2 research outputs found

    Evaluaci贸n de la falla del bracket en relaci贸n con diferentes factores en pacientes que reciben tratamiento ortod贸ntico integral: Un estudio de cohorte retrospectivo.

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate loose brackets in relation to various related factors in orthodontic patients who had completed orthodontic treatment. Material and Methods: In this retrospective study, 738 medical records of patients who had undergone comprehensive orthodontic treatment and matched specific inclusion criteria were selected. Paired t-tests and ANOVA, along with the Mann-Whitney test and Kruskal鈥揥allis analyses were performed to compare the means of variables between selected subgroups. Results: Loose brackets were found most frequently on premolars, followed by incisors and then canines (p<0.01). Male and young patients were found to have a higher incidence of loose brackets compared to female and adult patients (p=0.044 and p<0.01, respectively). The highest correlation coefficient value was found between treatment duration and total number of loose brackets (0.393), which was statistically significant. Conclusions: The frequency of total number of loose brackets increased with younger age group. Premolar teeth were found to be the most commonly affected teeth, followed by incisors and canines. Mandibular teeth presented more loose brackets than maxillary.Objetivo: Fue investigar brackets sueltos en relaci贸n con varios factores relacionados en pacientes ortod贸nticos que hab铆an completado el tratamiento de ortodoncia. Material y M茅todos: En este estudio retrospectivo, se seleccionaron 738 registros m茅dicos de pacientes que se hab铆an sometido a un tratamiento ortod贸ntico integral y criterios de inclusi贸n espec铆ficos coincidentes. Se realizaron pruebas t pareadas y ANOVA, junto con la prueba de Mann-Whitney y los an谩lisis de Kruskal-Wallis para comparar las medias de las variables entre los subgrupos seleccionados. Resultados: Se encontraron corchetes sueltos con mayor frecuencia en los premolares, seguidos de incisivos y luego caninos (p<0.01). Se encontr贸 que los pacientes masculinos y j贸venes ten铆an una mayor incidencia de corchetes sueltos en comparaci贸n con los pacientes femeninos y adultos (p=0.044 y p<0.01, respectivamente). El valor del coeficiente de correlaci贸n m谩s alto se encontr贸 entre la duraci贸n del tratamiento y el n煤mero total de corchetes sueltos (0.393), que fue estad铆sticamente significativo. Conclusiones: La frecuencia del n煤mero total de corchetes sueltos aument贸 con el grupo de edad m谩s joven. Los dientes premolares fueron los dientes m谩s afectados, seguidos de los incisivos y los caninos. Los dientes mandibulares presentan m谩s brackets sueltos que los maxilares

    Knowledge assessment for the management of patients with cleft lip and palate among dental and medical interns and practitioners in Medina, Saudi Arabia

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    Introduction: Cleft lip and palate (CLP) is a common developmental anomaly in the head-and-neck region that can be syndromic or nonsyndromic. Various therapeutic procedures can be addressed to manage patients with CLP; hence, awareness about CLP is warranted. Aims: This study aims to identify the level of knowledge among dental and medical health-care professionals regarding the management of patients with CLP in Medina. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted using an online-based self-administrated questionnaire. The sampling was convenient with snowball effect; the questionnaire was sent to eligible participants (n = 228). It was divided into four sections regarding demographic data and knowledge questions regarding the management of patients with cleft lip/palate. Results and Discussion: About 44.3% disagreed that CLP is always associated with syndromes, whereas only 34.65% and 36.4% were aware of a method to examine for the presence of transverse and/or anteroposterior restriction of maxillary growth, respectively. The responses highlighted moderate level of knowledge regarding the relationship between CLP, associated problems, and the treatment needed. The total knowledge score was 26.83 (7.65) and was significantly higher among participants in the dental field compared to other participants in the medical field (P < 0.001). Conclusion: The present study highlighted the need to enhance the level of knowledge regarding CLP among dental and medical health-care professionals. Early diagnosis is essential for better treatment outcomes and could influence good prognosis and enhance the quality of life of patients. Hence, improving the knowledge regarding CLP and its management is warranted