279 research outputs found


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    OES. Characteristic moisture content, ash content, electrical conductivity and pH are also performed. The Largest mineral content of honey is K up to 113,74 mg/L followed by Ca, Mg dan Na (mg/L), respectively 80,68; 28,37; 17,1. Some micro mineral found in Terasa’s honey such as; Fe, Se, Ni, V and Co (mg/L), respectively 0,976; 0,078; 0,11; 0,042; dan 0,035. Heavy metal Cd is also present in very small concentrations average 0,005 mg/LKeyword; multifloral honey, mineral content, moisture content, ash content, conductivity, p

    Analysis of Constraints Faced by the Agro-Tech Teachers in Poonch Division, AJK

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    Agro-tech teachers are generally educated in agriculture and well trained in communication skills, social contacts and behaviorism. They have duties in both teaching sector as well as in social sector. They are the effective channel of extension educational messages to the people. The research study was designed to study the analyses of constraints faced by agro-tech teachers in promoting agriculture in Poonch division of Azad Jamu and Kashmir which consists of four districts. In four districts, 71 agro-tech teachers are working in 55 institutes from which a total of 50 agro-tech teachers were selected randomly. The data was collected with the help of pre-tested, validated and reliable interview schedule. The study was conducted to analyze the constraints faced by agro-tech teachers. The data were analyzed by using the percentages and Pearson correlation coefficient test. Results of the study showed that the education level of the senior agro-tech teachers was better than junior agro-tech teachers from which 54.17% were B.Sc.(Hons) and about 25% had one year diploma in agriculture. Results showed that Agro-tech teachers 68% were of the view that they have low salary, 72% thought political involvement is a problem in promotion and transfer and 60% thought that they had no right to claim TA/DA in their department. There were some constraints which may have their effects on the efficiency of the respondents which also taken into consideration, like the physical (constraints), social (constraints), administrative (constraints), professional (constraints), and economical (constraints) and political factors (constraints). These agro-tech teachers faced these constraints in a massive way,every respondent has a fear of transfer on political grounds regarding the transfers of the respondents 68.75% were mostly made by political influence or under the pressure of influential personalities. There was enough political influence and favoritism involved in the case of promotion and in granting any reward. 70% respondents were not contented with their pay and other facilities provided to them in the response of their services. Highly qualified agro-tech teachers faced less constraints as compared to others, more experienced agro-tech teachers faced fewer constraints as compared to low experienced agro-tech teachers, Junior agro-tech teachers faced more constraints as compared to senior agro-tech teachers, Agro-tech teachers who spend more time in the field were facing more constraints as compared to those agro-tech teachers who spent less time in the field. Social status of the agro-tech teachers’ needs to be improved by providing various facilities, i.e. travelling and daily allowance, Political involvement in promotion and transfer should be totally discouraged. These should be purely on merit basis and according to prevailing service rules. Junior agro-tech teachers should be encouraged by giving facilities in the form of increasing salary, TA/DA and other benefits. It is also recommended that political involvement should be abolished from the education department and salary should be increased according to price hike (escalation in price). Keywords: Agric. Extension, Agro-tech teachers, Poonch division, AJK, Constraints, political.

    Mengakses Kemampuan Berinkuiri Calon Guru Fisika Melalui Pendekatan Inkuiri Level Demonstrasi Interaktif

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    AbstractA study to assess the inquiry ability preservice physics teacher on learning of optics (the simple magnifier, microscopes, and telescopes) with inquiry approach of level interactive demonstrations. This research using experimental design and involved 33 preservice physics teacher of five semester as a research subject. Quantitative data was collected using inquiry ability instruments embedded with learning. The study resulted in appropriate characteristics of materials consisted of observation, manipulation, generalization, verification, and applications. The results of quantitative analysis showed inquiry ability of preservice physics teacher had percentace average scores observation 62%,  manipulation 68%, generalization 62%, verification 71%, and the application 86%.Keywords: assessing, inquiry ability, interactive demonstration level. AbstrakPenelitian ini mengases kemampuan berinkuiri calon guru fisika pada pembelajaran optika (materi lup, mikroskop, dan teleskop) dengan pendekatan inkuiri level demonstrasi interaktif. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimen dan melibatkan 33 orang calon guru fisika semester lima sebagai subjek penelitian. Data kuantitaif dikumpulkan menggunakan instrumen kemampuan berinkuiri yang terintegrasi dengan pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat kesesuaian karkteristik materi pada aspek kemampuan berinkuiri yang terdiri dari observasi, manipulasi, generalisasi, verifikasi, dan aplikasi. Hasil analisis data kuantitatif menunjukkan kemampuan berinkuiri calon guru fisika memiliki persentase skor sebesar 62% untuk observasi, 68% untuk manipulasi, 62% untuk generalisasi, 71% untuk verifikasi, dan 86% untuk aplikasi.Kata Kunci: mengases, kemampuan berinkuiri, level demonstrasi interaktif

    Strategi dan Taktik Reproduksi Ikan, Hubungannya dengan Kondisi Lingkungan

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    Kondisi lingkungan membentuk seleksi alam yang menyebabkan ikan harus memaksimalkan kemampuan reproduksinya. Strategi dan variasi taktik reproduksi merupakan upaya adaptasi ikan terhadap lingkungannya untuk keberlangsungan hidup keturunan sampai dewasa dan menjamin kelangsungan hidup spesiesnya. Artikel ini merupakan uraian singkat dan contoh tentang strategi dan dan taktik reproduksi ikan. Pemahaman tentang tentang strategi dan taktik reproduksi ikan diperlukan untuk pengembangan industri akuakultur spesies ikan komersil tertentu, juga sangat penting artinya dalam penentuan metode pengelolaan sumberdaya perairan. Pengelolaan ekosistem, sistem hidrologis dan dinamika ekologis suatu sistem perairan sangat penting untuk menjaga populasi jenis ikan dan dalam rangka memertahankan kelestarian suatu spesies ikan

    Quantification Methods of Pigments and its Potential As Biomarkers for Estimation of Phytoplankton Biomass

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    Pigments and chlorophyll are essential for the process of photosynthesis and are characteristic of each species of phytoplankton. This study aims to provide an overview of the pigment quantification method and its potential to identify and estimate biomass of phytoplankton. A literature review has been carried out to identify methods for the extraction and quantification of phytoplankton. The results of the study found that there are at least two main methods most commonly used for the extraction and quantification of phytoplankton, namely spectrophotometric analysis and HPLC. Spectrophotometric is considered a good and practical method for estimating chlorophyll. However, the HPLC has also become the main method for investigating the taxonomic composition of phytoplankton populations. The researchers concluded that there was no significant difference in results between two methods. Spectrophotometric analysis is much cheaper and faster than HPLC, make it a good tool for routine evaluation of chlorophyll. However, the use of HPLC has been proven to be the most appropriate for determining concentration of various pigments in the community of phytoplankton. Regardless of the various advantages and disadvantages of both methods, a good understanding of each method should be a concern in terms of selecting the method to be used according to its designation

    Implementasi Revesi Undang-undang No. 1 Tahun 1974 Pasal 7 tentang Batas Usia nikah di Kantor Urusan Agama (KUA) Kecamatan Sampang

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    Dalam UU No 16 tahun 2019 mengatakan bahwa perkawinan hanya diizinkan apabila pria dan wanita sudah mencapai umur 19 tahun. Namun dalam hal ini jumlah pernikahan usia dini di Kecamatan Sampang masih mengalami peningkatan dari Tahun 2018 hingga tahun 2019. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai oleh peneliti adalah untuk mendeskripsikan secara mendalam bagaimana implementasi UU No 16 Tahun 2019 di Kabupaten Pasangkayu dan mendeskripsikan secara memdalam faktor pendukung dan penghambat dari implementasi UU No 16 Tahun 2019 di Kecamatan Sampang. Metode penelitian ini merupakan metode penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Implementasi UU No 16 Tahun 2019 di Kecamatan Sampang tidak berhasil.  Kata Kunci : Batas minimal perkawinan, Implementas

    Investigations into the effectiveness of large size membrane elements for RO desalination RO: water treatment by reverse osmosis

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    Operational data on Reverse Osmosis application in Sea Water Desalination were acquired for 8- and 16-inch membrane system; their performances and effectiveness in terms of specific flux, recovery, salt rejection, pressure drop across membranes components and power consumption were compared; and the results now provides a compendium on effectiveness of small and large size membrane elements for RO desalination presenting a tool for making selective decision for the optimisation of available capital and resource utilisation


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    Sastra anak merupakan sastra yang ditulis baik oleh orang dewasa maupun anak-anak yang isinya sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Sastra anak yang ditulis oleh anak-anak tentu dari segi isi sangat berbeda dengan sastra anak yang ditulis oleh orang dewasa. Penulis anak dapat dengan bebas menuliskan pengalaman atau apapun yang mereka rasakan. Hasil pemikiran anak yang tertuang dalam karya sastra dapat tergambar dengan melihat bagaimana anak-anak membuat suatu rangkaian cerita yang utuh dan tokoh yang beragam. Kemampuan anak dalam mengembangkan sebuah cerita termasuk kedalam gambaran perkembangan kognitif, terutama gambaran sikap egosentris pada karya anak. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui bagaimana gambaran pada karya sastra anak khususnya yang ditulis oleh pengarang anak Objek penelitian ini adalah tiga novel anak yang diterbitkan KKPK dengan judul Hitam Putih karya Kanita D. Adzani, The Chocolate Cakes Balls Paranoia karya Kanita D. Adzani dan Rahasia Huruf T karya Shoffiya Lukman. Peneliti merumuskan penelitian untuk jawaban mengenai: 1) mengetahui bagaimana struktur narasi pada novel anak KKPK yaitu, Hitam Putih karya Kanita D. Adzani, The Chocolate Cakes Balls Paranoia karya Kanita D. Adzani dan Rahasia Huruf T karya Shoffiya Lukman, 2) mengetahui bagaimana sikap egosentris yang tergambar pada novel anak KKPK Hitam Putih karya Kanita D. Adzani, The Chocolate Cakes Balls Paranoia karya Kanita D. Adzani dan Rahasia Huruf T karya Shoffiya Lukman. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan metode deskripsi analitis dengan cara mendeskripsikan fakta-fakta yang kemudian disusul dengan analisis. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan melalui studi pustaka dengan mencari data-data mengenai analisis struktur narasi anak, psikologi sastra, psikologi perkembangan dan egosentris yang sesuai dengan objek penelitian. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan psikologi sastra dengan menggunakan teori psikologi perkembangan dan teori yang digunakan adalah egosentris. Hasil penelitian menunjukan struktur yang membangun novel Hitam Putih, The Chocolate Cakes Balls Paranoia dan Rahasia Huruf T terdiri atas unsur intrinsik. Novel ini juga menunjukan bahwa adanya sikap egosentris yang berupa superioritas, inferioritas dan merasa menjadi korban. Egosentris juga tampak pada alur cerita, tokoh dan latar yang digunakan pengarang. Egosentris tersebut mewakili bagaimana pemikiran anak ke dalam karya sastra dan kemampuan anak dalam membuat suatu rangkaian cerita yang utuh. Children’s literature is a well-written work by adults or children which meets the needs. Content of children’s literature that is written by children itself must be different from another which is written by adults. Children are able and free to write experiences or anything they feel. The result of chidren’s thoughts in a literature can be depicted by seeing how thwy arrange the whole story with varied roles. Children’s ability in developing story is categorized as cognitive development, especially the egosentric behavior in their work. This study aimed at knowing the picture of children’s literature especially those which are written by children. The objects in this study are three children novels which are published by Kecil-Kecil Punya Karya (KKPK) entitled Hitam Putih by Kanita D. Adzani, The Chocolate Cakes Balls Paranoia and Rahasia Huruf T by Shoffiya Lukman. The researcher attempts to gain the answers about: 1) narration structure in children novels which were published by KKPK which are Hitam Putih by Kanita D. Adzani, The Chocolate Cakes Balls Paranoia and Rahasia Huruf T by Shoffiya Lukman; 2) egosentric behavior which is depicted in children novels which are published by KKPK which are Hitam Putih by Kanita D. Adzani, The Chocolate Cakes Balls Paranoia and Rahasia Huruf T by Shoffiya Lukman. This study is a qualitative research which used analytical description method by describing the fact to be analyzed. Literature study is chosen as the data collection technique to search the data about analyses of children’s narration structure, literature psychology, development psychology, and egosentrism as matched with the theory which is egosentrism. The results shows that structure which construct Hitam Putih, The Chocolate Cakes Balls Paranoia and Rahasia Huruf T consists of intrinsic feature. These novels also show the egosentric behavior which can be identified as superiority, inferiority and feeling of being a victim. Egosentrism also can be seen from the plot, roles and background used by the author. Egosentrism represent children’s thought in a literature work and children’s ability in arranging a complete story
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