39,425 research outputs found

    Spectrum-enhanced Pairwise Learning to Rank

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    To enhance the performance of the recommender system, side information is extensively explored with various features (e.g., visual features and textual features). However, there are some demerits of side information: (1) the extra data is not always available in all recommendation tasks; (2) it is only for items, there is seldom high-level feature describing users. To address these gaps, we introduce the spectral features extracted from two hypergraph structures of the purchase records. Spectral features describe the \textit{similarity} of users/items in the graph space, which is critical for recommendation. We leverage spectral features to model the users' preference and items' properties by incorporating them into a Matrix Factorization (MF) model. In addition to modeling, we also use spectral features to optimize. Bayesian Personalized Ranking (BPR) is extensively leveraged to optimize models in implicit feedback data. However, in BPR, all missing values are regarded as negative samples equally while many of them are indeed unseen positive ones. We enrich the positive samples by calculating the similarity among users/items by the spectral features. The key ideas are: (1) similar users shall have similar preference on the same item; (2) a user shall have similar perception on similar items. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate the usefulness of the spectral features and the effectiveness of our spectrum-enhanced pairwise optimization. Our models outperform several state-of-the-art models significantly.Comment: 11 pages; submitted to World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2019

    On Okounkov's conjecture connecting Hilbert schemes of points and multiple q-zeta values

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    We compute the generating series for the intersection pairings between the total Chern classes of the tangent bundles of the Hilbert schemes of points on a smooth projective surface and the Chern characters of tautological bundles over these Hilbert schemes. Modulo the lower weight term, we verify Okounkov's conjecture [Oko] connecting these Hilbert schemes and multiple qq-zeta values. In addition, this conjecture is completely proved when the surface is abelian. We also determine some universal constants in the sense of Boissi\' ere and Nieper-Wisskirchen [Boi, BN] regarding the total Chern classes of the tangent bundles of these Hilbert schemes. The main approach of this paper is to use the set-up of Carlsson and Okounkov outlined in [Car, CO] and the structure of the Chern character operators proved in [LQW2].Comment: 35 pages, comments are welcom

    D0D^0-D‾0\overline{D}^0 mixing parameter yy in the factorization-assisted topological-amplitude approach

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    We calculate the D0D^0-D‾0\overline{D}^0 mixing parameter yy in the factorization-assisted topological-amplitude (FAT) approach, considering contributions from D0→PPD^{0}\to PP, PVPV, and VVVV modes, where PP (VV) stands for a pseudoscalar (vector) meson. The D0→PPD^{0}\to PP and PVPV decay amplitudes are extracted in the FAT approach, and the D0→VVD^{0}\to VV decay amplitudes with final states in the longitudinal polarization are estimated via the parameter set for D0→PVD^{0}\to PV. It is found that the VVVV contribution to yy, being of order of 10−410^{-4}, is negligible, and that the PPPP and PVPV contributions amount only up to yPP+PV=(0.21±0.07)%y_{PP+PV}=(0.21\pm0.07)\%, a prediction more precise than those previously obtained in the literature, and much lower than the experimental data yexp=(0.61±0.08)%y_{\rm exp}=(0.61\pm0.08)\%. We conclude that D0D^{0} meson decays into other two-body and multi-particle final states are relevant to the evaluation of yy, so it is difficult to understand it fully in an exclusive approach.Comment: 13 page

    Circularly polarized extreme ultraviolet high harmonic generation in graphene

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    Circularly polarized extreme ultraviolet (XUV) radiation is highly interesting for investigation of chirality-sensitive light-matter interactions. Recent breakthroughs have enabled generation of such light sources via high harmonic generation (HHG) from rare gases. There is a growing interest in extending HHG medium from gases to solids, especially to 2D materials, as they hold great promise to develop ultra-compact solid-state photonic devices and provide insights into electronic properties of the materials themselves. However, HHG in graphene driven by terahertz to mid-infrared fields reported so far only generate low harmonic orders, and furthermore no harmonics driven by circularly polarized lasers. Here, using first-principles simulations within a time-dependent density-functional theory framework, we show that it is possible to generate HHG extending to the XUV spectral region in monolayer extended graphene excited by near-infrared lasers. Moreover, we demonstrate that a single circularly polarized driver is enough to ensure HHG in graphene with circular polarization. The corresponding spectra reflect the six-fold rotational symmetry of the graphene crystal. Extending HHG in graphene to the XUV spectral regime and realizing circular polarization represent an important step towards the development of novel nanoscale attosecond photonic devices and numerous applications such as spectroscopic investigation and nanoscale imaging of ultrafast chiral and spin dynamics in graphene and other 2D materials.Comment: 5 figure

    Parameter Reconstruction for general transport equation

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    We consider the inverse problem for the general transport equation with external field, source term and absorption coefficient. We show that the source and the absorption coefficients can be uniquely reconstructed from the boundary measurement, in a Lipschitz stable manner. Specifically, the uniqueness and stability are obtained by using the Carleman estimate in which a special weight function is designed to pick up information on the desired parameter.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figure

    Strain-controlled high harmonic generation with Dirac fermions in silicene

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    Two-dimensional (2D) materials with zero band gap exhibit remarkable electronic properties with wide tunability. High harmonic generation (HHG) in such materials offers unique platforms to develop novel optoelectronic devices at nanoscale, as well as to investigate strong-field and ultrafast nonlinear behaviour of massless Dirac fermions. However, control of HHG by modulating electronic structure of materials remains largerly unexplored to date. Here we report controllable HHG by tuning the electronic structures via mechanical engineering. Using an \textit{ab initio} approach based on time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT), we show that the HHG process is sensitive to the modulation of band structures of monolayer silicene while preserving the Dirac cones under biaxial and uniaxial strains, which can lead to significant enhancement of harmonic intensity up to an order of magnitude. With the additional advantage of silicene in compatibility and integration into the current silicon-based electronic industry, this study may open a new avenue to develop efficient solid-state optoelectronic nano-devices, and provide a valuable tool to understand the strong-field and mechanically induced ultrafast nonlinear response of Dirac carriers in 2D materials.Comment: 24pages, 7 figure

    Strong-field nonlinear optical properties of monolayer black phosphorus

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    Within the past few years, atomically thin black phosphorus (BP) has been demonstrated as a fascinating new 2D material that is promising for novel nanoelectronics and nanophotonics applications, due to its many unique properties such as direct and widely tunable bandgap, high carrier mobility and remarkable intrinsic in-plane anisotropy. However, its important extreme nonlinear behavior and ultrafast dynamics of carriers under strong-field excitation have yet to be revealed to date. Herein, we report nonperturbative high harmonic generation (HHG) in monolayer BP by first-principles simulations. We show that BP exhibits extraordinary HHG properties, with clear advantages over three major types of 2D materials under intensive study, i.e., semimetallic graphene, semiconducting MoS2_2, and insulating hexagonal boron nitride, in terms of HHG cutoff energy and spectral intensity. This study advances the scope of current research activities of BP into a new regime, suggesting its promising future in applications of extreme-ultraviolet and attosecond nanophotonics, and also opening doors to investigate the strong-field and ultrafast carrier dynamics of this emerging material.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Distilling Critical Paths in Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Neural network compression and acceleration are widely demanded currently due to the resource constraints on most deployment targets. In this paper, through analyzing the filter activation, gradients, and visualizing the filters' functionality in convolutional neural networks, we show that the filters in higher layers learn extremely task-specific features, which are exclusive for only a small subset of the overall tasks, or even a single class. Based on such findings, we reveal the critical paths of information flow for different classes. And by their intrinsic property of exclusiveness, we propose a critical path distillation method, which can effectively customize the convolutional neural networks to small ones with much smaller model size and less computation.Comment: Accepted in NIPS18 CDNNRIA worksho

    Computational Soundness Results for Stateful Applied pi Calculus

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    In recent years, many researches have been done to establish symbolic models of stateful protocols. Two works among them, the SAPIC tool and StatVerif tool, provide a high-level specification language and an automated analysis. Their language, the stateful applied \pi-calculus, is extended from the applied \pi-calculus by defining explicit state constructs. Symbolic abstractions of cryptography used in it make the analysis amenable to automation. However, this might overlook the attacks based on the algebraic properties of the cryptographic algorithms. In our paper, we establish the computational soundness results for stateful applied \pi-calculus used in SAPIC tool and StatVerif tool. In our approach, we build our results on the CoSP framework. For SAPIC, we embed the non-monotonic protocol states into the CoSP protocols, and prove that the resulting CoSP protocols are efficient. Through the embedding, we provide the computational soundness result for SAPIC (by Theorem 1). For StatVerif, we encode the StatVerif process into a subset of SAPIC process, and obtain the computational soundness result for StatVerif (by Theorem 2). Our encoding shows the differences between the semantics of the two languages. Our work inherits the modularity of CoSP, which allows for easily extending the proofs to specific cryptographic primitives. Thus we establish a computationally sound automated verification result for the input languages of SAPIC and StatVerif that use public-key encryption and signatures (by Theorem 3).Comment: to appear in POST 201

    Interplay between superconductivity and pseudogap state in bilayer cuprate superconductors

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    The interplay between the superconducting gap and normal-state pseudogap in the bilayer cuprate superconductors is studied based on the kinetic energy driven superconducting mechanism. It is shown that the charge carrier interaction directly from the interlayer coherent hopping in the kinetic energy by exchanging spin excitations does not provide the contribution to the normal-state pseudogap in the particle-hole channel and superconducting gap in the particle-particle channel, while only the charge carrier interaction directly from the intralayer hopping in the kinetic energy by exchanging spin excitations induces the normal-state pseudogap in the particle-hole channel and superconducting gap in the particle-particle channel, and then the two-gap behavior is a universal feature for the single layer and bilayer cuprate superconductors.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure
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