439 research outputs found

    Primordial molecular clouds

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    It is now well known that a primordial chemistry, involving light elements produced during the nucleosynthesis period, might develop during the hydrogen post-recombination era. In particular, molecular ions and primordial molecules such as H2, HD and LiH will be produced. We summarize this primordial chemistry after the recombination epoch, and then present a simple gravitational collapse model of a cloud. The potentiality of fragmentation of this collapsing protoclouds through the thermal instability is also discussed. We suggest that this study could also be extended to the CO molecule, because the carbon reservoir molecule CO has already been observed in high redshifts objects.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figures, Invited Talk at 3K Cosmology Conference-Roma October 9

    Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies and Dark Energy

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    Over the last decade, cosmological observations have attained a level of precision which allows for very detailed comparison with theoretical predictions. We are beginning to learn the answers to some fundamental questions, using information contained in Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy (CMBA) data. In this talk, we briefly review some studies of the current and prospected constraints imposed by CMBA measurements on the neutrino physics and on the dark energy. As it was already announced by Scott (1999), we present some possible "new physics" from the Cosmic Microwave Background.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, Talk given at 2K1BC Workshop, July 9-12, 2001, Breuil-Cervinia (Italy

    Primordial molecules at millimeter wavelengths

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    Chemistry plays a particular role in astrophysics. After atomic hydrogen, helium and their ions, the Universe probably contains more mass in molecules than in any other species. Molecule formation in the early, pre-galactic Universe may have had much to do with the formation of galaxies themselves. In this context the possible interaction between primordial molecules and photons of the Cosmic Microwave Background is very important through the theoretical perspectives and constraints which could give some information on the theory of the large scale structure formation. In this paper we recall the more recent progresses on the chemistry of the early Universe, and describe the importance of molecules in the formation phase of proto objects. A special attention is done concerning the {\it case of LiH.Comment: 8 pages, Talk given at 2K1BC Workshop, July 9-12, 2001, Breuil-Cervinia (Italy
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