246 research outputs found

    Methodological Developments in Human Development Literature

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    The present paper is a review of methodological advancements in human development literature starting from 1990 till date. While highlighting the contribution of UNDP to the concept of human development and construction of HDI it mentions that the introduced concept and method of measurement is a huge qualitative improvement over the earlier concept of growth and per capita GDP measurement. Although the human development report started with a poor methodology, thanks to the galaxy of scholars for their untiring efforts and invaluable contributions in the successive years that enabled UNDP in refining its methodology to a large extent. There is no denying fact that there is no end to refinements, the purpose for which Mahbub ul Haq struggled in his entire life has been served

    A Human Development Approach to the Status of Development in North East India

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    The present paper is an attempt to highlight the status of development in North East India using human development approach. The study reveals that India in spite of having a fast growing economy and pursuing the policy of liberalization and globalization since early eighties has not been able to achieve much on account of human development and welfare. Human development index is below 0.6 in the country and much below in its North Eastern Region. Rural-urban disparity, gender disparity and uneven human development across the States in the region are quite significant. The disturbing trend of increasing gender disparity in Nagaland and escalating rural-urban gap, particularly in the States of Assam and Meghalaya is a matter of concern.North East India; Human Development

    Human Development Reports on North-East India: A Bird’s Eye View

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    The paper is a brief account of findings of various human development reports published either by UNDP or Govt. of India or by individual state governments on the states of northeast India. The findings reveal that achievement of northeastern region is quite reasonable in comparison to all India average situations in respect of human development indicators for both the sexes but it has miserably failed in bringing commensurate economic growth. There exits wide spread disparity of socioeconomic achievements across different states and from urban to rural areas. In spite of being a tribal belt and in some cases having matrilineal society women are to be at par with that of men. If the problems of poor economic growth, overall development and gender disparities are not properly addressed the region may fall into the trap of vicious quadrant instead of moving to a virtuous one.Human Development, Northeast India


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    Concept of human development and its measurement as introduced by UNDP in the first Human Development Report 1990 is an approach to measure economic development. It is a composite measure of economic progress and a better substitute to Per Capita Income (measure) that could neither capture nor exhibit exact level of development of human beings nor that of nations. According to HDR 2003, when countries like Georgia, Indonesia and Jamaica having very low per capita income could achieve high levels of human development South Africa in spite of having a very high per capita income achieved low level of human development. Thus, it is the human development that really throws light on the exact level of development of human beings and helps in policy formulation to achieve the development goals in a particular region. Keeping all these points in view the present study was undertaken on the status and progress of human development in a backward region like North-East India comprising eight States which is predominantly inhabited by tribal people. The study reveals that the region in respect of human development is highly lagging behind within the country and as compared to many other countries in the world. The progress of human development not only has been very low in the last two and half decades but also witnessing wide spread rural-urban and gender disparity. It has also been witnessing uneven progress across different States in the region which calls for an immediate intervention on the part of the government.Human Development

    Structural Change in Meghalaya: Theory and Evidence

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    Structural change which is inherent in an evolving economy refers to a long-term widespread transformation of the fundamental relationships among different parts and organic constituents of it, rather than micro scale or short-term change in output and employment. Short-term economic challenges that are managed with fiscal or monetary policies do not form part of the structural change. Structural change rather involves obsolescence of skills, vocations, and permanent changes in spending and production. In structural change, a subsistence economy is transformed into a manufacturing economy, or a regulated mixed economy is liberalized. Structural change is also initiated by policy decisions or through permanent changes in resources, population or the society. A current structural change in the world economy is globalization. The present paper in this regard is an attempt to have a close examination of the evolution of the concept by reviewing some of the important literatures and verify in the context of the state of Meghalaya whether there has been any such structural change. Although the study is severely constrained by availability of relevant data, it has been visualized that changes in population growth rate and its demographic attributes, economic participation and dependency ratios, sectoral distribution of income, infrastructural advancement, etc indicate to the structural change that is taking place in Meghalaya.Structure, Structural Change, Meghalaya

    Women Empowerment in Assam

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    The present paper is an attempt to analyze the status of women and their empowerment in terms of various indicators such as access to education, employment, household decision making power, financial autonomy, freedom of movement, exposure to media, political participation, experience of domestic violence etc in the state of Assam using secondary data obtained from various sources. The study reveals that development process in the state is not gender neutral; women enjoy quite inferior status as compared to the average women in India. Percentage of women in the government services and their political participation is quite low and does not show any sign of significant improvement. Sex ratio though not in favor of women is improving over time. Women enjoy better status in the state as compared to women in India in terms of decision making power at the household level while the situation is reverse in case of their financial autonomy and sexual violence. Inter district disparity is rampant in the state. Districts like Kamrup and Tinisukia in spite of having high per capita DDP have not been able to transform the development effort to bridge the gender gap. Districts with high literacy rates are having high proportion of female main and marginal workers and low proportion of non-workers. Higher the literacy higher is the female workforce participation rate. Female enrolment rate is below fifty per cent in spite of universalisation of primary education and provision of mid day meal schemes. Although Government has undertaken a number of steps the situation has remained gloomy mainly because the educated women are not forward looking and cherish the baseless age old customs. There is a need to create awareness towards achieving the desired goal of women empowerment in the state.Women Empowerment, Gender

    Facets and factors of human development in Tripura

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    This paper systematically presents the geographical and historical forces that have shaped the resource base, infrastructure, connectivity, socio-economic milieu and consequently the economy of Tripura determining the level of human development in the state. In spite of a great burden of population on its fragile economy, the state has secured an appreciable score in matters of education and health. The human development of the state needs to be harnessed to promote economic growth in terms of increased productivity and higher per capita income. Human development has also to concord with enhanced dexterity and favorable attitude to economic development.Tripura; India; North Eastern Region; Human Development; Literacy; longivity; per capita income; index

    Multipartite Dark Matter with Scalars, Fermions and signatures at LHC

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    Basic idea of this analysis is to achieve a two-component dark matter (DM) framework composed of a scalar and a fermion, with non-negligible DM-DM interaction contributing to thermal freeze out (hence relic density), but hiding them from direct detection bounds. We therefore augment the Standard Model (SM) with a scalar singlet (SS) and three vectorlike fermions: two singlets (χ1,χ2\chi_1,\chi_2) and a doublet (NN). Stability of the two DM components is achieved by a discrete Z2×Z2\mathcal{Z}_2 \times {\mathcal{Z}^\prime}_2 symmetry, under which the additional fields transform suitably. Fermion fields having same Z2×Z2\mathcal{Z}_2 \times {\mathcal{Z}^\prime}_2 charge (N,χ1N,\chi_1 in the model) mix after electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB) and the lightest component becomes one of the DM candidates, while scalar singlet SS is the other DM component connected to visible sector by Higgs portal coupling. The heavy fermion (χ2\chi_2) plays the role of mediator to connect the two DM candidates through Yukawa interaction. This opens up a large parameter space for the heavier DM component through DM-DM conversion. Hadronically quiet dilepton signature, arising from the fermion dark sector, can be observed at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) aided by the presence of a lighter scalar DM component, satisfying relic density and direct search bounds through DM-DM conversion.Comment: A section discussing the possible connection to inflation is added. The version is published in JHE