28 research outputs found

    Precipitation reduction alters herbaceous community structure and composition in a savanna

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    Questions In the changing climate scenario, the decline in precipitation is expected to alter water availability for plants, which in turn affects plant community structure and composition. The responses of community composition and structure to declines in precipitation are well documented in other biomes but remain understudied in water-limited savannas. Location A savanna ecosystem in southwest China. Methods We used a four-year (2014-2017) precipitation manipulation experiment to examine changes in herbaceous community composition and structure across the species, functional group and community levels under precipitation reduction. Results Precipitation reduction significantly decreased the average height and percentage cover of the herbaceous community, while increasing species richness and the Pielou evenness index. Precipitation reduction significantly decreased average height, percentage cover and relative abundance of graminoids and perennials, but increased those of forbs and annuals. Precipitation reduction prompted a shift in the dominant species of the herbaceous community towards Fimbristylis monostachya. Conclusions The results show that precipitation reduction changed the composition and structure of the herbaceous community of this savanna. Furthermore, they provide strong evidence that changes in herbaceous community structure and composition in response to the intensity and duration of precipitation reduction in this savanna exhibited relatively low thresholds, which suggests that the herbaceous community's response to a decline in precipitation was essentially nonlinear. These findings imply that even relatively small declines in precipitation may stimulate shifts in plant community structure and composition and affect the function and stability of savanna ecosystems

    Patterns and Controls of Light Use Efficiency in Four Contrasting Forest Ecosystems in Yunnan, Southwest China

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    Ecosystem light use efficiency (LUE) is a critical parameter in estimating CO2 uptake by vegetation from climatological and satellite data. However, the spatiotemporal dynamics and biophysical regulations of ecosystem-level LUE are not well understood, resulting in large uncertainties in the estimation of gross primary productivity (GPP) using LUE-based models. In this study, we used eddy covariance to explore spatiotemporal variations and controls of LUE in four contrasting forest ecosystems (savanna, tropical rainforest, subtropical evergreen forest, and subalpine coniferous forest). Based on 27 site years of data, we found that (1) the multiyear mean LUE was 0.063, 0.251, 0.247, and 0.140g C mol photon(-1) in the four contrasting ecosystems, respectively; (2) the LUE in the wet season (May-October) was higher than that in the dry season in all studied ecosystems; (3) the leaf area index controlled GPP and LUE significantly and explained 74%, 29%, 54%, and 36% of the variation in GPP and 51%, 19%, 41%, and 54% of the variation in LUE in the four contrasting ecosystems, respectively; (4) path analysis revealed the critical roles of GPP and vapor pressure deficit in controlling LUE in these four forest ecosystems; and (5) under warming scenarios, LUE may decrease in savanna but increase in the other three ecosystems, while decreasing precipitation (P) may reduce LUE in the ecosystems studied. This study improves our understanding of the influence of biophysical factors on LUE and demonstrates how LUE changes with variations in temperature, soil moisture, and leaf area index, thereby improving estimations of large-scale carbon exchange/cycling