15 research outputs found

    Dusty Punch Cards and an Eternal Enigma: High-Density Lipoproteins and Atherosclerosis

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    Epidemiological, clinical, and experimental evidence has accumulated during the last decades suggesting that high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) may protect from atherosclerosis and its clinical consequences. However, more than 55 years after the first description of the link between HDL and heart attacks, many facets of the biochemistry, function, and clinical significance of HDL remain enigmatic. This applies particularly to the completely unexpected results that became available from some recent clinical trials of nicotinic acid and of inhibitors of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP). The concept that raising HDL cholesterol by pharmacological means would decrease the risk of vascular disease has therefore been challenged

    Immunization for atherosclerosis

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    This review summarizes experimental findings that highlight the complex roles of the immune system in atherogenesis. Immune activation can have either proatherogenic or atheroprotective effects. Immune-modulation therapy via an active or passive immunization strategy aims to exploit the atheroprotective aspects of the immune system to modulate atherosclerosis. Several experimental studies have demonstrated that such an approach is feasible and effective, raising the tantalizing possibility that an atheroprotective vaccine can be developed for clinical testing. Several potential immunogens have been identified and tested for their atheroprotective efficacy with variable results. Although several questions such as choice of optimal antigens, choice of most effective adjuvants, the optimal route of administration, durability of effects, and safety remain to be answered, we believe that a vaccine-based approach to manage atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is a potentially viable paradigm