1,019 research outputs found

    Fibroblast involvement in soft connective tissue calcification

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    Soft connective tissue calcification is not a passive process, but the consequence of metabolic changes of local mesenchymal cells that, depending on both genetic and environmental factors, alter the balance between pro- and anti-calcifying pathways. While the role of smooth muscle cells and pericytes in ectopic calcifications has been widely investigated, the involvement of fibroblasts is still elusive. Fibroblasts isolated from the dermis of pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) patients and of patients exhibiting PXE-like clinical and histopathological findings offer an attractive model to investigate the mechanisms leading to the precipitation of mineral deposits within elastic fibers and to explore the influence of the genetic background and of the extracellular environment on fibroblast-associated calcifications, thus improving the knowledge on the role of mesenchymal cells on pathologic mineralizatio

    Comparison of ex vivo and in vitro human fibroblast ageing models

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    Several studies have analyzed modulation of gene expression during physiological ageing with interesting, but often contradictory results, depending on the model used. In the present report we compare age-related metabolic and synthetic parameters in human dermal fibroblasts (HDF) isolated from young and old subjects (ex vivo ageing model) and cultured from early up to late cumulative population doublings (CPD) (in vitro ageing model) in order to distinguish changes induced in vivo by the aged environment and maintained in vitro, from those associated with cell senescence and progressive CPD. Results demonstrate that fibroblasts from aged donors, already at early CPD, exhibit an impaired redox balance, highlighting the importance of this parameter during ageing, even in the presence of standard environmental conditions, which are considered optimal for cell growth. By contrast, several proteins, as those related to heat shock response, or involved in endoplasmic reticulum and membrane trafficking, appeared differentially expressed only during in vitro ageing, suggesting that, at high CPD, the whole cell machinery becomes permanently altered. Finally, given the importance of the elastic component for a long-lasting connective tissue structural and functional compliance, this study focuses also on elastin and fibulin-5 synthesis and deposition, demonstrating a close relationship between fibulin-5 and ageing

    Rare Co-occurrence of Beta-Thalassemia and Pseudoxanthoma elasticum: Novel Biomolecular Findings

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    A number of beta-thalassemia patients, independently from the type of beta-thalassemia (β0 or β+) and blood transfusion requirements, may develop, after puberty, dermal, cardiovascular, and ocular complications associated with an ectopic mineralization phenotype similar to that observed in another rare genetic disorder, namely, Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE). To date, the causes of these alterations in beta-thalassemia patients are not known, but it has been suggested that they could be the consequence of oxidative stress-driven epigenetic regulatory mechanisms producing an ABCC6 down-regulation. Since, in the last years, several genes have been associated to the ectopic mineralization phenotype, this study, for the first time, applied, on beta-thalassemia patients with ectopic mineralization phenotype, a multigene testing strategy. Selection of genes to be analyzed was done on the basis of (i) their genetic involvement in calcification diseases or (ii) their role in calcium-phosphate equilibrium. Although, due to the rarity of these conditions, a limited number of patients was analyzed, the detection of pathogenic variants represents the proof of concept that PXE and beta-thalassemia traits co-occur on a genetic basis and that, in addition to causative mutations, functional polymorphisms may further influence connective tissue manifestations. The use of a multigene-based next-generation sequencing represents a useful time- and cost-effective approach, allowing to identify sequence variants that might improve prognostic assessment and better management of these patients, especially in the current era of precision medicine aiming to identify individual optimal care based on a unique personal profile

    Heparan sulfate affects elastin deposition in fibroblasts cultured from donors of different ages

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    Abstract Heparan sulfate (HS), due to its presence on the cell surface and in the extracellular milieu and its ability to modulate cell signaling, has a fundamental role in both physiological and pathological conditions. For decades we have demonstrated the occurrence of interactions between glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and elastic fibers. In particular, we have recently shown that HS is present inside elastic fibers and plays a role in the assembly and stability of elastin coacervates. Elastin represents, within the extracellular matrix, the component most severely affected during aging, and changes in the synthesis and posttranslational modifications of HS have been described, possibly influencing cellular behavior and protein interactions. Thus, the present study has investigated, in two different in vitro experimental models, the role of HS on elastin deposition and assembly. Results demonstrate that: (1) Biological effects of HS are partly dependent on the physicochemical characteristics of the GAGs; (2) HS does not affect attachment, viability, and growth of human dermal fibroblasts; (3) HS does not modify elastin gene expression nor elastin synthesis, but favors α-elastin aggregation and, independently from the age of donors, elastin assembly; (4) HS significantly increases the expression of fibulin 5, and these effects are especially evident in fibroblasts isolated from aging donors. These data provide a better understanding of the biological role of HS and offer new perspectives regarding the possibility of restoring and/or preserving the elastic component with agin

    From Clinical Diagnosis to the Discovery of Multigene Rare Sequence Variants in Pseudoxanthoma elasticum: A Case Report

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    Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) is a rare autosomal recessive disease clinically characterised by early cutaneous alterations, and by late clinically relevant ocular, and cardiovascular manifestations. ABCC6 genetic tests are used to confirm clinical PXE diagnosis, but this strategy may be rather challenging when only one ABCC6 pathogenic variant is found. A next-generation sequencing approach focusing on 362 genes related to the calcification process and/or to inherited retinal diseases was performed on a patient with clinical PXE diagnosis (skin papules and laxity, angioid streaks, and atrophy) who was carrier of only one ABCC6 rare sequence variant. Beside ABCC6, several rare sequence variants were detected which can contribute either to the occurrence of calcification (GGCX and SERPINF1 genes) and/or to ophthalmological manifestations (ABCA4, AGBL5, CLUAP1, and KCNV2 genes). This wide-spectrum analysis approach facilitates the identification of rare variants possibly involved in PXE, thus avoiding invasive skin biopsy as well as expensive and time-consuming diagnostic odyssey and allows to broaden and to deepen the knowledge on this complex rare disease and to improve patients' counselling, also with a future perspective of personalised medicine

    A case report of pseudoxanthoma elasticum with rare sequence variants in genes related to inherited retinal diseases

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    A case of a patient with an early and severe visual impairment is described. Due to the occurrence of skin papules a suspect of pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) was posed. PXE is a rare autosomal recessive disease clinically characterized by skin, cardiovascular and ocular manifestations, these last being those that most severely affect patients’ quality of life. A whole exome sequencing approach focusing on 340 genes related to the calcification process and/or to inherited retinal diseases (IRDs) was performed. Rare monoallelic sequence variants in ABCA4, ABCC6, IMPG1, POC1B and RAX2 were found. The presence of calcified elastic fibers was assessed by ultrastructural analysis on a skin biopsy. Diagnosis of PXE was based on clinical, biomolecular and morphological results, although the additional involvement of several IRD genes is important to explain the unexpectedly severe ophthalmological phenotype of the patient also in prognostic and therapeutic perspectives. Data indicate that genetic screening using a wide‐spectrum analysis approach is essential to assist ophthalmologists in improving patient counseling

    Relationship Between Mitochondrial Structure and Bioenergetics in Pseudoxanthoma elasticum Dermal Fibroblasts

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    Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) is a genetic disease considered as a paradigm of ectopic mineralization disorders, being characterized by multisystem clinical manifestations due to progressive calcification of skin, eyes, and the cardiovascular system, resembling an age-related phenotype. Although fibroblasts do not express the pathogenic ABCC6 gene, nevertheless these cells are still under investigation because they regulate connective tissue homeostasis, generating the “arena” where cells and extracellular matrix components can promote pathologic calcification and where activation of pro-osteogenic factors can be associated to pathways involving mitochondrial metabolism. The aim of the present study was to integrate structural and bioenergenetic features to deeply investigate mitochondria from control and from PXE fibroblasts cultured in standard conditions and to explore the role of mitochondria in the development of the PXE fibroblasts’ pathologic phenotype. Proteomic, biochemical, and morphological data provide new evidence that in basal culture conditions (1) the protein profile of PXE mitochondria reveals a number of differentially expressed proteins, suggesting changes in redox balance, oxidative phosphorylation, and calcium homeostasis in addition to modified structure and organization, (2) measure of oxygen consumption indicates that the PXE mitochondria have a low ability to cope with a sudden increased need for ATP via oxidative phosphorylation, (3) mitochondrial membranes are highly polarized in PXE fibroblasts, and this condition contributes to increased reactive oxygen species levels, (4) ultrastructural alterations in PXE mitochondria are associated with functional changes, and (5) PXE fibroblasts exhibit a more abundant, branched, and interconnected mitochondrial network compared to control cells, indicating that fusion prevail over fission events. In summary, the present study demonstrates that mitochondria are modified in PXE fibroblasts. Since mitochondria are key players in the development of the aging process, fibroblasts cultured from aged individuals or aged in vitro are more prone to calcify, and in PXE, calcified tissues remind features of premature aging syndromes; it can be hypothesized that mitochondria represent a common link contributing to the development of ectopic calcification in aging and in diseases. Therefore, ameliorating mitochondrial functions and cell metabolism could open new strategies to positively regulate a number of signaling pathways associated to pathologic calcification