79,212 research outputs found

    Empirical-likelihood-based confidence interval for the mean with a heavy-tailed distribution

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    Empirical-likelihood-based confidence intervals for a mean were introduced by Owen [Biometrika 75 (1988) 237-249], where at least a finite second moment is required. This excludes some important distributions, for example, those in the domain of attraction of a stable law with index between 1 and 2. In this article we use a method similar to Qin and Wong [Scand. J. Statist. 23 (1996) 209-219] to derive an empirical-likelihood-based confidence interval for the mean when the underlying distribution has heavy tails. Our method can easily be extended to obtain a confidence interval for any order of moment of a heavy-tailed distribution

    New directions for old drugs

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    With the beneficial goal of generating new applications from known drugs, the chemistry and biology groups of Dr. Martin J. Lear and Prof. Yao Shao Qin have teamed up to develop an anti-cancer agent out of the FDA-approved anti-obesity drug called Orlistat (also known as tetrahydrolipstatin, THL). Their strategy combines the techniques of total synthesis and chemical proteomics to generate THL-probes capable of trapping off-target proteins

    The properties of the high-mass star formation region IRAS22475+5939

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    IRAS22475+5939 has been well researched by previous astronomers. But we still get some new characteristics about it, using the first observations in lines of CO J=2-1,13CO J=2-1,13CO J=3-2 by the KOSMA 3 m telescope. The mapping of the intensity ratio of 13CO J=3-2 and 13CO J=2-1 shows the distribution of the temperature with two peaks, which don't coincide with IRAS22475+5939 source and the center of the HII region, but at the edge of the HII region. The overlays of the Spitzer IRAC 8um and CO contours indicate that they are associated with each other and the strongest polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) emission is at the position of IRAS22475+5939 source. While the IRAS LRS spectrum at 7-23 um and the PHT-s spectrum at 2-12 um of IRAS22475+5939 source also exhibit strong PAHs emission characters at the main PAH bands. The diversity of PAH family should be responsible for the plateaus of PAHs emission in the PHT-s spectrum and the IRAS-LRS spectrum. An analysis and modeling in infrared bands suggest that IRAS22475+5939 is more likely to be a Class I YSO. Where this is the case, the star is likely to have a temperature T_{EFF} \sim 9995.8 K, mass \sim15.34 M_(sun), luminosity \sim 1.54*10^4 L_(sun) and age \sim 1.54*10^4 yr. The model shows that the circumstellar disc emission is important for the wavelength between 1 and 10 um, otherwise, envelope fluxes for lambda >10 um. The bipolar outflow is confirmed in the molecular cloud. The excited star of the HII region has the chance to be the driving source of the outflow. The high resolution is required.Comment: 12 pages, 20 figures and 5 tables, Accepted for publication in RA

    Laozi benyi: politische Philosophie für die letzte Phase der Zeit

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    A classic offers us a multitude of possibilities for interpretation. The Laozi (老子), sometimes also titled Dao De Jing (道德經), is no doubt one of the most influential and controversial philosophical Chinese classics, and it has inspired numerous annotations and interpretations ever since pre-Qin times (221 B.C.–206 B.C.). This paper aims to analyse the interpretation and annotation of the Laozi by Wei Yuan, a scholar from the Qing dynasty (1644–1911), written roughly two thousand years after the original text was created.Klasik nam nudi mnoštvo mogućnosti za interpretaciju. Laozi (老子), ponekad zvan Dao De Jing (道德經), bez sumnje je jedan od najutjecajnijih i najkontroverznijih kineskih filozofskih klasika, te je inspirirao brojne komentare i tumačenja još od vremena prije Qin dinastije (221.– 206. pr. Kr.) Ovaj članak nastoji analizirati komentar i tumačenje Laozia od strane Wei Yuana, učenjaka iz razdoblja dinastije Qing (1644.–1911.), napisane gotovo dvije tisuće godina nakon originalnoga teksta.Un classique nous offre une multitude de possibilités pour l’interprétation. Laozi (老子), connu également sous le nom de Dao De Jing, est sans aucuns doutes l’un des philosophes classiques chinois les plus influents et controversés qui a inspiré un nombre important de commentaires et d’interprétations avant la dynastie Qin (221–206 av. J.-C). Cette article tente d’analyser le commentaire et l’interprétation de Laozi par Wei Yuana, étudiant durant la période de la dynastie Qing (1664–1911), écrit pratiquement deux mille ans après le texte original.Der Klassiker bietet uns eine Vielfalt an Interpretationsmöglichkeiten. Laozi (老子), manchmal auch Daodejing (道德經) betitelt, ist zweifellos einer der einflussreichsten und umstrittensten chinesischen philosophischen Klassiker, und hat zahlreiche Anmerkungen und Interpretationen noch seit der Vor-Qin-Zeit (Qin-Dynastie.: 221 v. Chr. – 206 v. Chr.) inspiriert. Dieser Artikel setzt sich zum Ziel, Wei Yuans (ein Gelehrter aus der Zeit der Qing-Dynastie, 1644–1911) Interpretation von und Anmerkung über Laozi abzuhandeln, die ungefähr zweitausend Jahre nach der Verfassung des ursprünglichen Textes geschrieben wurde

    Intra-articular spine injections of steroid as a contributing factor to glaucoma

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    Letter to the editorQueena Qin, Robert J. Casson, Daniel Myers, Sudha Cugat