19,557 research outputs found

    Microwave-induced resistance oscillations in a back-gated GaAs quantum well

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    We performed effective mass measurements employing microwave-induced resistance oscillation in a tunable-density GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well. Our main result is a clear observation of an effective mass increase with decreasing density, in general agreement with earlier studies which investigated the density dependence of the effective mass employing Shubnikov- de Haas oscillations. This finding provides further evidence that microwave-induced resistance oscillations are sensitive to electron-electron interactions and offer a convenient and accurate way to obtain the effective mass.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Calorimetric Evidence of Strong-Coupling Multiband Superconductivity in Fe(Te0.57Se0.43) Single Crystal

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    We have investigated the specific heat of optimally-doped iron chalcogenide superconductor Fe(Te0.57Se0.43) with a high-quality single crystal sample. The electronic specific heat Ce of this sample has been successfully separated from the phonon contribution using the specific heat of a non-superconducting sample (Fe0.90Cu0.10)(Te0.57Se0.43) as a reference. The normal state Sommerfeld coefficient gamma_n of the superconducting sample is found to be ~ 26.6 mJ/mol K^2, indicating intermediate electronic correlation. The temperature dependence of Ce in the superconducting state can be best fitted using a double-gap model with 2Delta_s(0)/kBTc = 3.92 and 2Delta_l(0)/kBTc = 5.84. The large gap magnitudes derived from fitting, as well as the large specific heat jump of Delta_Ce(Tc)/gamma_n*Tc ~ 2.11, indicate strong-coupling superconductivity. Furthermore, the magnetic field dependence of specific heat shows strong evidence for multiband superconductivity

    Generalized Haldane Equation and Fluctuation Theorem in the Steady State Cycle Kinetics of Single Enzymes

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    Enyzme kinetics are cyclic. We study a Markov renewal process model of single-enzyme turnover in nonequilibrium steady-state (NESS) with sustained concentrations for substrates and products. We show that the forward and backward cycle times have idential non-exponential distributions: \QQ_+(t)=\QQ_-(t). This equation generalizes the Haldane relation in reversible enzyme kinetics. In terms of the probabilities for the forward (p+p_+) and backward (pp_-) cycles, kBTln(p+/p)k_BT\ln(p_+/p_-) is shown to be the chemical driving force of the NESS, Δμ\Delta\mu. More interestingly, the moment generating function of the stochastic number of substrate cycle ν(t)\nu(t), follows the fluctuation theorem in the form of Kurchan-Lebowitz-Spohn-type symmetry. When $\lambda$ = $\Delta\mu/k_BT$, we obtain the Jarzynski-Hatano-Sasa-type equality: \equiv 1 for all tt, where νΔμ\nu\Delta\mu is the fluctuating chemical work done for sustaining the NESS. This theory suggests possible methods to experimentally determine the nonequilibrium driving force {\it in situ} from turnover data via single-molecule enzymology.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Thermodynamical quantities of lattice full QCD from an efficient method

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    I extend to QCD an efficient method for lattice gauge theory with dynamical fermions. Once the eigenvalues of the Dirac operator and the density of states of pure gluonic configurations at a set of plaquette energies (proportional to the gauge action) are computed, thermodynamical quantities deriving from the partition function can be obtained for arbitrary flavor number, quark masses and wide range of coupling constants, without additional computational cost. Results for the chiral condensate and gauge action are presented on the 10410^4 lattice at flavor number Nf=0N_f=0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and many quark masses and coupling constants. New results in the chiral limit for the gauge action and its correlation with the chiral condensate, which are useful for analyzing the QCD chiral phase structure, are also provided.Comment: Latex, 11 figures, version accepted for publicatio


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    The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between the hand pattern and the water splash height during a diver's entry using a computer simulation method. A physical and mathematical model of the impact of a wedged solid object with an ideal fluid was developed. The motion equation (interaction function of solid and fluid) of the solid was established with satisfaction of control functions and initial boundary conditions of the fluid. A finite element method was used to simulate the impact process, with the wedge angle changed from 4" to 80- during the impact. The results suggested that the fluid splash height is inversely proportional to the wedge angle. The "splash control" technique derived from the simulation was also applied in training professional divers and positive results were obtained

    Relative Entropy: Free Energy Associated with Equilibrium Fluctuations and Nonequilibrium Deviations

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    Using a one-dimensional macromolecule in aqueous solution as an illustration, we demonstrate that the relative entropy from information theory, kpkln(pk/pk)\sum_k p_k\ln(p_k/p_k^*), has a natural role in the energetics of equilibrium and nonequilibrium conformational fluctuations of the single molecule. It is identified as the free energy difference associated with a fluctuating density in equilibrium, and is associated with the distribution deviate from the equilibrium in nonequilibrium relaxation. This result can be generalized to any other isothermal macromolecular systems using the mathematical theories of large deviations and Markov processes, and at the same time provides the well-known mathematical results with an interesting physical interpretations.Comment: 5 page

    Weak anisotropy of the superconducting upper critical field in Fe1.11Te0.6Se0.4 single crystals

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    We have determined the resistive upper critical field Hc2 for single crystals of the superconductor Fe1.11Te0.6Se0.4 using pulsed magnetic fields of up to 60T. A rather high zero-temperature upper critical field of mu0Hc2(0) approx 47T is obtained, in spite of the relatively low superconducting transition temperature (Tc approx 14K). Moreover, Hc2 follows an unusual temperature dependence, becoming almost independent of the magnetic field orientation as the temperature T=0. We suggest that the isotropic superconductivity in Fe1.11Te0.6Se0.4 is a consequence of its three-dimensional Fermi-surface topology. An analogous result was obtained for (Ba,K)Fe2As2, indicating that all layered iron-based superconductors exhibit generic behavior that is significantly different from that of the high-Tc cuprates.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submit to PR