1,756 research outputs found

    Non-Thermal Dark Matter Mimicking An Additional Neutrino Species In The Early Universe

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    The South Pole Telescope (SPT), Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT), and Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) have each reported measurements of the cosmic microwave background's (CMB) angular power spectrum which favor the existence of roughly one additional neutrino species, in addition to the three contained in the standard model of particle physics. Neutrinos influence the CMB by contributing to the radiation density, which alters the expansion rate of the universe during the epoch leading up to recombination. In this paper, we consider an alternative possibility that the excess kinetic energy implied by these measurements was possessed by dark matter particles that were produced through a non-thermal mechanism, such as late-time decays. In particular, we find that if a small fraction (<1%) of the dark matter in the universe today were produced through the decays of a heavy and relatively long-lived state, the expansion history of the universe can be indistinguishable from that predicted in the standard cosmological model with an additional neutrino. Furthermore, if these decays take place after the completion of big bang nucleosynthesis, this scenario can avoid tension with the value of three neutrino species preferred by measurements of the light element abundances.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Location of the Multicritical Point for the Ising Spin Glass on the Triangular and Hexagonal Lattices

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    A conjecture is given for the exact location of the multicritical point in the phase diagram of the +/- J Ising model on the triangular lattice. The result p_c=0.8358058 agrees well with a recent numerical estimate. From this value, it is possible to derive a comparable conjecture for the exact location of the multicritical point for the hexagonal lattice, p_c=0.9327041, again in excellent agreement with a numerical study. The method is a variant of duality transformation to relate the triangular lattice directly with its dual triangular lattice without recourse to the hexagonal lattice, in conjunction with the replica method.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure; Minor corrections in notatio

    On the Role of LHC and HL-LHC in Constraining Flavor Changing Neutral Currents

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    The Standard Model (SM) has no flavor-changing neutral current (FCNC) processes at the tree level. Therefore, processes featuring FCNC in new physics are tightly constrained by data. Typically, the lower bounds on the scale of new physics obtained from KKˉK-\bar{K} or BBˉB-\bar{B} mixing lie well above 10 TeV, surpassing the reach of current and future colliders. In this paper, we demonstrate, using a specific Z' model, that such limits can be severely weakened by applying certain parametrizations of the quark mixing matrices with no prejudice while maintaining the CKM matrix in agreement with the data. We highlight the valuable role of the often-overlooked D0 mixing in deriving robust FCNC limits and show that the LHC and HL-LHC are promising probes for flavor-changing interactions mediated by a Z' boson.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Correlation functions in the two-dimensional random-field Ising model

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    Transfer-matrix methods are used to study the probability distributions of spin-spin correlation functions GG in the two-dimensional random-field Ising model, on long strips of width L=315L = 3 - 15 sites, for binary field distributions at generic distance RR, temperature TT and field intensity h0h_0. For moderately high TT, and h0h_0 of the order of magnitude used in most experiments, the distributions are singly-peaked, though rather asymmetric. For low temperatures the single-peaked shape deteriorates, crossing over towards a double-δ\delta ground-state structure. A connection is obtained between the probability distribution for correlation functions and the underlying distribution of accumulated field fluctuations. Analytical expressions are in good agreement with numerical results for R/L1R/L \gtrsim 1, low TT, h0h_0 not too small, and near G=1. From a finite-size {\it ansatz} at T=Tc(h0=0)T=T_c (h_0=0), h00h_0 \to 0, averaged correlation functions are predicted to scale with Lyh0L^y h_0, y=7/8y =7/8. From numerical data we estimate y=0.875 \pm 0.025,inexcellentagreementwiththeory.Inthesameregion,theRMSrelativewidth, in excellent agreement with theory. In the same region, the RMS relative width Woftheprobabilitydistributionsvariesforfixed of the probability distributions varies for fixed R/L=1as as W \sim h_0^{\kappa} f(L h_0^u)with with \kappa \simeq 0.45,, u \simeq 0.8; ; f(x)appearstosaturatewhen appears to saturate when x \to \infty,thusimplying, thus implying W \sim h_0^{\kappa}in in d=2$.Comment: RevTeX code for 8 pages, 7 eps figures, to appear in Physical Review E (1999

    Universality, frustration and conformal invariance in two-dimensional random Ising magnets

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    We consider long, finite-width strips of Ising spins with randomly distributed couplings. Frustration is introduced by allowing both ferro- and antiferromagnetic interactions. Free energy and spin-spin correlation functions are calculated by transfer-matrix methods. Numerical derivatives and finite-size scaling concepts allow estimates of the usual critical exponents γ/ν\gamma/\nu, α/ν\alpha/\nu and ν\nu to be obtained, whenever a second-order transition is present. Low-temperature ordering persists for suitably small concentrations of frustrated bonds, with a transition governed by pure--Ising exponents. Contrary to the unfrustrated case, subdominant terms do not fit a simple, logarithmic-enhancement form. Our analysis also suggests a vertical critical line at and below the Nishimori point. Approaching this point along either the temperature axis or the Nishimori line, one finds non-diverging specific heats. A percolation-like ratio γ/ν\gamma/\nu is found upon analysis of the uniform susceptibility at the Nishimori point. Our data are also consistent with frustration inducing a breakdown of the relationship between correlation-length amplitude and critical exponents, predicted by conformal invariance for pure systems.Comment: RevTeX code for 10 pages, 9 eps figures, to appear in Physical Review B (September 1999

    Failure of single-parameter scaling of wave functions in Anderson localization

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    We show how to use properties of the vectors which are iterated in the transfer-matrix approach to Anderson localization, in order to generate the statistical distribution of electronic wavefunction amplitudes at arbitary distances from the origin of Ld1×L^{d-1} \times \infty disordered systems. For d=1d=1 our approach is shown to reproduce exact diagonalization results available in the literature. In d=2d=2, where strips of width L64 L \leq 64 sites were used, attempted fits of gaussian (log-normal) forms to the wavefunction amplitude distributions result in effective localization lengths growing with distance, contrary to the prediction from single-parameter scaling theory. We also show that the distributions possess a negative skewness SS, which is invariant under the usual histogram-collapse rescaling, and whose absolute value increases with distance. We find 0.15S0.300.15 \lesssim -S \lesssim 0.30 for the range of parameters used in our study, .Comment: RevTeX 4, 6 pages, 4 eps figures. Phys. Rev. B (final version, to be published

    Constraints on Hidden Sectors Using Rare Kaon Decays

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    The charged Kaon meson (K+K^+) features several hadronic decay modes, but the most relevant contribution to its decay width stems from the leptonic decay K+μ+νμK^+ \rightarrow \mu^+ \nu_\mu . Given the precision acquired on the rare decay mode K+μ+νμ+XK^+ \rightarrow \mu^+ \nu_\mu + X, one can use the data to set constraints on sub-GeV hidden sectors featuring light species that could contribute to it. Light gauge bosons that couple to muons could give rise to sizeable contributions. In this work, we will use data from the K+μ+νμl+lK^+ \rightarrow \mu^+\nu_{\mu} l^+l^-, and K+μ+νμννˉK^+ \rightarrow \mu^+ \nu_{\mu} \nu \bar{\nu} decays to place limits on light vector bosons present in Two Higgs Doublet Models (2HDM) augmented by an Abelian gauge symmetry, 2HDM-U(1)XU(1)_X. We put our findings into perpective with collider bounds, atomic parity violation, neutrino-electron scattering, and polarized electron scattering probes to show that rare Kaon decays provide competitive bounds in the sub-GeV mass range for different values of tanβ\tan\beta.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Strong disorder fixed points in the two-dimensional random-bond Ising model

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    The random-bond Ising model on the square lattice has several disordered critical points, depending on the probability distribution of the bonds. There are a finite-temperature multicritical point, called Nishimori point, and a zero-temperature fixed point, for both a binary distribution where the coupling constants take the values +/- J and a Gaussian disorder distribution. Inclusion of dilution in the +/- J distribution (J=0 for some bonds) gives rise to another zero-temperature fixed point which can be identified with percolation in the non-frustrated case (J >= 0). We study these fixed points using numerical (transfer matrix) methods. We determine the location, critical exponents, and central charge of the different fixed points and study the spin-spin correlation functions. Our main findings are the following: (1) We confirm that the Nishimori point is universal with respect to the type of disorder, i.e. we obtain the same central charge and critical exponents for the +/- J and Gaussian distributions of disorder. (2) The Nishimori point, the zero-temperature fixed point for the +/- J and Gaussian distributions of disorder, and the percolation point in the diluted case all belong to mutually distinct universality classes. (3) The paramagnetic phase is re-entrant below the Nishimori point, i.e. the zero-temperature fixed points are not located exactly below the Nishimori point, neither for the +/- J distribution, nor for the Gaussian distribution.Comment: final version to appear in JSTAT; minor change

    Exact partition functions of the Ising model on MxN planar lattices with periodic-aperiodic boundary conditions

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    The Grassmann path integral approach is used to calculate exact partition functions of the Ising model on MxN square (sq), plane triangular (pt) and honeycomb (hc) lattices with periodic-periodic (pp), periodic-antiperiodic (pa), antiperiodic-periodic (ap) and antiperiodic-antiperiodic (aa) boundary conditions. The partition functions are used to calculate and plot the specific heat, C/kBC/k_B, as a function of the temperature, θ=kBT/J\theta =k_BT/J. We find that for the NxN sq lattice, C/kBC/k_B for pa and ap boundary conditions are different from those for aa boundary conditions, but for the NxN pt and hc lattices, C/kBC/k_B for ap, pa, and aa boundary conditions have the same values. Our exact partition functions might also be useful for understanding the effects of lattice structures and boundary conditions on critical finite-size corrections of the Ising model.Comment: 17 pages, 13 Postscript figures, uses iopams.sty, submitted to J. Phys. A: Math. Ge