205 research outputs found

    A Real-Time De-Noising Algorithm for E-Noses in a Wireless Sensor Network

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    A wireless e-nose network system is developed for the special purpose of monitoring odorant gases and accurately estimating odor strength in and around livestock farms. This system is to simultaneously acquire accurate odor strength values remotely at various locations, where each node is an e-nose that includes four metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS) gas sensors. A modified Kalman filtering technique is proposed for collecting raw data and de-noising based on the output noise characteristics of those gas sensors. The measurement noise variance is obtained in real time by data analysis using the proposed slip windows average method. The optimal system noise variance of the filter is obtained by using the experiments data. The Kalman filter theory on how to acquire MOS gas sensors data is discussed. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method can adjust the Kalman filter parameters and significantly reduce the noise from the gas sensors

    Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Summarization via Large Language Models

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    Given a document in a source language, cross-lingual summarization (CLS) aims to generate a summary in a different target language. Recently, the emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs), such as GPT-3.5, ChatGPT and GPT-4, has attracted wide attention from the computational linguistics community. However, it is not yet known the performance of LLMs on CLS. In this report, we empirically use various prompts to guide LLMs to perform zero-shot CLS from different paradigms (i.e., end-to-end and pipeline), and provide a preliminary evaluation on the generated summaries. We find that ChatGPT and GPT-4 originally prefer to produce lengthy summaries with detailed information. These two LLMs can further balance informativeness and conciseness with the help of an interactive prompt, significantly improving their CLS performance. Experimental results on three widely-used CLS datasets show that GPT-4 achieves state-of-the-art zero-shot CLS performance, and performs competitively compared with the fine-tuned mBART-50. Moreover, we also find some multi-lingual and bilingual LLMs (i.e., BLOOMZ, ChatGLM-6B, Vicuna-13B and ChatYuan) have limited zero-shot CLS ability. Due to the composite nature of CLS, which requires models to perform summarization and translation simultaneously, accomplishing this task in a zero-shot manner is even a challenge for LLMs. Therefore, we sincerely hope and recommend future LLM research could use CLS as a testbed.Comment: Technical Report, 11 page

    Snowman: A Million-scale Chinese Commonsense Knowledge Graph Distilled from Foundation Model

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    Constructing commonsense knowledge graphs (CKGs) has attracted wide research attention due to its significant importance in cognitive intelligence. Nevertheless, existing CKGs are typically oriented to English, limiting the research in non-English languages. Meanwhile, the emergence of foundation models like ChatGPT and GPT-4 has shown promising intelligence with the help of reinforcement learning from human feedback. Under the background, in this paper, we utilize foundation models to construct a Chinese CKG, named Snowman. Specifically, we distill different types of commonsense head items from ChatGPT, and continue to use it to collect tail items with respect to the head items and pre-defined relations. Based on the preliminary analysis, we find the negative commonsense knowledge distilled by ChatGPT achieves lower human acceptance compared to other knowledge. Therefore, we design a simple yet effective self-instruct filtering strategy to filter out invalid negative commonsense. Overall, the constructed Snowman covers more than ten million Chinese commonsense triples, making it the largest Chinese CKG. Moreover, human studies show the acceptance of Snowman achieves 90.6\%, indicating the high-quality triples distilled by the cutting-edge foundation model. We also conduct experiments on commonsense knowledge models to show the usability and effectiveness of our Snowman.Comment: tech repor

    Meta-optimized Joint Generative and Contrastive Learning for Sequential Recommendation

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    Sequential Recommendation (SR) has received increasing attention due to its ability to capture user dynamic preferences. Recently, Contrastive Learning (CL) provides an effective approach for sequential recommendation by learning invariance from different views of an input. However, most existing data or model augmentation methods may destroy semantic sequential interaction characteristics and often rely on the hand-crafted property of their contrastive view-generation strategies. In this paper, we propose a Meta-optimized Seq2Seq Generator and Contrastive Learning (Meta-SGCL) for sequential recommendation, which applies the meta-optimized two-step training strategy to adaptive generate contrastive views. Specifically, Meta-SGCL first introduces a simple yet effective augmentation method called Sequence-to-Sequence (Seq2Seq) generator, which treats the Variational AutoEncoders (VAE) as the view generator and can constitute contrastive views while preserving the original sequence's semantics. Next, the model employs a meta-optimized two-step training strategy, which aims to adaptively generate contrastive views without relying on manually designed view-generation techniques. Finally, we evaluate our proposed method Meta-SGCL using three public real-world datasets. Compared with the state-of-the-art methods, our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our model and the code is available

    Is ChatGPT a Good NLG Evaluator? A Preliminary Study

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    Recently, the emergence of ChatGPT has attracted wide attention from the computational linguistics community. Many prior studies have shown that ChatGPT achieves remarkable performance on various NLP tasks in terms of automatic evaluation metrics. However, the ability of ChatGPT to serve as an evaluation metric is still underexplored. Considering assessing the quality of natural language generation (NLG) models is an arduous task and NLG metrics notoriously show their poor correlation with human judgments, we wonder whether ChatGPT is a good NLG evaluation metric. In this report, we provide a preliminary meta-evaluation on ChatGPT to show its reliability as an NLG metric. In detail, we regard ChatGPT as a human evaluator and give task-specific (e.g., summarization) and aspect-specific (e.g., relevance) instruction to prompt ChatGPT to evaluate the generated results of NLG models. We conduct experiments on five NLG meta-evaluation datasets (including summarization, story generation and data-to-text tasks). Experimental results show that compared with previous automatic metrics, ChatGPT achieves state-of-the-art or competitive correlation with human judgments in most cases. In addition, we find that the effectiveness of the ChatGPT evaluator might be influenced by the creation method of the meta-evaluation datasets. For the meta-evaluation datasets which are created greatly depending on the reference and thus are biased, the ChatGPT evaluator might lose its effectiveness. We hope our preliminary study could prompt the emergence of a general-purposed reliable NLG metric.Comment: Both first authors contributed equally. Technical Report, 11 pages. Accepted to the 4th New Frontiers in Summarization Workshop (NewSumm@EMNLP 2023

    Distant supervision for neural relation extraction integrated with word attention and property features

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    Distant supervision for neural relation extraction is an efficient approach to extracting massive relations with reference to plain texts. However, the existing neural methods fail to capture the critical words in sentence encoding and meanwhile lack useful sentence information for some positive training instances. To address the above issues, we propose a novel neural relation extraction model. First, we develop a word-level attention mechanism to distinguish the importance of each individual word in a sentence, increasing the attention weights for those critical words. Second, we investigate the semantic information from word embeddings of target entities, which can be developed as a supplementary feature for the extractor. Experimental results show that our model outperforms previous state-of-the-art baselines
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