11 research outputs found


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    Perkuliahan evaluasi pembelajaran matematika di tingkat perguruan tinggi khususnya di UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu belum memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk mengembangkan keterampilan di era industri 4.0, belum memberikan informasi dan pengetahuan yang lengkap mengenai penilaian kurikulum mardeka di sekolah menengah, dan belum memberikan pemahaman yang baik kepada mahasiswa tentang evaluasi pembelajaran matematika. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan suatu penelitian dengan tujuan menghasilkan bahan ajar yang dapat mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut. Produk dikembangkan berdasarkan pada kemampuan mahasiswa Prodi Tadris Matematika UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu dan pembaharuan dari instrumen perkuliahan evaluasi perkuliahan yang telah digunakan. Produk dikembangkan berdasarkan model pengembangan bahan ajar PLOMP, yang terdiri atas 3 Fase, yakni fase investigasi awal, fase pengembangan, dan fase penilaian. Produk bahan ajar yang dihasilkan terdiri atas rencana pembelajaran semester (RPS) dan modul evaluasi pembelajaran matematika. Produk telah melalui uji validitas ahli, antara lain ahli materi, ahli evaluasi dan ahli bahasa. Produk juga melalui uji praktikalitas oleh pengguna produk. yakni dosen dan mahasiswa. Hasil uji validitas ahli melalui angket terbuka, yang menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa  produk telah valid, hasil uji praktikalitas penggunaan produk melalui angket tertutup, dengan rata-rata sebesar 77,92%  dalam kriteria praktis oleh pengguna mahasiswa, dan rata-rata 90% dalam kriteria sangat praktis oleh pengguna dosen. Berdasarkan hasil uji validitas dan praktikalitas ini, disimpulkan bahwa produk telah layak digunakan untuk perkuliahan evaluasi pembelajaran matematika di Prodi Tadris Matematika UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu.  Uji keefektifan   dibutuhkan sebagai tindak lanjut dari penyempurnaan hasil penelitian ini


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    This study aimed to determine the types of ferns in the Universitas Islam Negeri Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu campus Area which allow them to be preserved and utilized optimally. This research uses descriptive research method. The sampling method uses observation techniques by going directly to the field for observation and sampling. The data obtained from ferns (Pteridophyta) were then identified in the laboratory by observing fern specimens in the form of roots, stems, leaves and spores. Based on the results of research on the diversity of ferns in the UINFAS Bengkulu campus area, 15 species of ferns were found consisting of 13 families, namely Polypodiaceae 2 species, Lygodiaceae 2 species, Davaliaceae 1 species, Dryopteridaceae 1 species, Aspleniaceae 1 species, Lycopodiaceae 1 species, Pteridaceae 1 species, Thelypteridaceae 1 species, Gleicheniaceae 1 species, Selaginellaceae 1 species, Lomoriopsidaceae 1 species, Blechnaceae 1 species, and Psilotaceae 1 species


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    The purpose of this research is to ascertain whether or not puzzle media may improve students' cognitive learning results when used in conjunction with the image and picture model. A quasi-experimental study with a pre- and post-test control group design was conducted. Twenty-nine pupils made up the study's sample. They engaged in systematic stumbling in order to sample properly. The 15 multiple-choice questions on the pretest and posttest provided the raw material for this study. The SPSS 26.0 application was used to conduct a t-test analysis in the two groups. The data analysis revealed that the average value of class VII students' cognitive learning outcomes using the picture and picture model assisted by puzzle media was higher than the average value of students' cognitive learning outcomes using the conventional model, coming in at 84 77.34. When the t-test is performed at the 5% level of significance, a result of Sig. (2-tailed) 0.05 or 0.030 0.05 indicates that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. This demonstrates that the cognitive learning results of class VII pupils in the kingdom animalia content at SMPN 20 Bengkulu City are significantly influenced by the use of the image and picture models supplemented by media puzzles

    Persepsi Guru Mengenai Integrasi Sains-Islam Dalam Pembelajaran IPA Di MAN Kota Bengkulu

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    Abstract: Persepsi Guru Mengenai Integrasi Sains-Islam Dalam Pembelajaran IPA Di MAN Kota BengkuluPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi guru MAN Kota Bengkulu tentang integrasi sains dan Islam dalam pembelajaran IPA di sekolah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dasar dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket, wawancara, dan analisis dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gambaran persepsi guru mengenai integrasi sains dan islam adalah sebagai berikut bahwa sebagian besar guru PAI dan IPA menyatakan bahwa hubungan antara sains dan islam merupakan hubungan integrase selain itu baik guru PAI maupun IPA merasa memiliki tanggung jawab yang besar untuk mengajarkan IPA dengan pengintegrasian  nilai-nilai Islam. Selain itu, sebagian besar dari mereka juga mengatakan bahwa mereka percaya diri mereka dapat mengajarkan sains dengan integrasi Islam dengan alasan mereka cukup memiliki wawasan mengenai sains dan islam; meskipun sebagian besar dari mereka tidak pernah mengikuti pelatihan maupun penataran pendidikan atau kelas informal tentang integrasi sains dan islam. Penelitian tentang persepsi guru tentang integrasi sains dan islam ini merupakan sebuah penelitian dasar yang kedepannya dapat menjadi rujukan untuk penelitian selanjutnya. Dengan mengetahui persepsi guru di beberapa sekolah tentang integrasi sains dan islam, penelitian lebih lanjut dapat berupa pengembangan metode/model/media pembelajaran terkait pemahaman dan penerapan integrasi Islam dan sains.Abstract: Teacher's Perception Regarding the Integration of Science-Islam in Science Learning at MAN Bengkulu CityThis study aims to determine the perception of Bengkulu City MAN teachers about the integration of science and Islam in science learning in schools. This research is a basic research with a qualitative approach and descriptive method. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, interviews, and document analysis. The results show that the description of teachers' perceptions of science and Islamic integration are as follows most PAI and science teachers state that the relationship between science and Islam is an integrative relationship besides that both PAI and science teachers feel they have a great responsibility to teach science with the integration of Islamic values. In addition, most of them also said that they believed themselves to be able to teach science with the integration of Islam on the grounds that they had sufficient knowledge of science and Islam; although most of them have never attended any training or educational upgrading or informal classes on the integration of science and Islam. This research on teachers' perceptions of the integration of science and Islam is a basic research that in the future can be a reference for further research. By knowing the perceptions of teachers in several schools about the integration of science and Islam, further research can be in the form of developing learning methods/models/media related to the understanding and application of the integration of Islam and science

    Pembelajaran Biologi Menggunakan Problem Solving Disertai Diagram Tree Untuk Memberdayakan Kemampuan Berpikir Logis Dan Kemampuan Menafsirkan Siswa

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    Problem solving  adalah metode belajar di mana siswa dilatih memiliki kemampuan merumuskan permasalahan yang kompleks dan membuat sejumlah solusi untuk kemudian merefleksikan solusi tersebut dari berbagai sudut pandang. Sintak dari Problem Solving adalah (1) pendidikan dan peserta didik menyusun permasalahan sebagai bahan belajar, (2) pendidik menjelaskan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan oleh peserta didik, (3) peserta didik baik secara individu/kelompok mendapat sebuah bahan pemecahan masalah yang sama, (4) pada ahir kegiatan belajar pendidik/peserta ditunjuk menyimpulkan dan (5) pendidik dan peserta didik melakukan evaluasi proses dan hasil. Jurnal yang mendukung berjudul Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Problem Solving Model Polya Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Memecahkan Masalah. Tree Diagram(diagram pohon) adalah sebuah tipe diagram secara spesifik yang memiliki topologi network (hubungan) yang unik. (1) masalah utama dijabarkan ke dalam masalah yang lebih kecil, (2) masalah yang sudah dijabarkan itu kemudian dijabarkan lagi ke masalah yang lebih kecil, (3) mengadakan identifikasi jaringan hubungan komponen-komponen yang ada. Dukungan peneliti berjudul Aplikasi Network Pohon Dalam Tree Diagram. Pokok bahasan materi karena keanekaragaman hayati merupakan prinsip klasifikasi dan siswa dapat menafsirkan dan merupakan kompetensi yang terkait dengan KPS. Keanekaragaman hayati mempunyai nilai rendah 49,72. Melalui Problem Solving dan Diagram Pohon diharapkan dapat mendorong kemampuan berfikir logis dan kemampuan menafsirkan. Kesimpulan dari Problem Solving dan Diagram Pohon diharapkan dapat diterapkan dalam pembelajaran terutama pada materi keanekaragaman hayati untuk dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berfikir logis dan kemampuan menafsirkan. Saran perlu dilaksanakan penelitian tentang penggunaan model Problem Solving dan tehnik Diagram Pohon untuk memberdayakan berfikir logis dan menafsirkan


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    This study aims to determine the types of mangrove plants in the Bhadrika tourist park, Bengkulu Province. This study uses the method of observation. The data obtained are then immediately taken to the laboratory for identification. The identification process by observing the roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruit.  The mangroves found were, Avicennia alba, Lumnitzera racemosa, Excoecaria agallocha, Aegiceras corniculatum, Bruguiera cylindrical. There were 5 types of mangroves in the Bhadrika Tourism Park which belonged to 5 families

    Komparasi Yield Nata De Tomato Dengan Nata De Coco Berdasarkan Durasi Fermentasi

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    Nata adalah bahan menyerupai gel yang terapung pada medium yang mengandung gula dan asam hasil bentukan mikroorganisme Acetobacter xylinum. Secara mikroskopik berupa massa fibril tidak beraturan yang menyerupai benang. Supaya hasil Nata berkualitas, media disesuaikan dengan syarat tumbuh (sifat fisik-kimia media) bakterinya A.xylinum. Nata de coco tanpa ZA dengan lama fermentasi 10 hari menghasilkan yield paling baik dengan ketebalan 1,1 cm dan berat 600 gram. Sedangkan pada nata de tomato dengan ZA memberikan yield terbaik dengan ketebalan0,5 cm pada lama fermentasi 10 hari. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ketebalan nata de coco dengan nata de tomato berbeda. Dipengaruhi oleh variasi substrat dan komposisi bahan. Pada nata de tomato, ekstrak nata tomato dicampurkan dengan air dengan perbandingan 1:4. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan yield nata de tomato dan coco berbeda. Kandungan nutrient atau glukosa pada sari buah tomat lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan kandungan glukosa pada nata de coco.  Hasil uji organoleptik menyimpulkan bahwa : 1) Panelis lebih menyukai nata dengan tekstur kenyal yang diperoleh dari nata de coco pada hari ke-10, 2) Panelis lebih menyukai nata de coco maupun tomato dengan aroma tidak asam karena pada saat dipanen, nata  dicuci lalu direbus selama 20 menit pada suhu 100°C sehingga aroma asam pada nata hilang pada saat pencucian dan perebusan.3) Panelis lebih menyukai nata dengan rasa enak karena perbedaan lama fermentasi menghasilkan citarasa nata enak yang relatif sama.AbstractNata is a gel-like material that floats on a medium containing sugar and acid formed by the microorganism Acetobacter xylinum. Microscopically an irregular mass of fibrils that resemble threads. In order for the quality Nata results, the media are adjusted to the growth requirements (physical-chemical properties of the media) of the bacteria A.xylinum. Nata de coco without ZA with 10 days fermentation time produces the best yield with a thickness of 1.1 cm and a weight of 600 grams. Whereas the nata de tomato with ZA gives the best yield with a thickness of 0.5 cm at 10 days fermentation time. This shows that the thickness of nata de coco with nata de tomato is different. Influenced by variations in substrate and material composition. In nata de tomato, nata tomato extract is mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 4. This is what causes the yield of nata de tomato and coco to be different. Nutrient or glucose content in tomato juice is less than the glucose content in nata de coco. Organoleptic test results concluded that: 1) Panelists preferred nata with a chewy texture obtained from nata de coco on the 10th day, 2) Panelists preferred nata de coco or tomato with a non-sour aroma because when harvested, nata was washed and then boiled for 20 minutes at 100 ° C so that the acid aroma of the nata disappears during washing and boiling.3) Panelists prefer nata with good taste because the difference in fermentation time produces relatively similar delicious nata flavors.


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    Children are the next generation of families and assets of the nation that must be prepared from an early age so that they become quality successors and have good character. Children's character is a container for various psychological characteristics that can guide children to adapt to various environmental conditions they face. The purpose of this activity is to increase parents' knowledge about Parenting Style as an Effort to Build Children's Character. The method used in this community service is Community Education (Counseling) through the Zoom Meeting media. Based on the results of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test, it can be seen that the significance value (p value) is 0.00. The significance value is greater than α (0.05) so it can be interpreted that there is a significant difference in the knowledge of parents before and after counseling. Based on the results of this community service, it can be concluded that counseling to the community can increase parents' knowledge about Parenting Style as an Effort to Build Children's Character. Parents' knowledge about parenting needs to be improved, because knowledge about parenting will determine the type of parenting that will be given by parents to their children. So that the child will have a good character and in accordance with the norms of societ

    Implementation of Stad-cooperative Learning in Improving Social Skills of College Student

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    This study aims to determine the difference in the average social skills of students with the STAD type cooperative learning model and the conventional learning model in the form of direct learning in social studies education courses. The research method used is descriptive and quantitative with a quasi-experimental research design with a post-test only non-equivalent control group design. This study begins with a normality test and a homogeneity test of variance. The results of the study show that in hypothesis testing with t-test obtained p-value (sig) of 0.000 with a significant level of 0.05, because 0.000 0.05 then H0 is rejected. And the results of the calculation of social skills analysis, the average value of social skills in the experimental group is 0.597812 and the control group is 0.208414. From these results it can be concluded that the average social skills in the experimental group is better than the average in the control group. So it is known that there is a significant difference in average social skills between students who are treated with the STAD type cooperative learning model with conventional learning in social studies education courses at Tadris IPS UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu


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    This study aimed to look at the inventory of freshwater fish species in the Batang Muar River, Serami Baru Village, Mukomuko Regency, Bengkulu. This study uses an exploratory descriptive research method by using a survey technique conducted by determining the point of observation. Determination of the location of the research is done by the method of purposive sampling. The samples obtained were grouped based on the same morphological characteristics and the number of each type was counted. Based on the results of the research, the results of the inventory of freshwater fish species in the Batang Muar River found 9 species consist of Oxyeleotris marmota, Angulia marmorata, Monopterus albus, Tor putitora,  Labiobarbus leptocheilus, Mystacoleucus padanggensis, Osteochiolus vittatus, Chana striata and Schismatgobius ridawatiae