14 research outputs found

    Graph Construction with Flexible Nodes for Traffic Demand Prediction

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) have been widely applied in traffic demand prediction, and transportation modes can be divided into station-based mode and free-floating traffic mode. Existing research in traffic graph construction primarily relies on map matching to construct graphs based on the road network. However, the complexity and inhomogeneity of data distribution in free-floating traffic demand forecasting make road network matching inflexible. To tackle these challenges, this paper introduces a novel graph construction method tailored to free-floating traffic mode. We propose a novel density-based clustering algorithm (HDPC-L) to determine the flexible positioning of nodes in the graph, overcoming the computational bottlenecks of traditional clustering algorithms and enabling effective handling of large-scale datasets. Furthermore, we extract valuable information from ridership data to initialize the edge weights of GNNs. Comprehensive experiments on two real-world datasets, the Shenzhen bike-sharing dataset and the Haikou ride-hailing dataset, show that the method significantly improves the performance of the model. On average, our models show an improvement in accuracy of around 25\% and 19.5\% on the two datasets. Additionally, it significantly enhances computational efficiency, reducing training time by approximately 12% and 32.5% on the two datasets. We make our code available at https://github.com/houjinyan/HDPC-L-ODInit

    Benchmarking the Robustness of Quantized Models

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    Quantization has emerged as an essential technique for deploying deep neural networks (DNNs) on devices with limited resources. However, quantized models exhibit vulnerabilities when exposed to various noises in real-world applications. Despite the importance of evaluating the impact of quantization on robustness, existing research on this topic is limited and often disregards established principles of robustness evaluation, resulting in incomplete and inconclusive findings. To address this gap, we thoroughly evaluated the robustness of quantized models against various noises (adversarial attacks, natural corruptions, and systematic noises) on ImageNet. Extensive experiments demonstrate that lower-bit quantization is more resilient to adversarial attacks but is more susceptible to natural corruptions and systematic noises. Notably, our investigation reveals that impulse noise (in natural corruptions) and the nearest neighbor interpolation (in systematic noises) have the most significant impact on quantized models. Our research contributes to advancing the robust quantization of models and their deployment in real-world scenarios.Comment: Workshop at IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 202

    RobustMQ: Benchmarking Robustness of Quantized Models

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    Quantization has emerged as an essential technique for deploying deep neural networks (DNNs) on devices with limited resources. However, quantized models exhibit vulnerabilities when exposed to various noises in real-world applications. Despite the importance of evaluating the impact of quantization on robustness, existing research on this topic is limited and often disregards established principles of robustness evaluation, resulting in incomplete and inconclusive findings. To address this gap, we thoroughly evaluated the robustness of quantized models against various noises (adversarial attacks, natural corruptions, and systematic noises) on ImageNet. The comprehensive evaluation results empirically provide valuable insights into the robustness of quantized models in various scenarios, for example: (1) quantized models exhibit higher adversarial robustness than their floating-point counterparts, but are more vulnerable to natural corruptions and systematic noises; (2) in general, increasing the quantization bit-width results in a decrease in adversarial robustness, an increase in natural robustness, and an increase in systematic robustness; (3) among corruption methods, \textit{impulse noise} and \textit{glass blur} are the most harmful to quantized models, while \textit{brightness} has the least impact; (4) among systematic noises, the \textit{nearest neighbor interpolation} has the highest impact, while bilinear interpolation, cubic interpolation, and area interpolation are the three least harmful. Our research contributes to advancing the robust quantization of models and their deployment in real-world scenarios.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Distribution-sensitive Information Retention for Accurate Binary Neural Network

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    Model binarization is an effective method of compressing neural networks and accelerating their inference process. However, a significant performance gap still exists between the 1-bit model and the 32-bit one. The empirical study shows that binarization causes a great loss of information in the forward and backward propagation. We present a novel Distribution-sensitive Information Retention Network (DIR-Net) that retains the information in the forward and backward propagation by improving internal propagation and introducing external representations. The DIR-Net mainly relies on three technical contributions: (1) Information Maximized Binarization (IMB): minimizing the information loss and the binarization error of weights/activations simultaneously by weight balance and standardization; (2) Distribution-sensitive Two-stage Estimator (DTE): retaining the information of gradients by distribution-sensitive soft approximation by jointly considering the updating capability and accurate gradient; (3) Representation-align Binarization-aware Distillation (RBD): retaining the representation information by distilling the representations between full-precision and binarized networks. The DIR-Net investigates both forward and backward processes of BNNs from the unified information perspective, thereby providing new insight into the mechanism of network binarization. The three techniques in our DIR-Net are versatile and effective and can be applied in various structures to improve BNNs. Comprehensive experiments on the image classification and objective detection tasks show that our DIR-Net consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art binarization approaches under mainstream and compact architectures, such as ResNet, VGG, EfficientNet, DARTS, and MobileNet. Additionally, we conduct our DIR-Net on real-world resource-limited devices which achieves 11.1x storage saving and 5.4x speedup

    Forward and Backward Information Retention for Accurate Binary Neural Networks

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    Weight and activation binarization is an effective approach to deep neural network compression and can accelerate the inference by leveraging bitwise operations. Although many binarization methods have improved the accuracy of the model by minimizing the quantization error in forward propagation, there remains a noticeable performance gap between the binarized model and the full-precision one. Our empirical study indicates that the quantization brings information loss in both forward and backward propagation, which is the bottleneck of training accurate binary neural networks. To address these issues, we propose an Information Retention Network (IR-Net) to retain the information that consists in the forward activations and backward gradients. IR-Net mainly relies on two technical contributions: (1) Libra Parameter Binarization (Libra-PB): simultaneously minimizing both quantization error and information loss of parameters by balanced and standardized weights in forward propagation; (2) Error Decay Estimator (EDE): minimizing the information loss of gradients by gradually approximating the sign function in backward propagation, jointly considering the updating ability and accurate gradients. We are the first to investigate both forward and backward processes of binary networks from the unified information perspective, which provides new insight into the mechanism of network binarization. Comprehensive experiments with various network structures on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets manifest that the proposed IR-Net can consistently outperform state-of-the-art quantization methods

    OHQ: On-chip Hardware-aware Quantization

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    Quantization emerges as one of the most promising approaches for deploying advanced deep models on resource-constrained hardware. Mixed-precision quantization leverages multiple bit-width architectures to unleash the accuracy and efficiency potential of quantized models. However, existing mixed-precision quantization suffers exhaustive search space that causes immense computational overhead. The quantization process thus relies on separate high-performance devices rather than locally, which also leads to a significant gap between the considered hardware metrics and the real deployment.In this paper, we propose an On-chip Hardware-aware Quantization (OHQ) framework that performs hardware-aware mixed-precision quantization without accessing online devices. First, we construct the On-chip Quantization Awareness (OQA) pipeline, enabling perceive the actual efficiency metrics of the quantization operator on the hardware.Second, we propose Mask-guided Quantization Estimation (MQE) technique to efficiently estimate the accuracy metrics of operators under the constraints of on-chip-level computing power.By synthesizing network and hardware insights through linear programming, we obtain optimized bit-width configurations. Notably, the quantization process occurs on-chip entirely without any additional computing devices and data access. We demonstrate accelerated inference after quantization for various architectures and compression ratios, achieving 70% and 73% accuracy for ResNet-18 and MobileNetV3, respectively. OHQ improves latency by 15~30% compared to INT8 on deployment.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure