4 research outputs found

    Persepsi Wisatawan Tentang Destinasi Wisata Taman Marga Satwa dan Budaya Kinantan di Kota Bukittinggi

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    This research aimed to describe the perception of tourists about tourist destinations Wildlife Park and Kinantan's Culture in Bukittinggi terms of indicators attractions, accessibility, amenitas, human resources, image and price. The population is tourists visiting tourist destinations Wildlife Park and Kinantan's Culture in Bukittinggi numbered 53.853 peoples. Sampling technique using incidental sampling, are 100 peoples. Data was collected using a questionnaire and analyzed through descriptive analysis. The results showed that Perception of tourists about tourist destinations Wildlife Park and Kinantan's Culture in Bukittinggi in the category quite well (87%). While based on the indicators: 1) Tourist attractions in the category quite well (65%), 2) accessibility in the category quite well (44%), 3) Amenitas in the category quite well (60%), 4) human resources in the category quite well (49%), 5) image in the category quite well (50%), 6) Prices in the category quite well (67%)

    Community Behaviour in Efforts to Prevent Covid-19 Transmission in the City of Padang

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    During the Covid-19 pandemic, people are asked to stay at home to break the chain of disease transmission. The purpose of this study was to see an overview of the people's attitude towards Covid-19 prevention measures in the city of Padang. This descriptive analytic study was carried out in 2020 in the city of Padang. The study included 401 individuals who responded to the google form questionnaire. Data analysis includes univariate analysis. The results showed that community behaviour in efforts to preventing the transmission of Covid-19 was categorized as bad by 48.6% and good by 51.4%. Some community behaviours that are still poor include the habit of shaking hands with other people by 50.9%, being in a crowd when out of the house by 41.6%, and participating in joint activities by 62.6%. The most important strategy at this time for the people is to wash hands and use hand sanitizer every time they interact with others and reduce the interactions with people outside home. For the government, tightening quarantine rules for areas that are still in the red zone of Covid-19 transmission is important. Keywords: Covid-19, community behaviours, preventio

    Inovasi Tepung Premiks Pancake Mocaf Instan dan Pancake ”Gama Pantelo” di Dusun Gebang, Desa Kemiri, Tanjungsari Kabupaten Gunungkidul

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    INNOVATION OF INSTANT MOCAF PANCAKE PREMIX FLOUR AND PANCAKE OF “GAMA PANTELO” IN GEBANG HAMLET, KEMIRI VILLAGE, TANJUNGSARI GUNUNGKIDUL REGENCY. The purpose of this activity is to empower the Gebang hamlet farmer women's group, Kemiri village, Tanjungsari District Gunungkidul Regency in optimizing mocaf products so that they have time keep the old and not undergo physical and chemical changes, practical and easy to process in the form of Instant Mocaf Flour Pancake Mocaf “Gama pantelo” as a snack or dessert that can be eaten at any time. The method of activity is done by demonstration and hands-on practice. “Gama Pantelo” Instant Premix Pancake Flour is made by pouring mocaf flour, refined sugar, baking powder, milk powder, and vanilli in a basin by passing it on a sieve to get a homogeneous powder size, then stirring it evenly and then mixing the instant mocaf pancake flour in aluminum foil zipperlock packaging. Pancakes are made with instant premix mocaf pancakes mixed with 1 egg and 180 ml of water then stirred evenly using a mixer. Furthermore, after mixing evenly, the dough is cooked on a small teflon that has been previously smeared with a little oil / butter, then baked until a little cavities arise on the surface of the dough and then the dough is turned over and baked until the pancakes turn golden brown. After that it is appointed and can be served. This activity succeeded in arousing the motivation of farmer women's groups in making variations of cassava preparations


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    Sosiologi komunikasi merupakan kajian ilmu yang membahas tentang pengaruh interaksi antar individu dan perubahan pola hidup beserta dampak yang diberikan. Selanjutnya sosiologi komunikasi memperhatikan beberapa persoalan penting mencakup interaksi komunikasi dalam masyarakat baik secara individu maupun kelompok, komunikasi secara langsung ataupun menggunakan teknologi komunikasi. Kajian sosiologi Komunikasi itu sendiri merupakan perspektif yang sudah lama ada, akan tetapi di Indonesia sendiri kajian ini baru mendapat perhatian serius sekitar sepuluh tahun terakhir karena didesak oleh kelahiran berbagai media massa dan perkembangan teknologi komunikasi yang semakin pesat. Berkembangnya jaman dan teknologi informasi ini cukup memberikan dampak dan perubahan yang sangat besar di dalam kehidupan masyarakat sekaligus membawa perubahan serta kompleksitas dalam kajian sosiologi komunikasi. oleh karena itu terdapat beberapa permasalahan komunikasi ketika dihadapkan dengan perkembangan teknologi yang ada, yakni pemikiran dan arah komunikasi yang mengarah kepada logika-logika teknologi dan budayanya. Bahkan Seringkali masyarakat saat ini cenderung terbentuk karena akibat adanya teknologi yang mapan dan tidak konvensional, artinya masyarakat cenderung berkembang dan terbentuk ke arah masyarakat cyber, atau jika meminjam istilahnya Mashal McLuhan tentang Global Vilage yang menggambarkan sebuah masyarakat dunia yang semakin terhubung layaknya sebuah masyarakat di pedesaan