33,957 research outputs found

    Relative Entropy: Free Energy Associated with Equilibrium Fluctuations and Nonequilibrium Deviations

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    Using a one-dimensional macromolecule in aqueous solution as an illustration, we demonstrate that the relative entropy from information theory, kpkln(pk/pk)\sum_k p_k\ln(p_k/p_k^*), has a natural role in the energetics of equilibrium and nonequilibrium conformational fluctuations of the single molecule. It is identified as the free energy difference associated with a fluctuating density in equilibrium, and is associated with the distribution deviate from the equilibrium in nonequilibrium relaxation. This result can be generalized to any other isothermal macromolecular systems using the mathematical theories of large deviations and Markov processes, and at the same time provides the well-known mathematical results with an interesting physical interpretations.Comment: 5 page

    Relationship between Thermodynamic Driving Force and One-Way Fluxes in Reversible Chemical Reactions

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    Chemical reaction systems operating in nonequilibrium open-system states arise in a great number of contexts, including the study of living organisms, in which chemical reactions, in general, are far from equilibrium. Here we introduce a theorem that relates forward and re-verse fluxes and free energy for any chemical process operating in a steady state. This rela-tionship, which is a generalization of equilibrium conditions to the case of a chemical process occurring in a nonequilibrium steady state, provides a novel equivalent definition for chemical reaction free energy. In addition, it is shown that previously unrelated theories introduced by Ussing and Hodgkin and Huxley for transport of ions across membranes, Hill for catalytic cycle fluxes, and Crooks for entropy production in microscopically reversible systems, are united in a common framework based on this relationship.Comment: 11 page

    Generalized Haldane Equation and Fluctuation Theorem in the Steady State Cycle Kinetics of Single Enzymes

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    Enyzme kinetics are cyclic. We study a Markov renewal process model of single-enzyme turnover in nonequilibrium steady-state (NESS) with sustained concentrations for substrates and products. We show that the forward and backward cycle times have idential non-exponential distributions: \QQ_+(t)=\QQ_-(t). This equation generalizes the Haldane relation in reversible enzyme kinetics. In terms of the probabilities for the forward (p+p_+) and backward (pp_-) cycles, kBTln(p+/p)k_BT\ln(p_+/p_-) is shown to be the chemical driving force of the NESS, Δμ\Delta\mu. More interestingly, the moment generating function of the stochastic number of substrate cycle ν(t)\nu(t), follows the fluctuation theorem in the form of Kurchan-Lebowitz-Spohn-type symmetry. When $\lambda$ = $\Delta\mu/k_BT$, we obtain the Jarzynski-Hatano-Sasa-type equality: \equiv 1 for all tt, where νΔμ\nu\Delta\mu is the fluctuating chemical work done for sustaining the NESS. This theory suggests possible methods to experimentally determine the nonequilibrium driving force {\it in situ} from turnover data via single-molecule enzymology.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Liquid-gas Phase Transition in Strange Hadronic Matter with Weak Y-Y Interaction

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    The liquid-gas phase transition in strange hadronic matter is reexamined by using the new parameters about the ΛΛ\Lambda - \Lambda interaction deduced from recent observation of ΛΛ6He^{6}_{\Lambda\Lambda}He double hypernucleus. The extended Furnstahl-Serot-Tang model with nucleons and hyperons is utilized. The binodal surface, the limit pressure, the entropy, the specific heat capacity and the Caloric curves are addressed. We find that the liquid-gas phase transition can occur more easily in strange hadronic matter with weak Y-Y interaction than that of the strong Y-Y interaction.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Stochastic Physics, Complex Systems and Biology

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    In complex systems, the interplay between nonlinear and stochastic dynamics, e.g., J. Monod's necessity and chance, gives rise to an evolutionary process in Darwinian sense, in terms of discrete jumps among attractors, with punctuated equilibrium, spontaneous random "mutations" and "adaptations". On an evlutionary time scale it produces sustainable diversity among individuals in a homogeneous population rather than convergence as usually predicted by a deterministic dynamics. The emergent discrete states in such a system, i.e., attractors, have natural robustness against both internal and external perturbations. Phenotypic states of a biological cell, a mesoscopic nonlinear stochastic open biochemical system, could be understood through such a perspective.Comment: 10 page

    Excluded-Volume Effects in Tethered-Particle Experiments: Bead Size Matters

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    The tethered-particle method is a single-molecule technique that has been used to explore the dynamics of a variety of macromolecules of biological interest. We give a theoretical analysis of the particle motions in such experiments. Our analysis reveals that the proximity of the tethered bead to a nearby surface (the microscope slide) gives rise to a volume-exclusion effect, resulting in an entropic force on the molecule. This force stretches the molecule, changing its statistical properties. In particular, the proximity of bead and surface brings about intriguing scaling relations between key observables (statistical moments of the bead) and parameters such as the bead size and contour length of the molecule. We present both approximate analytic solutions and numerical results for these effects in both flexible and semiflexible tethers. Finally, our results give a precise, experimentally-testable prediction for the probability distribution of the distance between the polymer attachment point and the center of the mobile bead.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Discerning Aggregation in Homogeneous Ensembles: A General Description of Photon Counting Spectroscopy in Diffusing Systems

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    In order to discern aggregation in solutions, we present a quantum mechanical analog of the photon statistics from fluorescent molecules diffusing through a focused beam. A generating functional is developed to fully describe the experimental physical system as well as the statistics. Histograms of the measured time delay between photon counts are fit by an analytical solution describing the static as well as diffusing regimes. To determine empirical fitting parameters, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy is used in parallel to the photon counting. For expedient analysis, we find that the distribution's deviation from a single Poisson shows a difference between two single fluor moments or a double fluor aggregate of the same total intensities. Initial studies were performed on fixed-state aggregates limited to dimerization. However preliminary results on reactive species suggest that the method can be used to characterize any aggregating system.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figure