4 research outputs found

    3D multi-resolution mapping of Mars using CASP-GO ON HRSC, CRISM, CTX and HIRISE

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    Automated large-scale retrieval of stereo photogrammetric DTMs of Mars fall into three categories: use of COTS software such as BAE-SOCET®; private software such as the DLR-VICAR software suite and open source solutions such as the NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline (ASP). We describe here a novel open source system developed on the back of ASP known as CASP-GO (Tao et al., 2018) which has automated and extended ASP to be able to be applied to all modern single-pass or repeat-pass stereo photogrammetric datasets from 21st century systems such as HRSC, CTX and HiRISE, CASP-GO also includes an automated co-registration system which employs HRSC (itself linked to MOLA) as the base-map upon which all other DTMs are co-registered. We show an example here of this automated co-registration system applied to multi-resolution stacks including CRISM images. Several thousand multi-resolution 3D products, Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) and their corresponding orthorectified images (ORIs) have been generated and used in a wide variety of scientific studies, a few examples of which are shown here. Finally, a new method distributing these products providing long-term archiving and ease of access using DOIs is shown employing the ESA-PSA Guest Storage Facility and their corresponding display within the iMars webGIS system

    Anomaly detection performance comparison on anomaly-detection based change detection on martian image pairs

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    The surface of Mars has been imaged in visible wavelengths for more than 40 years since the first flyby image taken by Mariner 4 in 1964. With higher resolution from orbit from MOC-NA, HRSC, CTX, THEMIS, and HiRISE, changes can now be observed on high-resolution images from different instruments, including spiders (Piqueux et al., 2003) near the south pole and Recurring Slope Lineae (McEwen et al., 2011) observable in HiRISE resolution. With the huge amount of data and the small number of datasets available on Martian changes, semi-automatic or automatic methods are preferred to help narrow down surface change candidates over a large area. To detect changes automatically in Martian images, we propose a method based on a denoising autoencoder to map the first Martian image to the second Martian image. Both images have been automatically coregistered and orthorectified using ACRO (Autocoregistration and Orthorectification) (Sidiropoulos and Muller, 2018) to the same base image, HRSC (High-Resolution Stereo Camera) (Neukum and Jaumann, 2004; Putri et al., 2018) and CTX (Context Camera) (Tao et al., 2018) orthorectified using their DTMs (Digital Terrain Models) to reduce the number of false positives caused by the difference in instruments and viewing conditions. Subtraction of the codes of the images are then inputted to an anomaly detector to look for change candidates. We compare different anomaly detection methods in our change detection pipeline: OneClassSVM, Isolation Forest, and, Gaussian Mixture Models in known areas of changes such as Nicholson Crater (dark slope streak), using image pairs from the same and different instruments

    Massive stereo-based DTM production for Mars on cloud computers

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    Digital Terrain Model (DTM) creation is essential to improving our understanding of the formation processes of the Martian surface. Although there have been previous demonstrations of open-source or commercial planetary 3D reconstruction software, planetary scientists are still struggling with creating good quality DTMs that meet their science needs, especially when there is a requirement to produce a large number of high quality DTMs using "free" software. In this paper, we describe a new open source system to overcome many of these obstacles by demonstrating results in the context of issues found from experience with several planetary DTM pipelines. We introduce a new fully automated multi-resolution DTM processing chain for NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Context Camera (CTX) and High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) stereo processing, called the Co-registration Ames Stereo Pipeline (ASP) Gotcha Optimised (CASP-GO), based on the open source NASA ASP. CASP-GO employs tie-point based multi-resolution image co-registration, and Gotcha sub-pixel refinement and densification. CASP-GO pipeline is used to produce planet-wide CTX and HiRISE DTMs that guarantee global geo-referencing compliance with respect to High Resolution Stereo Colour imaging (HRSC), and thence to the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA); providing refined stereo matching completeness and accuracy. All software and good quality products introduced in this paper are being made open-source to the planetary science community through collaboration with NASA Ames, United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Advanced Multi-Mission Operations System (AMMOS) Planetary Data System (PDS) Pipeline Service (APPS-PDS4), as well as browseable and visualisable through the iMars web based Geographic Information System (webGIS) system

    A new south polar Digital Terrain Model of Mars from the High-Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) onboard the ESA Mars Express

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    The first high-resolution Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of the entire South Pole of Mars has been produced. A modified version (Kim and Muller, 2009) of a NASA-VICAR-based pipeline developed by DLR (German Aerospace Centre) and JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) has been employed with image matching based on the Gotcha (Gruen-Otto-Chau) algorithm (Shin and Muller, 2012) with a specialised setup for the polar region. DTM products have been produced with more than twice the resolution (50 m/pixel) of the gridded Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) 512 pixels/degree (112 m/pixel) over the South Polar Residual Cap (SPRC) and the Mars South Polar region (82° - 90° S) in MOLA and areoid reference. The accuracy of the HRSC orbital DTMs are compared against a MOLA reference with good results. HRSC orthorectified strip images from 12.5 to 50 m have also been produced from the base DTMs and these have been processed into a 12.5 m mosaic. HRSC strip products are currently being assessed as base images for automatic co-registration of thousands of high-resolution images, making them geometrically consistent with the surface conditions imaged by HRSC. In some cases, Context Camera (CTX) DTMs have been automatically produced and co-registered to the HRSC image strips and these, in turn, are being employed for automated co-registration of higher-resolution images