9 research outputs found


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    Implementation of construction projects requires resources of materials, labors, equipments, methods and capital to achieve project objectives, namely on time, on quality and according to planned costs. Various internal and external factors influence during project implementation. The conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic that occurred in Indonesia and the world were one of the factors inhibiting project completion. The Primary School Rehabilitation Project in West Pasaman Regency is spread over 15 (fifteen) locations in all sub-districts. The project was contracted in early 2020, before the Covid-19 outbreak erupted. This project has been delayed due to the implementation with 2 (two) addendums to extend the implementation time. This research is descriptive quantitative and qualitative, with data collection techniques through questionnaires and direct interviews with respondents, that are Contractor, Construction Management Consultant and Owner (Ministry of Public Works, Housing and Building Information Center Work Unit West Sumatra Province). The results showed that the most dominant cause of project delays was Force Majeure, Government Policy, Design. Apart from that, other factors that also influence are the weather, the characteristics of the place and the materials.Pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi membutuhkan sumberdaya material, tenaga kerja, peralatan, metoda dan modal untuk mencapai tujuan proyek, yaitu tepat waktu, tepat mutu serta sesuai dengan biaya yang di rencanakan. Berbagai faktor internal dan eksternal berpengaruh selama pelaksanaan proyek. Kondisi pandemi covid-19 yang terjadi di Indonesia dan seluruh dunia menjadi salah satu faktor yang menghambat penyelesaian proyek. Proyek Rehabilitasi Sekolah Dasar di Kabupaten Pasaman Barat tersebar di 15 (lima belas) lokasi di semua kecamatan. Proyek sudah terkontrak di awal tahun 2020, sebelum wabah covid-19 marak terjadi. Proyek ini mengalami keterlambatan dengan melakukan 2 (dua) kali addendum perpanjangan waktu pelaksanaan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui kuisioner dan wawancara langsung kepada responden yaitu kontraktor, konsultan MK dan Owner (KemenPUPR Satker PPIP2B Prov. Sumbar). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyebab keterlambatan proyek yang paling dominan adalah Kejadian yang Tidak Terduga (Force Majeure), Kebijakan Pemerintah, Desain. Selain itu, faktor lain yang juga berpengaruh adalah Cuaca, Karakteristik Tempat dan Material. &nbsp

    Perencanaan Trotoar Di Jalan Sisingmangaraja Simpang Haru, Kota Padang

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    Trotoar di Jalan Sisingamangaraja Simpang Haru merupakan salah satu trotoar yang berada di Kota Padang. Pada kawasan tersebut terdapat tata guna lahan berupa pendidikan kawasan pertokoan, dan pemukiman penduduk. Masalah utama dari trotoar tersebut adalah trotoar tersebut tidak dirawat sehingga mengakibatkan rusaknya trotoar seperti paving blok yang lepas, permukaan tidak rata, dan sudah ditumbuhi rumput liar. Pedoman yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah SE Menteri PUPR No. 02/SE/M/2018, HCM 2000, dan Harga Satuan Pekerjaan Triwulan 3 Tahun 2023. Sementara itu data yang digunakan adalah data geometri trotoar dan volume pejalan kaki interval 5 menit. Hasil analisis tingkat pelayanan trotoar padan Jalan Sisingamangaraja maksimal adalah A dan minimal B. Perencaan desain lebar trotoar yang direncankan adalah 1.1meter dengan lebar eksisting 2 meter. Rencana anggaran biaya pembangunan fasilitas pejalan kaki diperoleh sebesar Rp. 432.570.000 (Empat Ratus Tiga Puluh Dua Juta Lima Ratus Tujuh Puluh Ribu Rupiah)

    Perencanaan Ulang Pelebaran Jalan Ruas Tapan- Batas Bengkulu Sta 224+400 โ€“ 225+300

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    Road infrastructure has a very important role in human life. Roads are the most important infrastructure of land transportation, with access roads from one area to another becoming easier. The development of roads from time to time is also increasing rapidly. The development of land transportation and the development of human activities was also followed by the repair, widening, and opening of new roads as happened in Nagari Tapan, where this nagari is one of the connecting accesses for the Province of West Sumatra and Bengkulu Province. This re-planning uses the 2013 Bina Marga regulation and the 1997 Intercity Road Geometric Planning Procedure (TPGJAK). The redesign process starts with data collection, data analysis, road geometric calculations, pavement thickness and budget plan (RAB). From the results of the calculation of the Geometric Planning of the Bengkulu-Boundary Tapan Road, it can be concluded that the Bengkulu-Boundary Tapan Road is local, with a 2-lane 2-way road type, 2ร—3.5 meters wide, flat terrain class and a design speed of 40 km/hour. Planning Horizontal alignment is planned for one type of bend in the form of 2 (two) Spiral Circle Spiral bends and vertical alignment is planned for 14 PV Points of Vertical. Based on the results of Flexible Pavement with the 2013 Highways Analysis, the overall pavement thickness is 42 cm, consisting of 4 cm AC-WC thickness, 6 cm AC-BC thickness, 14.5 cm AC-Base thickness, and 17.5 cm sub-base thickness. Flexible Pavement Construction Cost Rp. 5,104,375,000,- (five billion one hundred four million three hundred and seventy five thousand rupiah)

    Desain Ulang Struktur Bangunan Gedung Hotel Ibis Padang Dengan Tinjauan Fixed Base

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    Reinforced concrete structure is a structural forming material that is still widely used. Concrete structure has advantages in the ease of materials and also the workmanship. Reinforced concrete is also more effectively used for structures that have a less long span. Ibis Padang Hotel building planning uses reinforced concrete structures with reference to SNI 2847:2013 on Structural Concrete Requirements for Buildings and SNI 1726:2012 on Earthquake Resilience Planning Procedures for Building And Non-Building Structures. The burdens that occurred were reviewed in SNI 1727:2013 on The Indonesian Demolition Regulation for Buildings and Other Buildings. This planning uses a dual system of SRPMK and sliding walls in terms of earthquake anchoring. The concept of this plan is based on the ultimate design that occurs, where the ultimate value must be smaller than the cross-sectional strength of the structural components. Style calculation โ€“ style in using the ETABS 2013 program. In addition, there is also a calculation of the Cost Budget Plan. This writing aims to find out the comparison of the structural components of the Ibis Padang Hotel building using Base Isolator with the results of planning using Fixed Base. The beam component comparison obtained a smaller yield of 15.17% for casting volume and 23.64% for repeat weight. The comparison of column components obtained smaller results of 29.17% for casting volume and 24.32% for repeat weight. Comparison of plate components obtained a smaller result of 16.58% for the repeating weight. The comparison of pile cap components obtained a smaller result of 45.98% for casting volume and 2.54% of repeating weight

    Kemacetan Lalu Lintas Pada Simpang Tak Bersinyal Di Simpang Tiga Kampung Kalawi Padang Sumatera Barat

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    Simpang Tiga Kampung Kalawi merupakan simpang tak bersinyal yang memiliki tiga kaki simpang yang terletak di jalan Raya Kalawi Kota Padang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besarnya hambatan samping yang mempengaruhi kemacetan lalu lintas pada Simpang Tiga Kampung Kalawi, mengetahui kinerja jalan pada simpang, mengetahui tingkat kemacetan serta memberikan alternative penanganan solusi kemacetan yang ada di Simpang Tiga Kampung Kalawi. Analisis hasil penelitian menunjukkan kinerja simpang untuk kondisi simpang tak bersinyal didapat jumlah arus total 2244 smp/jam, kapasitas (C) = 2287 smp/jam, derajat kejenuhan (DS) = 0,981, tundaan simpang = 19,822 detik/smp dan nilai peluang antrian = 76,365% - 38,634%. Untuk alternative penanganan solusi kemacetan pada Simpang Tiga Kampung Kalawi karena derajat kejenuhan sudah melebihi >0,8 dari ketentuan Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia 1997 maka disarankan Simpang Tiga Kampung Kalawi perlu ditingkatkan pengaturannya menjadi simpang bersinyal pada Jalan raya M. Yunus waktu hijau (G) = 13 detik, Jalan raya Ampang waktu hijau (G) = 12 detik, pada Jalan raya Kalawi waktu hijau (G) = 11 detik

    Studi Komparatif Pelaksanaan Tugas Besar Perencanaan Geometrik Jalan Secara Daring Dan Luring

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    Perubahan metode pembelajaran selama masa Pandemi Covid 19 menuntut banyak penyesuaian yang berpengaruh pada hasil pembelajaran. Salah satunya yaitu pelaksanaan Tugas besar Perencanaan Gometrik Jalan yang dahulunya dilaksanakan secara luring, sekarang dilaksanakan secara daring. Dalam pengerjaan tugas besar secara daring diperoleh rerata pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap materi pembelajaran dan tugas besar Perencanaan Geometrik jalan yaitu 68,78%. Sedangkan persentase tingkat pemahaman mahasiswa dalam pengerjaan tugas besar secara luring yaitu 69,46%. Terdapat perbedaan tingkat pemahaman mahasiswa sebesar 0,68%. Perbedaan ini menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran dan pengerjaan tugas besar Perencanaan Geometrik Jalan secara luring lebih mudah difahami dibandingkan pengerjaan secara daring

    Analisa Tingkat Perbedaan Harga Pada Pelaksanaan Program Percepatan Peningkatan Tata Guna Air Irigasi (P3-Tgai) Berdasarkan Usulan Biaya (SK Gubernur Provinsi Jambi) Dan Harga Survei Toko (Studi Kasus: Proyek Saluran Irigasi P3A Maju Jaya Desa Sembubuk

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    P3-TGAI is a cash-intensive program from the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing with APBN funds to support one of the development priority agendas contained in the 2020-2025 RPJM, namely strengthening infrastructure aimed at supporting economic activity and encouraging equitable national development. This research was conducted in the construction of P3A Maju Jaya irrigation canal, Sembubuk Village, Muaro Jambi Regency in the recipient of the Acceleration of Irrigation Water Use Improvement Program (P3-TGAI). The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in costs applied in the field with the standard regulations of the Governor of Jambi Province, the type of research used is mixed method. The data analysis technique method used for data processing is the usual Excel calculation method. The results showed that the irrigation channel of P3A Maju Jaya, Sembubuk Village, Muaro Jambi Regency if done using the shop survey price, the volume length of the channel is greater than using the price of the Jambi Provincial Governor's regulation, where for the channel work with a fund of Rp. 195,000,000 if done using the shop survey price, the volume length of the channel can be obtained up to 290 m.&nbsp

    Perbandingan Konstruksi Perkerasan Lentur Dan Perkerasan Kaku Pada Jalan Gulang-Gulang Dusun Koto Kota Sawah Lunto Sta 0+000 โ€“ 0+500 Km

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    The results of the flexible pavement analysis on Jalan Gulang-Gulang Dusun Koto, Sawahlunto City are based on Component Analysis Method SKBI- are Surface Course (Laston MS 744) 6 cm thick, Base Course (Batu Broken class A) 20 cm thick, Sub base Course (Sirtu Class A) 25 cm thick, while the rigid pavement "AASHTO 1993 method" is a concrete pavement with a thickness of 30 cm and a thin concrete foundation layer (LC) with a thickness of 10 cm. The analysis uses continuous concrete pavement with reinforcement with a plate thickness of 30 cm using shoulders and using D10-20 cm reinforcement for longitudinal and transverse directions. The dowel is installed with D-36 reinforcement with a length of 45 cm, a distance of 30 cm, while the tie bar is installed with D-16 BJTU-24 threaded steel reinforcement with a length of 30 cm. while the tie bar is installed with D-16 BJTU-24 threaded steel reinforcement with a length of 700 mm and a distance of 75 cm. The cost of rigid pavement construction is Rp. 3,039,054,000, - with skinny concrete (LC) specifications of K-175 kg/cm2 and cement concrete layer of K-250 kg/cm2, flexible pavement is Rp.2,910,136,000. shows that flexible pavement can save costs of Rp.128,918,000. With a percentage of 4.24% of the cost of rigid pavement construction. From the results of the comparison of the cost of flexible pavement construction which is cheaper and saves cost

    Sosialisasi Penerapan Peraturan K3 (Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja) Pada Siswa SMA di Kabupaten Solok Selatan Sumatera Barat

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    Occupational Safety and Health (K3) is a form of effort to create a workplace that is safe, healthy, free from environmental pollution, so that it can protect and be free from work accidents, ultimately increasing work efficiency and productivity. Schools are responsible for keeping the environment clean, beautiful and orderly so that a conducive learning environment can be created. Therefore, schools are also required to have professional staff who understand and are competent in the field of K3. The aim of this service is to provide knowledge to high school students in South Solok Regency so that they care more about K3 in their respective school environments. This service found that there was still low awareness of K3 among teachers and high school students in South Solok Regency, it was recorded that the cleanliness of toilets and bathrooms was very lacking in each school, school cleanliness was very lacking, awareness of the use of PPE when driving two-wheeled students was very lacking. especially wearing a helmet. There is a need for guidance in schools, especially for these students, especially regarding K3 culture in schools