11 research outputs found

    Development of Local Institutions Towards on Participation and Communication Model in the United Kingdom

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    This research aims is to describe the stakeholder involvement and elaborate the communicationmodels that have been used in this project. The main issue are the institutional participationand communication models towards the community project. There are several issues todeal with the sustainable local institution. First of all, a legal mechanism that can establish ruleand law enforcement. Secondly, capacity building that makes the local community can build anequal relationship with other stakeholders such as the local government and buyers. Thirdly isthe institutional transparency that supports the information-equality system amongst stakeholdersin the community. It can be showed by the stakeholders' communication model. The last one isflexibility and adaptive on cooperative partnership. Using the Qualitative method as the mainumbrella of this research, and the research use several methods to gather the data such as ethnographyand a participatory approaches; the data was analyzed using qualitative methods.The observation and in-depth interviews were conducted at a selected group in Leeds, UnitedKingdom whose the case study of the Bardon Grange Allotment Project (BGAP) was initiatedby Leeds Student Union (LSU). This organisation was selected because they already implementedthe local project and established some local initiative

    The Maximum Amplitude Weighted Integrated Energy Spectra: a New Gauge in Seismic Thin-Bed Interpretation

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    Some combinations of seismic attributes are superior in detecting thinbed thickness from 3D seismic data. However, their physical unit or meaning can be difficult to determine. Such attributes are considered as relative values. This paper introduces a newly developed relative-value attribute, which was identified to be more sensitive in detecting seismic thin-bed structures. The new attribute was developed based on seismic frequency shifting and amplitude decrease phenomena that occur when the seismic wave responds to a thinning bed structure. The new attribute is constructed by multiplying the integrated energy spectra with the relative maximum amplitude. Through a wedge model seismic test it was shown that the new relative-value attribute consistently gave more proportional and linear responses to the thin-bed thickness. The new attribute was examined in delineating a channel structure on the basis of public 3D seismic data from Stratton Field, Texas USA and the Group F Reservoir in the Malay Basin, Malaysia. The new attribute delineated the meandering channels featured in those two fields very well

    Kinetika Fotodegradasi Klorofil, Tokoferol, dan Karotenoid dalam Minyak Sawit Merah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji laju fotodegradasi klorofil, tokoferol, dan karoten dalam minyak sawit merah (MSM) selama penyimpanan dalam kondisi terpapar cahaya fluoresen pada intensitas 5000, 10000, dan 15000 lux. Fotodegradasi dikaji dengan mengukur Perubahan kadar klorofil, tokoferol, dan karoten MSM pada botol transparan yang disimpan dalam kotak inkubator (31,60±0,69 oC) dengan intensitas cahaya dipertahankan konstan. Sebagai pembanding, MSM murni dalam botol gelap dan transparan disimpan pada suhu (31,46±1,04 °C) dan pencahayaan normal laboratorium (476,25-484,89 lux). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa klorofil mengalami fotodegradasi mengikuti model reaksi ordo pertama dalam dua periode; yaitu periode fotodegradasi cepat selama penyimpanan 6 jam pertama dengan nilai konstanta laju (k) 3,81x10-2, 4,45x10-2, 5,64x10-2 hari-1, diikuti periode fotodegradasi lambat pada penyimpanan yang lebih lama dengan nilai k 1,41x10-2, 3,01x10-2, 4,59x10-2 hari-1 masing-masing pada intensitas cahaya 5000, 10000, dan 15000 lux. Fotodegradasi tokoferol dan karoten juga mengikuti model reaksi ordo pertama. Fotodegradasi tokoferol berlangsung dengan laju paling tinggi (nilai k 9,10x10-2, 12,02x10-2, 17,33x10-2 hari-1), sedangkan fotodegradasi karoten berlangsung dengan laju paling rendah (nilai k 0,80x10-2, 1,40x10-2, 1, 98x10-2 hari-1) masing-masing pada perlakuan intensitas cahaya 5000, 10000, dan 15000 lux. Konstanta intensitas cahaya (zi) sebagai indikator ketergantungan nilai k terhadap Perubahan intensitas cahaya untuk klorofil, tokoferol, karoten berturut-turut adalah 20000, 33333, dan 25000 lux. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa laju degradasi klorofil paling sensitif terhadap Perubahan intensitas cahaya

    Implementasi Nilai Pancasila Dalam Menekan Radikalisme Agama

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai penegakkan nilai-nilai Pancasila dalam menekan tindakan radikalisme. Saat ini tidak terlihat ketegasan dalam penerapan nilai-nilai pancasila dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, bernegara dan berbangsa penerapan pancasila merupakan suatu keharusan karena merupakan cita-cita bangsa. Nilai-nilai pancasila selalu relevan dalam fungsinya memberikan pedoman bagi pengambil kebijaksanaan dan pemecahan masalah dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara karena pancasila bersifat sebagai ideologi terbuka. Akan tetapi pada pada saat ini implementasi nilai-nilai Pancasila dalam kehidupan masyarakat semakin terkikis karena minimnya pemahaman masyarakat tentang makna dan arti dari nilai-nilai pancasila yang berketuhanan Yang Maha Esa, Kemanusiaan Adil dan Beradab dan Keadilan Sosial. Minimnya pemahaman masyarakat tentang nilai-nilai Pancasila banyak mengakibatkan terjadinya tindakan kekerasan, ketidakadilan, pelecehan, penganiayaan dan tindakan radikal yang menjadikan agama sebagai alasan untuk melakukan tindakan kekerasan. Oleh karena itu perlunya dilakukan tindakan khusus dari pemerintah untuk memberikan penekanan dan sosialisasi nilai-nilai Pancasila agar masyarakat bisa lebih memahami arti dari nilai-nilai Pancasila tersebu serta dapat terciptanya kehidupan yang rukun, damai dan tentram

    Analisis Kebijakan Alih Fungsi Lahan Pertanian ke Non – Pertanian di Kabupaten Klaten Tahun 2013-2016 (Studi Kasus Kecamatan Ceper Kabupaten Klaten)

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    This study aims to find out some aspects of agricultural function transfer in Kecamatan Ceper Klaten regency. The magnitude of the number of functions transfer in Klaten Regency affects the economic level of the population. This condition prompted many farmers to sell their agricultural land. Supervision related to the transfer of agriculture function to the non-agricultural sector in Klaten Regency needs to be adjusted to see the control done by Klaten Regency Government, Agricultural Service of Klaten Regency and Ceper District Government toward agriculture transfer policy to non-agriculture in Klaten Regency. The purpose of this study is to find out how they can use agriculture and agriculture in Klaten District together with their driving factors. This research uses case study research with a qualitative method. The focus of the research is on the analysis for the conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural land. The result of data analysis obtained from Agricultural Service of Klaten Regency, National Land Agency of Klaten Regency, Environment Agency of Klaten Regency and Government of Sub-District of Ceper in the implementation of agriculture is not necessarily optimal done by some driving factors. Suggestions to be given are: (1) optimizing the existing Rules and policies to be carried out in accordance with the rules (2) Optimizing Agricultural Extension activities (3) improving and socializing for related offices and farmers to know. to non-agriculture (4) further education and land improvement (5) the immediate refresher of data on paddy fields and their final (6) controls provide benefits to farmers who have managed their farms well

    How Javanese Culture Shaping Political Ideology (Case Study of the People in YOGYAKARTA)

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    The original Javanese culture of the communities in Java has been running for decades, meaning that this culture has been very rich in elements of universal culture such as the system of social organization, knowledge, arts, religion, and language. Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace plays an essential role as the center and cultural resource owned by the city of Yogyakarta; one of the areas that are still famous for its cultural guardians, traditions, and behaviors of an ancestor. This research used qualitative methods to obtain data through literature reviews and interviews. Literature review and interview results then became analytical material and adapted to the existing frame of thought as a result of the library studies conducted at the beginning. Then after the analysis process was completed, the results were obtained. This research revealed that the Javanese culture in the people of Yogyakarta affected the political ideology because when speaking about Javanese culture, three aspects cannot be separated in the Javanese community, especially Yogyakarta, Javanese culture, Belief, and religion. A contest will always be syncretism, cannot be constantly intact on assimilation, and acculturation is even alienated (to be drawn). As long as the Javanese people still exist, the Javanese culture will remain alive and develop when the relics of letters, dialectics, and cultures still exist

    The Campaign Strategy of 2019 Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections on Social Media

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    Social media has changed the ways of the political campaign to win their candidates. The media has been prepared for disseminating vision and mission of political candidates since social media has been a promising strategy campaign. This study aims to analyze the campaign strategy of the 2019 Presidential and Vice-Presidential elections on Social Media. The method used was descriptive qualitative. The Data sources were obtained through the winning team accounts of Jokowi and Prabowo on Twitter. Data analysis techniques used Nvivo 12 plus through the crosstab feature. The results of the study found that the two winning team accounts on Twitter @BK52bersamaJKW and @PrabowoSandi_ID were very enthusiastic during the campaign. However, in the consistency level of Twitter account @BK52bersama JKW from February to April was not stable during the campaign process. Meanwhile, the Twitter account @PrabowoSandi_ID Twitter from November to December was inactive and it increased in January. Between the two winning teams; the Prabowo team was more enthusiastic in disseminating the candidate by using the hashtag where the percentage level is higher than the winning team of Jokowi

    Pengaruh Industri Batubara terhadap Polusi Udara dalam Keseimbangan World Air Quality Index In India

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    The research was conducted on the researcher's curiosity on various environmental problems that arise as a result of the condition of the earth that is no longer able to sustain all the needs and desires of humans are infinite. But to avoid too much discussion, research will focus on how coal's role in contributing to high levels of air pollution in India. Air pollution is one of the environmental problems that often gets the world's attention. Talking about air pollution must be very closely related to the State of India, whose position as the country with the worst levels of pollution in the world. The method in this study uses a type of qualitative method with the source of data in the form of a literature review that is journal articles that have relevance to the research topic. The data obtained through the literature review will then be carried out data analysis with data reduction stages, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of the study it can be seen that coal is the belle of fuel used by India as a support for the large energy needs of Indian society. Indeed, coal's natural resources have a positive impact on the economic situation and conditions of energy security in India, but there are more urgent things that need attention that is related to the negative impact of coal use in the form of pollution which is very dangerous for the survival of Indian society. Therefore, to protect the public from the worsening air conditions in India requires serious efforts from various groups, especially the governmen

    Peningkatan Peran Serta Komunitas Pecinta Lingkungan dalam Pemenuhan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) di Kota Depok

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pentingnya peran dari komunitas masyarakat pecinta lingkunan dalam pemenuhan ruang terbuka hijau di Kota Depok. RTH sendiri merupakan bagian dari kebijakan penataan ruang kawasan yang memiliki manfaat tinggi dengan tidak hanya dianggap sebagai upaya penyeimbangan kualitas lingkungan, tapi juga dapat dijadikan identitas kebanggaan kota yang telah diamanatkan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 26 Tahun 2007 tentang Penataan Ruang dimana Fasilitas tersebut memiliki batas minimal pengadaan sebanyak 30% dengan rincian proporsi 20% untuk ruang public, dan 10% untuk ruang privat. Selain itu dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan mengumpulkan data dari jurnal artikel, buku, dokumen pemerintah, media sosial serta Web resmi Daerah yang kemudian yang di analisis menggunakan model sekunder hingga mendapatkan kesimpulannya. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukkan kepada Pemerintah Kota Depok untuk mampu secara maksimal memanfaatkan komunitas tersebut sebagai pemeran dalam pengadaan RTH di Kota Depok