242 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of sparse wavelet signals from partial Fourier measurements

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    In this paper, we show that high-dimensional sparse wavelet signals of finite levels can be constructed from their partial Fourier measurements on a deterministic sampling set with cardinality about a multiple of signal sparsity

    Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation in Highly Complex Environments

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    With the development of computational intelligence algorithms, unsupervised monocular depth and pose estimation framework, which is driven by warped photometric consistency, has shown great performance in the daytime scenario. While in some challenging environments, like night and rainy night, the essential photometric consistency hypothesis is untenable because of the complex lighting and reflection, so that the above unsupervised framework cannot be directly applied to these complex scenarios. In this paper, we investigate the problem of unsupervised monocular depth estimation in highly complex scenarios and address this challenging problem by adopting an image transfer-based domain adaptation framework. We adapt the depth model trained on day-time scenarios to be applicable to night-time scenarios, and constraints on both feature space and output space promote the framework to learn the key features for depth decoding. Meanwhile, we further tackle the effects of unstable image transfer quality on domain adaptation, and an image adaptation approach is proposed to evaluate the quality of transferred images and re-weight the corresponding losses, so as to improve the performance of the adapted depth model. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed unsupervised framework in estimating the dense depth map from highly complex images.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligenc

    Augment Features Beyond Color for Domain Generalized Segmentation

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    Domain generalized semantic segmentation (DGSS) is an essential but highly challenging task, in which the model is trained only on source data and any target data is not available. Previous DGSS methods can be partitioned into augmentation-based and normalization-based ones. The former either introduces extra biased data or only conducts channel-wise adjustments for data augmentation, and the latter may discard beneficial visual information, both of which lead to limited performance in DGSS. Contrarily, our method performs inter-channel transformation and meanwhile evades domain-specific biases, thus diversifying data and enhancing model generalization performance. Specifically, our method consists of two modules: random image color augmentation (RICA) and random feature distribution augmentation (RFDA). RICA converts images from RGB to the CIELAB color model and randomizes color maps in a perception-based way for image enhancement purposes. We further this augmentation by extending it beyond color to feature space using a CycleGAN-based generative network, which complements RICA and further boosts generalization capability. We conduct extensive experiments, and the generalization results from the synthetic GTAV and SYNTHIA to the real Cityscapes, BDDS, and Mapillary datasets show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in DGSS

    Molecular Joint Representation Learning via Multi-modal Information

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    In recent years, artificial intelligence has played an important role on accelerating the whole process of drug discovery. Various of molecular representation schemes of different modals (e.g. textual sequence or graph) are developed. By digitally encoding them, different chemical information can be learned through corresponding network structures. Molecular graphs and Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System (SMILES) are popular means for molecular representation learning in current. Previous works have done attempts by combining both of them to solve the problem of specific information loss in single-modal representation on various tasks. To further fusing such multi-modal imformation, the correspondence between learned chemical feature from different representation should be considered. To realize this, we propose a novel framework of molecular joint representation learning via Multi-Modal information of SMILES and molecular Graphs, called MMSG. We improve the self-attention mechanism by introducing bond level graph representation as attention bias in Transformer to reinforce feature correspondence between multi-modal information. We further propose a Bidirectional Message Communication Graph Neural Network (BMC GNN) to strengthen the information flow aggregated from graphs for further combination. Numerous experiments on public property prediction datasets have demonstrated the effectiveness of our model
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