22 research outputs found

    Fissidens in the Neotropics

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    The land areas of the Western Hemisphere south of the United States support over 276 species of Fissidens (Wijk et al. 1962, 1969). This number is approximately 30% of the total number of species known. Progress made on a monograph of the family in the neotropics and the adjacent areas is summarized; approximately 50% of the species have been studied. Commonality among the neotropical, African and Asian species of Fissidens is discussed. Changes to be made in the classification of the family are indicated. New characters used in distinguishing species and the classification of the family are enumerated

    The bryoflora of Fernando de Noronha, Brasil

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    Twenty-two species of bryophytes are reported from Fernando de Noronha. One of these, Fissidens veracruzensis Pursell, has not been reported previously from Brasil

    New bryophyte taxon records for tropical countries 2

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    Norris & T. Kop. Sabah, Mt. Kinabalu, Mary Strong Clemens. 10741, 15.11.1915 (L) as „Campylopus metzlerioides Broth. nom. nud.“ The species was known before (mostly as Atractylocarpus comosus Dix.) from Sumatra, Celebes, New Guinea, Bhutan and Nepal [JPF]

    New bryophyte taxon records for tropical countries 1

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    This is the first in a series of papers listing new records, which will be published whenever sufficient new records have been found. The taxa are arranged by countries for an easier evaluation, e.g. updates of checklists. The initials of the contributor for each record is shown in square brackets after the record, and these initials are interpreted at the end of the paper

    A Contribution to the <I>Fissidens</I> (Musci, Fissidentaceae) of New Caledonia. II

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    Trois espÚces, Fissidens elegans, F. geminiflorus, and F. perobtusus, sont nouvelles pour la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Les localités de 13 autres espÚces sont ajoutées. 7 noms sont placés en synonymie. Une check-list de 35 espÚces et variétés de Fissidens de la Nouvelle-Calédonie est présentée.Three species, Fissidens elegans, F. geminiflorus, and F. perobtusus, are reported new to New Caledonia. Records for 13 other species are appended. Seven names have been placed in synonymy. A checklist of 35 species and varieties of Fissidens for New Caledonia is presented.</p

    &lt;I&gt;Fissidens brevinervis&lt;/I&gt; (Fissidentaceae, Bryopsida): a pantropical species

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    Fissidens brevinervis est considerĂ© comme une espĂšce pantropicale et est rapportĂ© pour la premiĂšre fois pour Île de l\u27Ascension, l\u27Ethiopie, l\u27Inde et le Salvador. Fissidens cryptoneuron est inclus comme synonyme en F. brevinervis.Fissidens brevinervis is considered a pantropical species. The species, is reported new for Ascension Island, Ethiopia, India and El Salvador. Fissidens cryptoneuron is reduced to the synonymy of F. brevinervis.</p

    William Dean Reese (1928–2002)

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    Recent Literature on Bryophytes—111(3)

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    Recent Literature on Bryophytes—106(3)

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