15 research outputs found

    Sensitivity of potential natural vegetation in China to projected changes in temperature, precipitation and atmospheric CO2

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    A sensitivity study was performed to investigate the responses of potential natural vegetation distribution in China to the separate and combined effects of temperature, precipitation and [CO₂], using the process-based equilibrium terrestrial biosphere model BIOME4. The model shows a generally good agreement with a map of the potential natural vegetation distribution based on a numerical comparison using the ΔV statistic (ΔV = 0.25). Mean temperature of each month was increased uniformly by 0-5 K, in 0. 5- or 1-K intervals. Mean precipitation of each month was increased and decreased uniformly by 0-30%, in 10% intervals. The analyses were run at fixed CO₂ concentrations of 360 and 720 ppm. Temperature increases shifted most forest boundaries northward and westward, expanded the distribution of xeric biomes, and confined the tundra to progressively higher elevations. Precipitation increases led to a greater area occupied by mesic biomes at the expense of xeric biomes. Most vegetation types in the temperate regions, and on the Tibetan Plateau, expanded westward into the dry continental interior with increasing precipitation. Precipitation decreases had opposite effects. The modelled effect of CO₂ doubling was to partially compensate for the negative effect of drought on the mesic biomes and to increase potential ecosystem carbon storage by about 40%. Warming tended to counteract this effect, by reducing soil carbon storage. Forest biomes showed substantial resilience to climate change, especially when the effects of increasing [CO₂] were taken into account. Savannas, dry woodland and tundra biomes proved sensitive to temperature increases. The transition region of grassland and forest, and the Tibetan plateau, was the most vulnerable region. An erratum for this article appeared in Regional environmental change, Vol. 11, No. 3, (2011), p.729, and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10113-011-0217-x.13 page(s

    Epac2 induces synapse remodeling and depression and its disease-associated forms alter spines

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    Dynamic remodeling of spiny synapses is crucial for cortical circuit development, refinement, and plasticity, while abnormal morphogenesis is associated with neuropsychiatric disorders. Here we show in cultured rat cortical neurons that activation of Epac2, a PKA-independent cAMP target and Rap guanine-nucleotide exchange factor (GEF), induces spine shrinkage, increases spine motility, removes synaptic GluR2/3-containing AMPA receptors, and depresses excitatory transmission, while its inhibition promotes spine enlargement and stabilization. Epac2 is required for dopamine D1-like receptor-dependent spine shrinkage and GluR2 removal from spines. Epac2 interaction with neuroligin promotes its membrane recruitment and enhances its GEF activity. Rare missense mutations in the EPAC2 gene, previously found in individuals with autism, affect basal and neuroligin-stimulated GEF activity, dendritic Rap signaling, synaptic protein distribution, and spine morphology. Thus, we identify a novel mechanism that promotes dynamic remodeling and depression of spiny synapses, whose mutations may contribute to some aspects of disease