothbrush Care: A Mother-Baby Paired Cross-Sectional Study

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    Objective:&nbsp;To&nbsp;evaluate the physical conditions and presence of residues of toothbrushes used by mothers and their babies and mothers' knowledge about toothbrush care.&nbsp;Material and Methods:&nbsp;This was a cross-sectional study comprising a convenience sample represented by 60 mother-baby pairs. The mothers answered a questionnaire to evaluate their knowledge of toothbrush care. A calibrated dentist performed a visual inspection of the toothbrushes. Statistical analysis was performed using the chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests, with a significance level of 5%.&nbsp;Results:&nbsp;It was found that 82% of the mothers had never received instructions regarding the care of toothbrushes after use (p=0.024). Most of them believed that their toothbrushes (70%) and their children’s toothbrushes (88%) were in good condition to use (p=0.043). However, most mother’s toothbrushes presented an unacceptable deformity of the bristles (65%) and the presence of residues (60%). In addition, babies’ toothbrushes also presented unacceptable deformities of the bristles (52%) and residues (55%). There was an association between the lack of instructions received by the mother and the presence of deformity and residues on the mother’s toothbrush bristles (p=0.037 and p=0.003, respectively).&nbsp;Conclusion:&nbsp;Most mothers had never received instructions regarding toothbrush care, which is reflected in the condition of their and their baby’s toothbrushes, which presented unacceptable physical conditions concerning deformation and presence of residues

    Cytotoxicity and cytokine expression induced by silorane and methacrylate-based composite resins

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    The successful use of composite resins in Dentistry depends on physicochemical properties, but also on the biological compatibility of resins, because of the close association between pulp and dentin. Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate cytotoxicity and cytokine production induced by light-cured or non-light-cured methacrylate-based and silorane composite resins in RAW 264.7 macrophages. Material and Methods Cells were stimulated with the extracts from light-cured or non-light-cured composite resins. After incubation for 24 h, cytotoxicity was assessed with the lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium (MTT) assays, and total protein was quantified using the Lowry method. TNF-α detection was examined with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) conducted with cell supernatants after cell stimulation for 6, 12, and 24 h. Data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s post hoc test (α=0.05). Results KaloreTM and FiltekTM Silorane were cytotoxic with or without light curing (