14,817 research outputs found

    Total embedding distributions of Ringel ladders

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    The total embedding distributions of a graph is consisted of the orientable embeddings and non- orientable embeddings and have been know for few classes of graphs. The genus distribution of Ringel ladders is determined in [Discrete Mathematics 216 (2000) 235-252] by E.H. Tesar. In this paper, the explicit formula for non-orientable embeddings of Ringel ladders is obtained

    Local Government Tax Effort in China: an Analysis of Provincial Tax Performance

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    This paper aims to enhance the understanding of provincial tax performance in China, paying special attention to the recent fiscal reforms in the 1980s and in 1994. Using provincial panel data for the period 1986-2004, our analysis consists of two steps. First, a combined fixed time effects and random provincial effects model is used to analyze the statistical relationship between the tax share in GDP and economic and demographic variables. Results indicate that the decentralized fiscal system over the period 1986¨C1993 has had a positive impact on the tax share in GDP, whereas the recentralized fiscal system in the period 1994-2004 has had a negative impact. Second, provincial tax effort indices are calculated to estimate potential room for additional taxation. The findings from the analysis have important policy implications on the redistribution of fiscal resources as well as on the effectiveness of the tax administration.Tax effort, Tax capacity, Fiscal reforms, Fiscal decentralization

    Subject-specific finite element modelling of the human hand complex : muscle-driven simulations and experimental validation

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    This paper aims to develop and validate a subject-specific framework for modelling the human hand. This was achieved by combining medical image-based finite element modelling, individualized muscle force and kinematic measurements. Firstly, a subject-specific human hand finite element (FE) model was developed. The geometries of the phalanges, carpal bones, wrist bones, ligaments, tendons, subcutaneous tissue and skin were all included. The material properties were derived from in-vivo and in-vitro experiment results available in the literature. The boundary and loading conditions were defined based on the kinematic data and muscle forces of a specific subject captured from the in-vivo grasping tests. The predicted contact pressure and contact area were in good agreement with the in-vivo test results of the same subject, with the relative errors for the contact pressures all being below 20%. Finally, sensitivity analysis was performed to investigate the effects of important modelling parameters on the predictions. The results showed that contact pressure and area were sensitive to the material properties and muscle forces. This FE human hand model can be used to make a detailed and quantitative evaluation into biomechanical and neurophysiological aspects of human hand contact during daily perception and manipulation. The findings can be applied to the design of the bionic hands or neuro-prosthetics in the future

    Water Service Delivery Reform in China: Safeguarding the Interests of the Poor

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    China faces a water scarcity problem that is severe by international standards. Many factors, including rapid urbanization and environmental degradation etc, have been challenging the water service delivery in China. Since water scarcity and quality have impact on the poor, reforms to the water service provision can produce substantial improvements in the living standard of the economically disadvantaged groups. The objective of this study is to critically evaluate the strengths and weakness of China¡¯s current water financing and delivering system, with a focus on safeguarding the interests of the poor, and to offer insight into possible solutions.water administration, water pricing, water financing

    Existence and asymptotics of normalized solutions for logarithmic Schr\"{o}dinger system

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    This paper is concerned with the following logarithmic Schr\"{o}dinger system: {  Δu1+ω1u1=μ1u1logu12+2pp+qu2qu1p2u1,  Δu2+ω2u2=μ2u2logu22+2qp+qu1pu2q2u2,  Ωui2dx=ρi,  i=1,2,  (u1,u2)H01(Ω;R2),\left\{\begin{align} \ &\ -\Delta u_1+\omega_1u_1=\mu_1 u_1\log u_1^2+\frac{2p}{p+q}|u_2|^{q}|u_1|^{p-2}u_1,\\ \ &\ -\Delta u_2+\omega_2u_2=\mu_2 u_2\log u_2^2+\frac{2q}{p+q}|u_1|^{p}|u_2|^{q-2}u_2,\\ \ &\ \int_{\Omega}|u_i|^2\,dx=\rho_i,\ \ i=1,2,\\ \ &\ (u_1,u_2)\in H_0^1(\Omega;\mathbb R^2),\end{align}\right. where Ω=RN\Omega=\mathbb{R}^N or ΩRN(N3)\Omega\subset\mathbb R^N(N\geq3) is a bounded smooth domain, ωiR\omega_i\in\mathbb R, μi, ρi>0, i=1,2.\mu_i,\ \rho_i>0,\ i=1,2. Moreover, $p,\ q\geq1,\ 2\leq p+q\leqslant 2^*,where, where 2^*:=\frac{2N}{N-2}.ByusingaGagliardoNirenberginequalityandcarefulestimationof. By using a Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality and careful estimation of u\log u^2,firstly,wewillprovideaunifiedproofoftheexistenceofthenormalizedgroundstatessolutionforall, firstly, we will provide a unified proof of the existence of the normalized ground states solution for all 2\leq p+q\leqslant 2^*.Secondly,weconsiderthestabilityofnormalizedgroundstatessolutions.Finally,weanalyzethebehaviorofsolutionsforSobolevsubcriticalcaseandpassthelimitastheexponent. Secondly, we consider the stability of normalized ground states solutions. Finally, we analyze the behavior of solutions for Sobolev-subcritical case and pass the limit as the exponent p+qapproachesto approaches to 2^*.Notably,theuncertaintyofsignof. Notably, the uncertainty of sign of u\log u^2in in (0,+\infty)isoneofthedifficultiesofthispaper,andalsooneofthemotivationsweareinterestedin.Inparticular,wecanestablishtheexistenceofpositivenormalizedgroundstatessolutionsfortheBreˊzisNirenbergtypeproblemwithlogarithmicperturbations(i.e., is one of the difficulties of this paper, and also one of the motivations we are interested in. In particular, we can establish the existence of positive normalized ground states solutions for the Br\'{e}zis-Nirenberg type problem with logarithmic perturbations (i.e., p+q=2^*).Inaddition,ourstudyincludesprovingtheexistenceofsolutionstothelogarithmictypeBreˊzisNirenbergproblemwithandwithoutthe). In addition, our study includes proving the existence of solutions to the logarithmic type Br\'{e}zis-Nirenberg problem with and without the L^2mass-mass \int_{\Omega}|u_i|^2\,dx=\rho_i(i=1,2)$ constraint by two different methods, respectively. Our results seems to be the first result of the normalized solution of the coupled nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger system with logarithmic perturbation

    Evaluation of Land Taxation in China

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    The emerging land-related unrest in China poses a pressing challenge on the legitimacy of the government. Through the perspective of good governance, the paper examines the role of land in government financing and its economic and political cost, as well as the erosion of government's credibility and its negative impact on private and collective property rights. The paper emphasizes the recent upward trend in land-related unrest as a consequence of abuses by local governments on land-source revenues. Our special concern rests on the institution of collective property which is slowly emerging from the shadow of the former state property in the course of economic transition. Collective property right could be a useful legal and economic institution but must receive political support to exist alongside with private property.Land tax, Property tax, Land-related revenue, Land administration