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    ABSTRACT Nowadays, phubbing phenomena occur in various social groups, including college students. This has an impact on social relationships and physical health. This is a qualitative study which aims to describe the causes, behavior, and impact of phubbing. The informants were fifth semester Faculty of Public Heath, University of Indonesia undergraduate students’ year 2018. Data collected through focus group discussions on female students and in-depth interviews with male students. The results of this study indicate that students understand phubbing as a phenomenon where a person is more engaging with mobile phones than interacting with the surrounding environment. Duration of internet usage starts from 5 hours to almost 24 hours a day. Phubbing among students was due to the desire to get updated information and events, entertainment, and shows the activities or achievements of themselves. The influence of the social environment and the demands of the academic environment encourage the use of smartphones frequently. Some students experience physical health problems (tiredness, sore eyes, dizziness, nausea) and sign of mental problem (sad, depressed, lost confidence) due to improper use of smartphones. Therefore, education students regarding the use of the internet wisely to prevent phubbing behavior and its effects are needed. In addition, academic and student activities through direct interaction rather than internet need to be maintained. Keywords: Phubbing, student, internet, smartphone   ABSTRAK Saat ini fenomena phubbing  terjadi di berbagai kelompok sosial, tidak terkecuali mahasiswa.  Hal ini berdampak pada hubungan sosial maupun kesehatan fisik seseorang. Penelitian  ini  merupakan  studi kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebab, perilaku, dan dampak phubbing. Informan adalah mahasiswa FKM UI Strata 1, semester 5 tahun 2018. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara Focus group discussion (FGD) kelompok mahasiswa perempuan dan wawancara mendalam terhadap mahasiswa laki-laki. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa mengetahui phubbing sebagai fenomena dimana seseorang lebih banyak berkutat dengan handphone dibandingkan berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitarnya. Durasi penggunaan internet sehari mulai dari 5 jam sampai hampir 24 jam. Phubbing yang terjadi di kalangan mahasiswa dikarenakan keinginan agar tetap update informasi dan kejadian yang berlangsung, hiburan,  dan juga menunjukkan kegiatan atau capaian diri sendiri. Pengaruh lingkungan sosial dan tuntutan lingkungan akademik mendorong penggunaan smartphone setiap saat. Sebagian mahasiswa mengalami gangguan kesehatan fisik (lelah, mata pedih, pusing, mual) dan tanda gangguan kesehatan mental (sedih, depresi, hilang percaya diri) akibat penggunaan smartphone yang tidak tepat. Perlu adanya upaya edukasi kepada mahasiswa mengenai penggunaan internet secara bijak sehingga mencegah perilaku phubbing dan dampaknya. Selain itu juga, perlu dipelihara kegiatan akademis maupun kegiatan mahasiswa yang dilakukan melalui interaksi secara langsung dibandingkan melalui internet. Kata kunci: Phubbing, mahasiswa, internet, smartphon

    The Use of Complementary Alternative Medicine in HIV-infected Patients during COVID-19 Pandemic: Its Related Factors and Drug Interactions with Antiretroviral Therapy

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    Background: The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is widespread among patients with chronic disease despite lack of supporting evidence for most CAM types. Concerned regarding higher risk of COVID-19 for HIV-infected patients, probably increase the use of CAM during COVID-19 pandemic in this population. This study aimed to assess the prevalence and factors related to CAM use among HIV-infected patients during COVID-19 pandemic, then identify drug- to-drug interaction (DDI) of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs with CAM that they used. Methods: The study was conducted in HIV Clinic Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in September-October 2021, specifically targeting adults HIV-infected patients routinely using ARV. Demographic and clinical data, including COVID-19 and vaccine history, were taken from clinic survey and hospital medical records data. Results: 554 of 1275 patients (43.5%) reported using any type of ingested CAM during COVID-19 pandemic, mostly vitamins and/or minerals. Factors related to CAM use were history of COVID-19 infection (aOR 2.28; 95% CI 1.65-3.14) and 2-5 years ARV duration compared to more than 10 years (aOR 1.4; 95% CI 1.02–1.91). Five known potential interactions involving 20 patients and two potential weak interactions involving 8 patients were found, but many of other interactions categorized as unknown. Only limited number of patients (3.8%) were aware about the drug interaction between ARV and CAM that they used. Conclusion: CAM was commonly used by HIV-infected patients on ARV during the COVID-19 pandemics, but patient awareness related to CAM-ARV drug interactions was exteremely low