982 research outputs found

    Generalization Guarantees for a Binary Classification Framework for Two-Stage Multiple Kernel Learning

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    We present generalization bounds for the TS-MKL framework for two stage multiple kernel learning. We also present bounds for sparse kernel learning formulations within the TS-MKL framework

    Supervised Learning with Similarity Functions

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    We address the problem of general supervised learning when data can only be accessed through an (indefinite) similarity function between data points. Existing work on learning with indefinite kernels has concentrated solely on binary/multi-class classification problems. We propose a model that is generic enough to handle any supervised learning task and also subsumes the model previously proposed for classification. We give a "goodness" criterion for similarity functions w.r.t. a given supervised learning task and then adapt a well-known landmarking technique to provide efficient algorithms for supervised learning using "good" similarity functions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our model on three important super-vised learning problems: a) real-valued regression, b) ordinal regression and c) ranking where we show that our method guarantees bounded generalization error. Furthermore, for the case of real-valued regression, we give a natural goodness definition that, when used in conjunction with a recent result in sparse vector recovery, guarantees a sparse predictor with bounded generalization error. Finally, we report results of our learning algorithms on regression and ordinal regression tasks using non-PSD similarity functions and demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithms, especially that of the sparse landmark selection algorithm that achieves significantly higher accuracies than the baseline methods while offering reduced computational costs.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of NIPS 2012, 30 page

    On Estimating the First Frequency Moment of Data Streams

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    Estimating the first moment of a data stream defined as F_1 = \sum_{i \in \{1, 2, \ldots, n\}} \abs{f_i} to within 1±ϵ1 \pm \epsilon-relative error with high probability is a basic and influential problem in data stream processing. A tight space bound of O(ϵ2log(mM))O(\epsilon^{-2} \log (mM)) is known from the work of [Kane-Nelson-Woodruff-SODA10]. However, all known algorithms for this problem require per-update stream processing time of Ω(ϵ2)\Omega(\epsilon^{-2}), with the only exception being the algorithm of [Ganguly-Cormode-RANDOM07] that requires per-update processing time of O(log2(mM)(logn))O(\log^2(mM)(\log n)) albeit with sub-optimal space O(ϵ3log2(mM))O(\epsilon^{-3}\log^2(mM)). In this paper, we present an algorithm for estimating F1F_1 that achieves near-optimality in both space and update processing time. The space requirement is O(ϵ2(logn+(logϵ1)log(mM)))O(\epsilon^{-2}(\log n + (\log \epsilon^{-1})\log(mM))) and the per-update processing time is O((logn)log(ϵ1))O( (\log n)\log (\epsilon^{-1})).Comment: 12 page

    Random Feature Maps for Dot Product Kernels

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    Approximating non-linear kernels using feature maps has gained a lot of interest in recent years due to applications in reducing training and testing times of SVM classifiers and other kernel based learning algorithms. We extend this line of work and present low distortion embeddings for dot product kernels into linear Euclidean spaces. We base our results on a classical result in harmonic analysis characterizing all dot product kernels and use it to define randomized feature maps into explicit low dimensional Euclidean spaces in which the native dot product provides an approximation to the dot product kernel with high confidence.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2012). This version corrects a minor error with Lemma 10. Acknowledgements : Devanshu Bhimwa

    On Translation Invariant Kernels and Screw Functions

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    We explore the connection between Hilbertian metrics and positive definite kernels on the real line. In particular, we look at a well-known characterization of translation invariant Hilbertian metrics on the real line by von Neumann and Schoenberg (1941). Using this result we are able to give an alternate proof of Bochner's theorem for translation invariant positive definite kernels on the real line (Rudin, 1962)