20 research outputs found

    Treatment of basal cell cancer in the periorbital area using a pulsed copper vapour laser

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    An increase in life expectancy in developed countries is inevitably accompanied by an increase in the number of nonmelanoma skin diseases, which are primarily represented by basal cell cancer (BCC) occurring in elderly and old-age patients. The pathogenesis of such diseases is associated both with impaired proliferation and differentiation of the keratinocytes of the epidermal basal layer, as well as with the transformation of the vasculature in the papillary dermis in the vicinity of BCC. In recent years, such conditions have been increasingly treated using CO2 , neodymium, diode and pulsed-dye lasers. In many cases, these devices allow malignant BCC cells to be successfully eliminated. However, the use of near-infrared lasers in the periorbital area is limited due to a higher risk of damaging the organs of the visual system. Therefore, a search for new laser surgery methods that can be used for treating malignant skin tumours seems to be a prospective research direction.Methods. 3 male and 9 female patients diagnosed with primary BCC were treated using a copper vapour laser (Yakhroma-Med). The age of the patients varied from 34 to 77 years. Laser treatment was carried out in one session under the following irradiation parameters: the wavelength of 511 and 578 nm, the average power of up to 3 W and a series of 15 ns pulses. The pause between the pulses was 60 μs, with the exposure time ranging from 200 to 600 ms. The light spot diameter on the skin surface was 1 mm. The follow-up monitoring duration was 24 months.Results. In all the BCC patients, one session of copper vapour laser treatment allowed malignant cells in the disease area to be completely eliminated without relapses during 2 years after the therapy. The duration of skin healing in the irradiated area was 2 weeks in patients under the age of 40 years, compared to 3–4 weeks in elderly patients. After the treatment, short-term side effects, such as a slight edema, erythema and peeling, were observed

    A clinical description of two cases of orphan diseases in newborns in the intensive care unit

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    Clinical cases of the leucinosis and Shwachman-Diamond syndrome at newborns, who were in a serious condition in intensive care unit are described. The clinical picture of diseases and steps of diagnostic search are given. The diagnosis «leucinosis» was made at the age of 2 months that led to belated beginning of specific treatment and adversely affected the disease prognosis. The diagnosis of a syndrome of Shvakhman-Daymond was not established intravital because of rarity of this pathology, weak knowledge of pediatricians and comorbid diseases of the patient.В статье описаны клинические случаи лейциноза(ОМ1М #248600) и синдрома Швахмана-Даймонда (0М1М #260400) у новорожденных, получавших лечение в отделении реанимации и интенсивной терапии. Приведены клиническая картина заболеваний и этапы диагностического поиска. Диагноз «лейциноз» был поставлен в возрасте 2 месяцев, что привело к позднему началу специфического лечения и неблагоприятно отразилось на прогнозе. Диагноз синдрома Швахмана-Даймонда не был установлен при жизни пациента в виду редкости данной патологии, слабой информированности специалистов и наличия у больного коморбидных заболеваний

    Diagnosis of microaspiration syndrome in children with bronchial asthma using non-invasive methods

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    For the purpose of identification of a microaspiration syndrome among children as a possible reason of development of bronchial asthma we suggested a number of noninvasive methods: questioning, lactose identification, average capacity of lipophages in the induced sputum of a bronchial tree within 21 patients from 10 to 17 years. The conducted research resulted in 38% of children with bronchial asthma had a high probability of having of a microaspiration syndrome. The recommended research methods have been proved efficient.С целью выявления микроаспирационного синдрома у детей, как возможной причины развития бронхиальной астмы нами были предложены ряд неинвазивных методов: анкетирование, выявление лактозы, средняя нагруженность липофагов в индуцированной мокроте бронхиального дерева у 21 пациента от 10 до 17 лет. В результате проведенного исследования 38% детей с бронхиальной астмой имели высокую вероятность наличия синдрома микроаспирации. Была доказана эффективность предложенных методов исследования

    International discussion (round table) «Arctic Subsoil and International Law» held at the MGIMO-University MFA Russia

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    Lawyers, economists, diplomats from Russia, Canada, Norway, USA, and Denmark participated in the discussion on the topic. In his opening remarks Professor A N Vylegjanin (Head, Department of International Law, MGIMO) underlined the importance of the topic because of the political and economic value of the statute of arctic subsoil and international law Professor S A Gureev and Dr I Bunik provided a general overview of alternative approaches on defining the statute of arctic high-altitude subsoil. According to them, there is no sense to allow more than 150 states to access the Arctic subsoil, which would happen if the International Area is established in the Arctic Accordingly, they offered alternative principles of delimiting the Arctic Oceans’s subsoil between the arctic states only Professor O Sanders, Director of Canadian Institute of Resources Law, was the main reporter. His report highlighted the following: at the moment, the statute of the Arctic’s high altitude subsoil is of no practical meaning, butit may change in the future; sectoral borders in the Arctic are drawn as state borders on some official Canadian maps, meeting each other at the North Pole; Canadian legislation on the Arctic sector is the oldest (since 1906); Canada, however, is flexible in its implementation.There were differing opinions on some of the issues. The idea of the Arctic states having to transfer part of their continental shelf in the Arctic to the Area was debated; some participants suggested that states are not obliged to do so Furthermore, it is impossible legally: one of the Arctic states is not a member of the 1982 Convention/ The suggestion that Russia has started already establishing the Area in the Arctic by making a submission according to article 76 of the 1982 Convention was criticized, as it is not possible to establish the Area from the Russian side only There was only one question where all participants agreed: rights of a state on its continental shelf exist ipso facto and ab initio and do not depend on any recommendation, including that of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf


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    The paper describes a clinical case of Mycobacterium abscessus infection in the practice of a phthisiatrician. Bacteriological examination of specimens with isolation of a Mycobacterium culture and its identification is of great importance in making a correct diagnosis

    Subclinical thyroid pathology and atrial fibrillation development in patients with coronary heart disease and arterial hypertension

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    Aim. To study the structural and functional characteristics of thyroid gland (TG) in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) and arterial hypertension (AH), in regard to the presence of atrial fibrillation (AF). Material and methods. The study included 90 patients aged over 50 years, with CHD and AH; 60 patients also had AF. All participants underwent TG ultrasound, assessment of blood levels of thyroid hormones, thyrotropin (TT), anti-thyroid antibodies, and echocardiography (EchoCG). The patients were residents of an iodine-deficient region. Results. In patients with AF, increased TG size and multi-nodal TG pathology were significantly more prevalent, and free thyroxin (T4f) levels were significantly higher than in AF-free participants (especially in women and individuals with increased TG size). Patients with AF and multi-nodal TG pathology demonstrated a significantly increased TG volume and decreased TT levels. Based on EchoCG data, these patients also had significantly lower atrial and left ventricular sizes, as well as a higher ejection fraction, compared to the patients with solitary TG nodes. Conclusion. In AF patients, increased TG function could be explained by functional TG autonomy, especially among individuals with multi-nodal thyroid pathology


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    In the article the problem of valuable development of professional education in modern conditions of reforming of system of education is analyzed. Valuable specificity of modern social development is characterized by significant growth of a role of theoretical knowledge, means of the communications, information technologies. The basic valuable sources of professional growth move from the physical capital to the saved up knowledge and information resources. Today interest of a science to human creative abilities, ways of their activization has considerably grown. Besides the developed human person acts in a modern society as a determinative and the main information resource.В статье анализируется проблема ценностного развития профессионального образования в современных условиях реформирования системы образования. Отмечается, что ценностная специфика современного общественного развития характеризуется возрастанием роли теоретического знания, средств коммуникации, информационных технологий. Основные ценностные источники профессионального роста перемещаются от физического капитала к накопленным знаниям и информационным ресурсам. Акцентируется внимание на том, что сегодня значительно вырос интерес науки к человеческим созидательным способностям, путям их активизации. Кроме того, развитая человеческая личность выступает в современном обществе как решающий фактор и главный информационный ресурс