17,101 research outputs found
Experimental investigation of the effects of polarization on the measured radiation efficiency of a dielectric resonator antenna
©2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.The radiation efficiencies of two rectangular dielectric resonant antennas (DRAs) were investigated using the directivity/ gain (D/G) method and the Wheeler cap method. Both antennas are linearly polarized but have different linear polarization purities. Through comparison of their radiation efficiencies, itpsilas shown that the polarization purity strongly affects the D/G measurement of the DRAspsila radiation efficiency.Qinghua Lai, Georgios Almpanis, Christophe Fumeaux, Hansruedi Benedickter, and Rüdiger Vahldiec
Zn-doped Zr oxynitride as charge-trapping layer for flash memory applications
In this work, we proposed Zn-doped Zr oxynitride (ZrZnON) as a new charge-trapping layer for flash memory applications and investigated its memory characteristics based on the capacitor structure of Al/Al2O3/ZrZnON/SiO2/Si. The high-K dielectric film, ZrON, was used as the control group. The effects of incorporating ZnO in ZrON were studied by comparing the differences of memory properties between the two charge-trapping layers. Measured data showed that the memory device containing ZrZnON had much larger C-V hysteresis window, higher programming/erasing speeds and much better charge retention properties than the one containing ZrON. These improvements should result from charge traps created by ZnO incorporation and deeper quantum wells built by the band-gap alignment of ZrZnON to the Si02 tunnel layer and Al2O3 blocking layer.published_or_final_versio
Nitrided GdTiO as charge-trapping layer for flash memory applications
Based on capacitor with the structure of Al/Al2O 3/GdTiO (N)/SiO2/Si, the charge-trapping properties of GdTiO and GdTiON films were investigated. Compared to the memory device with GdTiO film as charge-trapping layer, the one with GdTiON showed higher program/erase speed, larger memory window, and better retention characteristic due to additional charge traps with desirable energy level created by nitrogen incorporation in the film. © 2012 IEEE.published_or_final_versio
Evolutionary Subnetworks in Complex Systems
Links in a practical network may have different functions, which makes the
original network a combination of some functional subnetworks. Here, by a model
of coupled oscillators, we investigate how such functional subnetworks are
evolved and developed according to the network structure and dynamics. In
particular, we study the case of evolutionary clustered networks in which the
function of each link (either attractive or repulsive coupling) is updated by
the local dynamics. It is found that, during the process of system evolution,
the network is gradually stabilized into a particular form in which the
attractive (repulsive) subnetwork consists only the intralinks (interlinks).
Based on the properties of subnetwork evolution, we also propose a new
algorithm for network partition which is distinguished by the convenient
operation and fast computing speed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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