15 research outputs found

    Quantum deformations of projective three-space

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    We describe the possible noncommutative deformations of complex projective three-space by exhibiting the Calabi--Yau algebras that serve as their homogeneous coordinate rings. We prove that the space parametrizing such deformations has exactly six irreducible components, and we give explicit presentations for the generic members of each family in terms of generators and relations. The proof uses deformation quantization to reduce the problem to a similar classification of unimodular quadratic Poisson structures in four dimensions, which we extract from Cerveau and Lins Neto's classification of degree-two foliations on projective space. Corresponding to the ``exceptional'' component in their classification is a quantization of the third symmetric power of the projective line that supports bimodule quantizations of the classical Schwarzenberger bundles.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    Elliptic singularities on log symplectic manifolds and Feigin--Odesskii Poisson brackets

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    A log symplectic manifold is a complex manifold equipped with a complex symplectic form that has simple poles on a hypersurface. The possible singularities of such a hypersurface are heavily constrained. We introduce the notion of an elliptic point of a log symplectic structure, which is a singular point at which a natural transversality condition involving the modular vector field is satisfied, and we prove a local normal form for such points that involves the simple elliptic surface singularities E~6,E~7\tilde{E}_6,\tilde{E}_7 and E~8\tilde{E}_8. Our main application is to the classification of Poisson brackets on Fano fourfolds. For example, we show that Feigin and Odesskii's Poisson structures of type q5,1q_{5,1} are the only log symplectic structures on projective four-space whose singular points are all elliptic.Comment: 33 pages, comments welcom

    Poisson modules and degeneracy loci

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    In this paper, we study the interplay between modules and sub-objects in holomorphic Poisson geometry. In particular, we define a new notion of "residue" for a Poisson module, analogous to the Poincar\'e residue of a meromorphic volume form. Of particular interest is the interaction between the residues of the canonical line bundle of a Poisson manifold and its degeneracy loci---where the rank of the Poisson structure drops. As an application, we provide new evidence in favour of Bondal's conjecture that the rank \leq 2k locus of a Fano Poisson manifold always has dimension \geq 2k+1. In particular, we show that the conjecture holds for Fano fourfolds. We also apply our techniques to a family of Poisson structures defined by Fe\u{\i}gin and Odesski\u{\i}, where the degeneracy loci are given by the secant varieties of elliptic normal curves.Comment: 33 page

    Constructions and classifications of projective Poisson varieties

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    This paper is intended both an introduction to the algebraic geometry of holomorphic Poisson brackets, and as a survey of results on the classification of projective Poisson manifolds that have been obtained in the past twenty years. It is based on the lecture series delivered by the author at the Poisson 2016 Summer School in Geneva. The paper begins with a detailed treatment of Poisson surfaces, including adjunction, ruled surfaces and blowups, and leading to a statement of the full birational classification. We then describe several constructions of Poisson threefolds, outlining the classification in the regular case, and the case of rank-one Fano threefolds (such as projective space). Following a brief introduction to the notion of Poisson subspaces, we discuss Bondal's conjecture on the dimensions of degeneracy loci on Poisson Fano manifolds. We close with a discussion of log symplectic manifolds with simple normal crossings degeneracy divisor, including a new proof of the classification in the case of rank-one Fano manifolds.Comment: 57 pages, 7 figure

    Dynamical Blueprints for Galaxies

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    We present an axisymmetric, equilibrium model for late-type galaxies which consists of an exponential disk, a Sersic bulge, and a cuspy dark halo. The model is specified by a phase space distribution function which, in turn, depends on the integrals of motion. Bayesian statistics and the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method are used to tailor the model to satisfy observational data and theoretical constraints. By way of example, we construct a chain of 10^5 models for the Milky Way designed to fit a wide range of photometric and kinematic observations. From this chain, we calculate the probability distribution function of important Galactic parameters such as the Sersic index of the bulge, the disk scale length, and the disk, bulge, and halo masses. We also calculate the probability distribution function of the local dark matter velocity dispersion and density, two quantities of paramount significance for terrestrial dark matter detection experiments. Though the Milky Way models in our chain all satisfy the prescribed observational constraints, they vary considerably in key structural parameters and therefore respond differently to non-axisymmetric perturbations. We simulate the evolution of twenty-five models which have different Toomre Q and Goldreich-Tremaine X parameters. Virtually all of these models form a bar, though some, more quickly than others. The bar pattern speeds are ~ 40 - 50 km/s/kpc at the time when they form and then decrease, presumably due to coupling of the bar with the halo. Since the Galactic bar has a pattern speed ~50 km/s/kpc we conclude that it must have formed recently.Comment: 54 pages, 20 figure

    Shifted symplectic Lie algebroids

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    Shifted symplectic Lie and L∞L_\infty algebroids model formal neighbourhoods of manifolds in shifted symplectic stacks, and serve as target spaces for twisted variants of classical AKSZ topological field theory. In this paper, we classify zero-, one- and two-shifted symplectic algebroids and their higher gauge symmetries, in terms of classical geometric "higher structures", such as Courant algebroids twisted by Ω2\Omega^2-gerbes. As applications, we produce new examples of twisted Courant algebroids from codimension-two cycles, and we give symplectic interpretations for several well known features of higher structures (such as twists, Pontryagin classes, and tensor products). The proofs are valid in the C∞C^\infty, holomorphic and algebraic settings, and are based on a number of technical results on the homotopy theory of L∞L_\infty algebroids and their differential forms, which may be of independent interest

    Holonomic Poisson manifolds and deformations of elliptic algebras

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    We introduce a natural nondegeneracy condition for Poisson structures, called holonomicity, which is closely related to the notion of a log symplectic form. Holonomic Poisson manifolds are privileged by the fact that their deformation spaces are as finite-dimensional as one could ever hope: the corresponding derived deformation complex is a perverse sheaf. We develop some basic structural features of these manifolds, highlighting the role played by the divergence of Hamiltonian vector fields. As an application, we establish the deformation-invariance of certain families of Poisson manifolds defined by Feigin and Odesskii, along with the "elliptic algebras" that quantize them.Comment: 24 page

    Multiple zeta values in deformation quantization

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    Kontsevich's 1997 formula for the deformation quantization of Poisson brackets is a Feynman expansion involving volume integrals over moduli spaces of marked disks. We develop a systematic theory of integration on these moduli spaces via suitable algebras of polylogarithms, and use it to prove that Kontsevich's integrals can be expressed as integer-linear combinations of multiple zeta values. Our proof gives a concrete algorithm for calculating the integrals, which we have used to produce the first software package for the symbolic calculation of Kontsevich's formula.Comment: 71 pages; software available at http://bitbucket.org/bpym/starproducts/ and https://bitbucket.org/PanzerErik/kontsevint