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    Modelling strategic behaviour in anticipation of congestion

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    A Model of Low-lying States in Strongly Interacting Electroweak Symmetry-Breaking Sector

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    It is proposed that, in a strongly-interacting electroweak sector, besides the Goldstone bosons, the coexistence of a scalar state (HH) and vector resonances such as A1A_1 [IG(JP)=1βˆ’(1+I^G(J^P)=1^-(1^+)], VV [1+(1βˆ’)1^+(1^-)] and Ο‰H\omega_H^{} [0βˆ’(1βˆ’)0^-(1^-)] is required by the proper Regge behavior of the forward scattering amplitudes. This is a consequence of the following well-motivated assumptions: (a). Adler-Weisberger-type sum rules and the superconvergence relations for scattering amplitudes hold in this strongly interacting sector; (b). the sum rules at t=0t=0 are saturated by a minimal set of low-lying states with appropriate quantum numbers. It therefore suggests that a complete description should include all these resonances. These states may lead to distinctive experimental signatures at future colliders.Comment: revised version, to appear in Modern Physics Letters A; file also available via anonymous ftp at ftp://ucdhep.ucdavis.edu/han/sews/lowlying.p
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