8,665 research outputs found

    Latency Optimal Broadcasting in Noisy Wireless Mesh Networks

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    In this paper, we adopt a new noisy wireless network model introduced very recently by Censor-Hillel et al. in [ACM PODC 2017, CHHZ17]. More specifically, for a given noise parameter p[0,1],p\in [0,1], any sender has a probability of pp of transmitting noise or any receiver of a single transmission in its neighborhood has a probability pp of receiving noise. In this paper, we first propose a new asymptotically latency-optimal approximation algorithm (under faultless model) that can complete single-message broadcasting task in D+O(log2n)D+O(\log^2 n) time units/rounds in any WMN of size n,n, and diameter DD. We then show this diameter-linear broadcasting algorithm remains robust under the noisy wireless network model and also improves the currently best known result in CHHZ17 by a Θ(loglogn)\Theta(\log\log n) factor. In this paper, we also further extend our robust single-message broadcasting algorithm to kk multi-message broadcasting scenario and show it can broadcast kk messages in O(D+klogn+log2n)O(D+k\log n+\log^2 n) time rounds. This new robust multi-message broadcasting scheme is not only asymptotically optimal but also answers affirmatively the problem left open in CHHZ17 on the existence of an algorithm that is robust to sender and receiver faults and can broadcast kk messages in O(D+klogn+polylog(n))O(D+k\log n + polylog(n)) time rounds.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1705.07369 by other author

    Revisiting B\to\pi K, \pi K^{\ast} and \rho K decays: CP violations and implication for New Physics

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    Combining the up-to-date experimental information on BπK,πKB\to\pi K, \pi K^{\ast} and ρK\rho K decays, we revisit the decay rates and CP asymmetries of these decays within the framework of QCD factorization. Using an infrared finite gluon propagator of Cornwall prescription, we find that the time-like annihilation amplitude could contribute a large strong phase, while the space-like hard spectator scattering amplitude is real. Numerically, we find that all the branching ratios and most of the direct CP violations, except ACP(B±K±π0)A_{CP}(B^{\pm}\to K^{\pm}\pi^{0}), agree with the current experimental data with an effective gluon mass mg0.5GeVm_g\simeq0.5 {\rm GeV}. Taking the unmatched difference in direct CP violations between Bπ0K±B\to\pi^{0} K^{\pm} and πK±\pi^{\mp}K^{\pm} decays as a hint of new physics, we perform a model-independent analysis of new physics contributions with a set of sˉ(1+γ5)bqˉ(1+γ5)q\bar{s}(1+\gamma_{5})b\otimes\bar{q}(1+\gamma_{5})q (q=u,d) operators. Detail analyses of the relative impacts of the operators are presented in five cases. Fitting the twelve decay modes, parameter spaces are found generally with nontrivial weak phases. Our results may indicate that both strong phase from annihilation amplitude and new weak phase from new physics are needed to resolve the πK\pi K puzzle. To further test the new physics hypothesis, the mixing-induced CP violations in Bπ0KSB\to\pi^{0}K_{S} and ρ0KS\rho^{0}K_{S} are discussed and good agreements with the recent experimental data are found.Comment: Version published in JHE

    Bs0Bˉs0B_s^0-\bar{B}_s^0 mixing within minimal flavor-violating two-Higgs-doublet models

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    In the "Higgs basis" for a generic 2HDM, only one scalar doublet gets a nonzero vacuum expectation value and, under the criterion of minimal flavor violation, the other one is fixed to be either color-singlet or color-octet, which are named as the type-III and type-C models, respectively. In this paper, the charged-Higgs effects of these two models on Bs0Bˉs0B_s^0-\bar{B}_s^0 mixing are studied. Firstly, we perform a complete one-loop computation of the electro-weak corrections to the amplitudes of Bs0Bˉs0B_s^0-\bar{B}_s^0 mixing. Together with the up-to-date experimental measurements, a detailed phenomenological analysis is then performed in the cases of both real and complex Yukawa couplings of charged scalars to quarks. The spaces of model parameters allowed by the current experimental data on Bs0Bˉs0B_s^0-\bar{B}_s^0 mixing are obtained and the differences between type-III and type-C models are investigated, which is helpful to distinguish between these two models.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables; More references and discussions added, final version published in the journa

    Chicken Feather Fibre Mat/PLA Composites for Thermal Insulation

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    In order to add more economic value to chicken feather, a waste material of the poultry industry, it has been researched to incorporate chicken feather fibre (CFF) into resin to produce value-added composites. In the present research, chicken feather fibre was separated from the rachises and used to produce fibre mats. Then fibre mats were incorporated into polylactic acid (PLA) to make composites with low thermal conductivity. The procedure for making chicken feather fibre mat using an automatic dynamic sheet former was explored. Two different composite fabrication methods were investigated. One involved fabricate composite samples by hot pressing chicken feather fibre mats with PLA sheet. The other involved making composite specimens by hot pressing PLA powder and chicken feather fibre mats. A decrease in tensile strength compared to PLA had been expected before composite specimen fabricating according to previous research and so alkali treated fibre mats were used to improve tensile strength of composites. It was concluded that chicken feather fibre mats with uniform quality could be made by controlling the jet-to-spin ratio and water wall thickness of the dynamic sheet former cylinder. Stable mat/PLA composites could be fabricated by hot pressing chicken feather fibre mats with PLA powder. Results from tensile testing indicated that alkali treatment could improve tensile strength to a small degree. SEM image analysis revealed that poor interfacial bonding between fibre barbs and PLA matrix had occurred. Thermal conductivity testing demonstrated improved thermal insulation with addition of CFF to PLA

    Perturbative QCD study of BsB_s decays to a pseudoscalar meson and a tensor meson

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    We study two-body hadronic BsPTB_s\to PT decays, with P(T)P (T) being a light pseudoscalar (tensor) meson, in the perturbative QCD approach. The CP-averaged branching ratios and the direct CP asymmetries of the ΔS=0\Delta S=0 modes are predicted, where ΔS\Delta S is the difference between the strange numbers of final and initial states. We also define and calculate experimental observables for the ΔS=1\Delta S=1 modes under the Bs0Bˉs0B_s^0-\bar{B}_s^0 mixing, including CP averaged branching ratios, time-integrated CP asymmetries, and the CP observables CfC_{f}, DfD_{f} and SfS_{f}. Results are compared to the BsPVB_s\to PV ones in the literature, and to the BPTB\to PT ones, which indicate considerable U-spin symmetry breaking. Our work provides theoretical predictions for the BsPTB_s\to PT decays for the first time, some of which will be potentially measurable at future experiments.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur