172 research outputs found

    A Tutorial on Linear Least Square Estimation

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    This is a brief tutorial on the least square estimation technique that is straightforward yet effective for parameter estimation. The tutorial is focused on the linear LSEs instead of nonlinear versions, since most nonlinear LSEs can be approximated non-trivially using its linear counterparts. Linear LSEs can also provide insight into the study of the nonlinear techniques, e.g., Gauss-Newton method and Lavenberg-Marquardt method etc. Linear LSEs are computationally efficient for most occasions, so they are widely applied in practice. In this tutorial, both the original batch least square estimation and its recursive variants are reviewed comprehensively with detailed mathematical derivations.Comment: 3 Pages, tutoria

    Multi-Robot Motion Planning: A Learning-Based Artificial Potential Field Solution

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    Motion planning is a crucial aspect of robot autonomy as it involves identifying a feasible motion path to a destination while taking into consideration various constraints, such as input, safety, and performance constraints, without violating either system or environment boundaries. This becomes particularly challenging when multiple robots run without communication, which compromises their real-time efficiency, safety, and performance. In this paper, we present a learning-based potential field algorithm that incorporates deep reinforcement learning into an artificial potential field (APF). Specifically, we introduce an observation embedding mechanism that pre-processes dynamic information about the environment and develop a soft wall-following rule to improve trajectory smoothness. Our method, while belonging to reactive planning, implicitly encodes environmental properties. Additionally, our approach can scale up to any number of robots and has demonstrated superior performance compared to APF and RL through numerical simulations. Finally, experiments are conducted to highlight the effectiveness of our proposed method.Comment: 6 page

    Distributed Flocking Control of Aerial Vehicles Based on a Markov Random Field

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    The distributed flocking control of collective aerial vehicles has extraordinary advantages in scalability and reliability, \emph{etc.} However, it is still challenging to design a reliable, efficient, and responsive flocking algorithm. In this paper, a distributed predictive flocking framework is presented based on a Markov random field (MRF). The MRF is used to characterize the optimization problem that is eventually resolved by discretizing the input space. Potential functions are employed to describe the interactions between aerial vehicles and as indicators of flight performance. The dynamic constraints are taken into account in the candidate feasible trajectories which correspond to random variables. Numerical simulation shows that compared with some existing latest methods, the proposed algorithm has better-flocking cohesion and control efficiency performances. Experiments are also conducted to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed algorithm.Comment: 6 Page

    SYNLOCO: Synthesizing Central Pattern Generator and Reinforcement Learning for Quadruped Locomotion

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    The Central Pattern Generator (CPG) is adept at generating rhythmic gait patterns characterized by consistent timing and adequate foot clearance. Yet, its open-loop configuration often compromises the system's control performance in response to environmental variations. On the other hand, Reinforcement Learning (RL), celebrated for its model-free properties, has gained significant traction in robotics due to its inherent adaptability and robustness. However, initiating traditional RL approaches from the ground up presents computational challenges and a heightened risk of converging to suboptimal local minima. In this paper, we propose an innovative quadruped locomotion framework, SYNLOCO, by synthesizing CPG and RL that can ingeniously integrate the strengths of both methods, enabling the development of a locomotion controller that is both stable and natural. Furthermore, we introduce a set of performance-driven reward metrics that augment the learning of locomotion control. To optimize the learning trajectory of SYNLOCO, a two-phased training strategy is presented. Our empirical evaluation, conducted on a Unitree GO1 robot under varied conditions--including distinct velocities, terrains, and payload capacities--showcases SYNLOCO's ability to produce consistent and clear-footed gaits across diverse scenarios. The developed controller exhibits resilience against substantial parameter variations, underscoring its potential for robust real-world applications.Comment: 7 Page

    DACOOP-A: Decentralized Adaptive Cooperative Pursuit via Attention

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    Integrating rule-based policies into reinforcement learning promises to improve data efficiency and generalization in cooperative pursuit problems. However, most implementations do not properly distinguish the influence of neighboring robots in observation embedding or inter-robot interaction rules, leading to information loss and inefficient cooperation. This paper proposes a cooperative pursuit algorithm named Decentralized Adaptive COOperative Pursuit via Attention (DACOOP-A) by empowering reinforcement learning with artificial potential field and attention mechanisms. An attention-based framework is developed to emphasize important neighbors by concurrently integrating the learned attention scores into observation embedding and inter-robot interaction rules. A KL divergence regularization is introduced to alleviate the resultant learning stability issue. Improvements in data efficiency and generalization are demonstrated through numerical simulations. Extensive quantitative analysis and ablation studies are performed to illustrate the advantages of the proposed modules. Real-world experiments are performed to justify the feasibility of deploying DACOOP-A in physical systems.Comment: 8 Pages; This manuscript has been accepted by IEEE Robotics and Automation Letter

    Formation Control for Moving Target Enclosing via Relative Localization

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    In this paper, we investigate the problem of controlling multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to enclose a moving target in a distributed fashion based on a relative distance and self-displacement measurements. A relative localization technique is developed based on the recursive least square estimation (RLSE) technique with a forgetting factor to estimates both the ``UAV-UAV'' and ``UAV-target'' relative positions. The formation enclosing motion is planned using a coupled oscillator model, which generates desired motion for UAVs to distribute evenly on a circle. The coupled-oscillator-based motion can also facilitate the exponential convergence of relative localization due to its persistent excitation nature. Based on the generation strategy of desired formation pattern and relative localization estimates, a cooperative formation tracking control scheme is proposed, which enables the formation geometric center to asymptotically converge to the moving target. The asymptotic convergence performance is analyzed theoretically for both the relative localization technique and the formation control algorithm. Numerical simulations are provided to show the efficiency of the proposed algorithm. Experiments with three quadrotors tracking one target are conducted to evaluate the proposed target enclosing method in real platforms.Comment: 8 Pages, accepted by IEEE CDC 202
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