19 research outputs found
Bioinformatics analysis of the interaction of miRNAs and piRNAs with human mRNA genes having di- and trinucleotide repeats
The variability of nucleotide repeats is considered one of the causes of diseases, but their biological function is not understood. In recent years, the interaction of miRNAs and piRNAs with the mRNAs of genes responsible for developing neurodegenerative and oncological diseases and diabetes have been actively studied. We explored candidate genes with nucleotide repeats to predict associations with miRNAs and piRNAs. The parameters of miRNAs and piRNA binding sites with mRNAs of human genes having nucleotide repeats were determined using the MirTarget program. This program defines the start of the initiation of miRNA and piRNA binding to mRNAs, the localization of miRNA and piRNA binding sites in the 5'-untranslated region (5'UTR), coding sequence (CDS) and 3'-untranslated region (3'UTR); the free energy of binding; and the schemes of nucleotide interactions of miRNAs and piRNAs with mRNAs. The characteristics of miRNAs and piRNA binding sites with mRNAs of 73 human genes were determined. The 5'UTR, 3'UTR and CDS of the mRNAs of genes are involved in the development of neurodegenerative, oncological and diabetes diseases with GU, AC dinucleotide and CCG, CAG, GCC, CGG, CGC trinucleotide repeats. The associations of miRNAs, piRNAs and candidate target genes could be recommended for developing methods for diagnosing diseases, including neurodegenerative diseases, oncological diseases and diabetes
Concorrência tributária entre regiões da Rússia e seus indicadores
The article focuses on approaches to assessing the competitive advantages of regions of Russia in the area of taxation, the main approaches to the definition of tax competition at the present stage used in the scientific literature, are considered; emphasis on the influence of internal tax competition on social and economic development of the regions; the possibilities of using a number of quantitative and qualitative indicators to assess the competitive advantages of the regions in the area of taxation are summarized; ranking of the regions of Russia by using tax authorities to provide tax benefits of corporate income tax paid to the budget of the Russian Federation constituent, was performed; the conclusion about the relationship of investment activity and the availability of competitive advantages in the area of taxation was made; the development problems of the regional competitive advantages in the area of taxation and prospects for their solution are described.El artículo se centra en los enfoques para evaluar las ventajas competitivas de las regiones de Rusia en el área de la tributación, se consideran los principales enfoques para la definición de competencia fiscal en la etapa actual utilizados en la literatura científica; énfasis en la influencia de la competencia fiscal interna sobre el desarrollo social y económico de las regiones; se resumen las posibilidades de utilizar una serie de indicadores cuantitativos y cualitativos para evaluar las ventajas competitivas de las regiones en el área de la tributación; clasificación de las regiones de Rusia mediante el uso de las autoridades fiscales para proporcionar los beneficios fiscales del impuesto sobre la renta corporativo pagado al presupuesto del constituyente de la Federación de Rusia; se llegó a la conclusión sobre la relación de la actividad inversora y la disponibilidad de ventajas competitivas en el área de tributación; se describen los problemas de desarrollo de las ventajas competitivas regionales en el área de impuestos y las perspectivas para su solución. O artigo enfoca as abordagens para avaliar as vantagens competitivas das regiões russas na área de tributação, considerando as principais abordagens para a definição de concorrência tributária no atual estágio utilizado na literatura científica; ênfase na influência da concorrência fiscal interna no desenvolvimento social e econômico das regiões; as possibilidades de utilizar uma série de indicadores quantitativos e qualitativos para avaliar as vantagens competitivas das regiões na área de tributação são resumidas; classificação das regiões da Rússia, usando as autoridades fiscais para fornecer os benefíciosfiscais do imposto de renda corporativo pago ao orçamento do constituinte da Federação Russa; chegouse à conclusão sobre a relação entre a atividade de investimento e a disponibilidade de vantagens competitivas na área de tributação; São descritos os problemas de desenvolvimento de vantagenscompetitivas regionais na área tributária e as perspectivas de sua solução
Analysis of the incidence of community-acquired pneumonia and acute otitis media in children during the first four years of life in different age groups vaccinated with pneumococcal 13-valent vaccine Prevenar
Objective: to analyze the incidence of community-acquired pneumonia and acute otitis media in children during the first four years of life in different age groups vaccinated with pneumococcal 13-valent vaccine Prevenar.Materials and methods: medical records of 590 children aged 1 to 5 years were analyzed. All subjects were divided into 2 groups. The first group consisted of vaccinated children (n = 490), born in 2014, and vaccinated against pneumococcal 13-valent vaccine Prevenar. The second group consisted of unvaccinated children (n = 100) born in 2013 and not vaccinated. Each group was divided into subgroups depending on the age period (1—2 years, 2—3 years, 3—4 years, 4—5 years).Results: it is established that the conduct of specific prophylaxis of pneumococcal infection vaccine Prevenar-13 in children during the first 4 years of life effectively reduces the incidence of community-acquired pneumonia (in 7,6 times) and acute otitis media (in 8,5 times). The effectiveness of the vaccine was observed in all age groups. In cases of development of an inoculated child acute otitis reduces the risk of severe forms and complications of the disease. Analysis of the course of the post-vaccination period indicates a high level of safety and good tolerability of the vaccine.Conclusion: Implementation of specific prophylaxis of pneumococcal 13-valent vaccine Prevenar in children during the first four years of life according to the calendar of vaccination effectively reduces the incidence of community-acquired pneumonia (87 %) and acute otitis media (42,8 %) in all age subgroups. In cases of development of an inoculated child acute otitis reduces the risk of severe forms and complications of the disease. Analysis of the course of the post-vaccination period indicates a high level of safety and good tolerability of the vaccine
Strategic priorities of regional investment activity
© Authors. The purpose of the paper is to study the regional investment strategy development based on the identified strategic priorities for its development. Methods of the problem under research include statistical and methods of system and logical analysis, comparative and retrospective methods, methods of analysis and synthesis, methods for conjugate effects accounting. The paper presents the study results of the regional investment activities strategic priorities, taking into account its investment environment functioning features. The conducted study is based on the most important strategic documents, reflecting the long-term goals of regional development. In order to justify the possibility of implementing the strategy, the conditions for implementing investment projects aimed at the regional infrastructure developing and its socio-economic development indices improving are considered. The studies were carried out on the analysis basis of the major national economic complexes investment structure in the region. The paper also presents the region's target state indicators in the context of various forecast scenarios for its development, which include inertial, basic and optimistic ones. At the same time, a basic scenario aimed at overcoming resource constraints is considered in the context of the regional economic complexes. The conclusions are made on the compliance of the regional investment activities' strategic priorities with the potential for its development. The paper materials are of practical value for specialists engaged in the development, analysis and implementation of the regional investment strategy
Cтратегии и технологии инновационного развития корпораций
У монографії представлено результати дослідження й систематизації теоретичних, науково-методологічних і практичних положень та розробок щодо стратегій та технологій інноваційного розвитку корпорацій. Запропоновано і обґрунтовано технології управління інноваційним розвитком підприємств, стратегії розвитку бізнесу, визначено сучасні реалії та тенденції корпоративного маркетингу, культури та соціальної відповідальності бізнесу, запропоновано нові підходи у корпоративному управлінні, обґрунтовано доцільність використання краудтехнологій фінансування інноваційних проектів, визначено підхо-ди щодо управління персоналом корпорацій в поведінковій економіці. Для науковців та фахівців сфери економіки та управління підприємствам
Глутаровая ацидурия типа 1 у детей. Клиническое представление 46 случаев, диагностированных в России
Background. Glutaric aciduria type 1 is an autosomal recessive disease caused by mutations in the GCDH gene, which encodes the enzyme glutaryl‑CoA dehydrogenase. Metabolic crisis in type 1 glutaric aciduria is an acute life‑threatening condition that requires careful diagnosis with a number of other conditions and the immediate initiation of pathogenetic therapy.Materials and methods. Clinical manifestations, neuroimaging characteristics of the disease were studied in 46 patients with diagnosed glutaric aciduria type 1 confirmed by biochemical and molecular genetic methods. Methods: gas chromatography with mass spectrometry, tandem mass spectrometry, Sanger sequencing, chromosomal microarray analysis of the exon level.Results and discussion. A retrospective analysis of anamnestic and clinical data was carried out, and the nature and age of disease manifestation, provoking factors, a spectrum of clinical manifestations and neuroimaging data were assessed.Conclusion. How initiated treatment prevents progression of neurological symptom relief and patient adaptation. With the help of the goal, it is necessary to inform pediatricians, neurologists and neuroradiologists about this feature of the course of glutaric aciduria type 1 in order to increase the clinical alertness of this disease.Введение. Глутаровая ацидурия типа 1 – аутосомно‑рецессивное заболевание, обусловленное мутациями в гене GCDH, кодирующем фермент глутарил‑КоА дегидрогеназу. Метаболический криз при глутаровой ацидурии типа 1 – это острое жизнеугрожающее состояние, требующее тщательной дифференциальной диагностики с рядом других состояний и незамедлительного начала патогенетической терапии.Материалы и методы. Клинические проявления, нейровизуализационные характеристики болезни изучены у 46 пациентов с подтвержденным биохимическими и молекулярно‑генетическими методами диагнозом глутаровой ацидурии типа 1. Методы: газовая хроматография с масс‑спектрометрией, тандемная масс‑спектрометрия, секвенирование по Сэнгеру, хромосомный микроматричный анализ экзонного уровня.Результаты и обсуждение. Проведен ретроспективный анализ анамнестических данных, клинических, а также оценены характер и возраст манифестации болезни, провоцирующие факторы, спектр клинических проявлений и нейровизуализационные данные.Заключение. При отсутствии массового неонатального скрининга крайне важное значение имеет ранняя диагностика болезни, так как своевременно начатое лечение поможет предотвратить прогрессирование неврологической симптоматики и способствовать адаптации пациентов. С этой целью необходимо информировать врачей‑педиатров, неврологов и нейрорадиологов об особенностях протекания глутаровой ацидурии типа 1 для повышения клинической настороженности в отношении данного заболевания
In the article the author displays the main types (categories) of the specially protected nature areas and nature objects according to the Russian legislation, their legal status and functioning regime. The author views the violations of such specially protected objects, as well as the essential features of State reserves and State wildlife preserves and other types of protected nature objects
The article presents the multi-level system of Russian legislation on specially protected natural territories and natural objects, in particular, the laws of protecting nature and natural resources, as well as administrative and criminal-ecological laws dealing with ensuring protection and harm-prevention on those territories (objects)
Cyber risks for insurance company
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020. The relevance of the contribution is due to the fact that financial intermediaries are among the most advanced companies using all modern IT-technologies. They are influenced by a high level of competition in this area, as well as by the requirements of the regulator (electronic reporting system, electronic sale of compulsory insurance policies, developed marketplace program). Digitalization, in addition to tangible benefits, comes laden with a number of risks, including the loss of business. The specific nature of the insurer increases the significance of these risks. In this regard, this contribution is aimed at identifying cyber risks for the insurance company as part of its specific business processes. The leading approach to the study of this problem was a systematic approach that allows considering business processes separately and insurance companies’ activity in conjunction with cyber risks arising within each process. The authors systematize the factors causing an increased level of cyber risks for the insurer, carry out risk mapping and cyber risks for insurer’s business processes, and identify business processes that are most at cyber risks. This allows getting the most adequate system for managing both risks in general and information security risks. The materials of the contribution are of practical value for insurance companies, since the consideration of the most dangerous risks for each business process will allow forming a relevant information security in the company
Digitalization of the insurance business: Systematization of net effects through the example of Russia
The pace of digitalization of the insurance industry lags behind similar processes in the banking sector. The main tasks that a Russian insurer solves when using IT technologies are the automation of business operations and the formation of an online system of interaction with customers with the main focus on sales. The purpose of this study is to systematize the effects achieved by insurance market participants when introducing IT technologies and identify incentives to accelerate the insurance sector digitalization. The goal of digitalization of Russian insurers should be the formation of a client interface with a full cycle of services; the transfer to a qualitatively new level of business processes while ensuring the required level of protection; formation of fundamentally new and timely renewal of the existing insurance products. The priority areas of IT technologies used by Russian insurers are identified: cloud computing, chat bots, and information resources that provide online interaction with customers. Factors that have a stimulating effect on the digitalization of the insurance sector are identified: cost reduction, acceleration of business processes, improvement of the quality of customer service and increased competitiveness. The problems and risks of insurers that restrain the use of IT technologies are formulated: high costs of digitalization, lack of qualified personnel, cyber risks, moral and ethical problems