12 research outputs found

    Penciptaan Lagu Anak Sebagai Pendidikan Karakter melalui Seni Pada Mahasiswa PGSD Universitas Efarina Pematangsiantar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendidikan karakter yang diajarkan melalui seni dengan menciptakan lagu anak oleh mahasiswa Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) Universitas Efarina. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan metode penelitian studi literatur. Studi literatur bisa didapat dari berbagai sumber baik jurnal, buku, dokumentasi, internet.  Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa dalam setiap lirik lagu yang diciptakan oleh mahasiswa selalu mengajarkan tentang pendidikan karakter. Lagu yang diciptakan oleh mahasiswa PGSD menjadi salah satu metode mengajar yang diterapkan dalam proses pembelajaran dengan menekankan peningkatan karakter pada peserta didik. Pendidikan karakter yang dominan diajarkan dalam lagu yang diciptakan adalah semangat, saling menghormati, menghargai sesama, jujur, cinta tanah air, hidup sehat, bertanggungjawab, disiplin dan bekerja keras. Pendidikan karakter melalui seni diharapkan mampu mengajak peserta didik untuk memiliki karakter yang baik. Lagu-lagu yang diciptakan oleh mahasiswa dapat menstimulus karakter yang baik ke peserta didik yang akan mereka ajar

    Interaksi Kelas Online pada Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar di Lingkungan Perguruan Tinggi

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    Online learning that has been carried out so far cannot be separated from problems such as unstable internet networks, which result in less than optimal teaching and learning processes. In addition, there is still very limited research that examines online interactions so it needs to be carried out considering that the learning system will not necessarily be carried out normally with a face-to-face process in the classroom.  The purpose of this research was to determine the interaction that occurred in the online class of STKIP Muhammadiyan Sungai Full students. The method used by researchers in this study is the mixed method (Mix Method). The sample used in this study was mathematics education students. Sampling is carried out by purposive sampling.  The analysis was carried out with stages: making transcripts of teaching and learning processes, coding, classifying online class interaction patterns, model interaction characteristics FIAC (Flander Interaction Analysis Code) and model BIAS (Brown Interaction Analysis System)

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Inquiry Dan Gaya Kognitif Field Independent (FI) & Field Dependent (FD) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the inquiry learning model on students' mathematics learning outcomes, the effect of students' cognitive styles on students' mathematics achievement, and the effect of the interaction between the use of learning models and students' cognitive styles on students' mathematics achievement in class VIII (Eight) of SMP Negeri 6 Salatiga for the 2022/2023 academic year. This research was conducted using a quasi-experimental research method by applying a 2 × 2 factorial design. The study population was students of SMP Negeri 6 Salatiga Regency Class VIII even semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. The research sample consisted of 2 experimental classes and 1 control class. Data collection was carried out using two kinds of instruments, namely the Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT) instrument to measure students' cognitive styles and the instrument to test students' mathematics learning outcomes in the form of essays. The statistical test used is to use a two-way ANOVA to see the effect of learning models and the influence of cognitive style on mathematics achievement as well as the interaction between learning models and students' cognitive styles on students' mathematics achievement. Further testing uses the t test to see differences in student learning outcomes based on students' cognitive styles. The results of data analysis and statistical tests showed that the inquiry learning model had an effect on mathematics achievement, students' cognitive styles had an effect on mathematics learning outcomes, there was no interaction between learning models and cognitive styles on students' mathematics achievement. Based on the results of this research, it is suggested to teachers, especially mathematics teachers, that the application of the inquiry learning model be developed as an innovation in the teaching and learning process

    Pemanfaatan Model Integratif dalam Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar Siswa untuk Pengembangan Kurikulum Merdeka

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    Based on observations at SMP Negeri 7 Kerinci teachers in carrying out the learning process are menoton, fasif students, there is no interest in students to innovate so that learning is not effective. The integrative model is very important in the successful implementation of the independent curriculum. In addition, the low learning outcomes of students in learning and student learning activities need to be activated, this can be seen from the completeness of student learning which only reaches 40% and many students' scores are below KKM, for that it is very necessary to use better learning by using integrative models in learning. This research is a Classroom Action Research (PTK) consisting of Precycle, Cycle I, Silus II and Cycle III.  Each cycle ends with an evaluation. Each cycle consists of planning, execution, evaluation and reflection. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out then analyzed the findings in the field so that it can be concluded that The use of integrative models in improving student learning activities for the development of an independent curriculum can increase the learning activities of SMP Negeri 7 Kerinci students

    Pentingnya Pendidikan Karakter Sejak Dini Dalam Dunia Pendidikan

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    Character education is a system of naming character values that includes components of knowledge, awareness or will, and actions to implement these values, both towards God Almighty, oneself, others, the environment, and nationality. Character of education, it is absolutely necessary not only in school but also at home, in the social environment. Event now this is no longer a participant character of education early childhood through adolescence but also adults. Absolutely necessary for the survival of this nation. Competition imagine what will emerge in the next years. Obviusly it would be our burden and parent for today. At that time, the children will face competition with colleagues from various countries around the world. In fact we are still going to work year will feel the same feelings. Demand the quality of human resources in the coming millennium certainly requires good character. However, the character is the key individual goa

    Manajemen Ekstrakurikuler Dalam Meningkatkan Karakter Tanggung Jawab Peserta Didik

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    The focus of this research is the management of extracurricular activities in improving the character of students' responsibilities at SMP Negeri 7 Kerinci. The research questions are (1) how is the management of extracurricular activities in improving the character of the students' responsibilities at SMP Negeri 7 Kerinci?; (2) what are the supporting and inhibiting factors for extracurricular activities in improving the responsible character of students at SMP Negeri 7 Kerinci?; (3) what are the results of improving the character of student responsibilities at SMP Negeri 7 Kerinci through extracurricular management? The method in this thesis is qualitative with the type of field survey located at SMP Negeri 7 Kerinci. Collecting data using interviews, observation, and documentation. While the data analysis method uses three steps, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research results show: (1) the management of extracurricular activities at SMP Negeri 7 Kerinci includes: first, extracurricular activity planning is carried out at the beginning of each new school year. What is planned is teachers, students, facilities and schedule of activities; second, the implementation of extracurricular activities is grouped into two, namely, compulsory extracurricular and elective extracurricular. Extracurricular activities run every day according to the schedule that has been prepared; third, Evaluation of extracurricular activities is carried out every three months. Things that are evaluated include the targets that have been set, such as the champion target the school wants to achieve; (2) Supporting factors in the implementation of extracurricular activities, namely facilities and infrastructure, funds, students, and mentor teachers who are competent in their fields. Factors hindering it are student attendance, lack of funds, and there is also the weather factor; (3) The results of the quality of the character of responsibility after the management of extracurricular activities are good and increasing. Judging from the educational process that runs smoothly, and thanks to the good management of extracurricular activities, carrying out tasks on time, disciplined and serious SMP Negeri 7 Kerinci can achieve non-academic achievements

    Efektivitas Pembelajaran Secara Daring dengan Menggunakan Aplikasi Whatapp terhadap Hasil Belajar

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    process is very different from the offline or face-to-face learning process, such as the way of delivering material and how to assess it. It is also of course that there are many obstacles experienced by educators and students during the online learning process. This study aims to see whether online learning using the Whatsapp application on learning outcomes is effective or not. Based on the results of research and hypothesis testing that has been discussed, it can be concluded that the data analysis used is a hypothesis test, where the hypothesis test is used to see the effectiveness of online learning using the Whatsapp application on learning outcomes. In this study hypothesis testing used a one-sample t-test. Based on the results of the study, a p-value or sig value was obtained. = 0.000 < α = 0.05 So it can be said H_1 accepted, it can be concluded that online learning using the Whatsapp application on learning outcomes is effective

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Aktif Inovatif Kreatif Dan Menyenangkan Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa

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    This research is a Classroom Action Research (PTK) which consists of Pre-cycle, Cycle I, Cycle II and Cycle III. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of the PAIKEM model can improve student learning outcomes. Each consists of planning, implementation, evaluation and reflection. Learning outcome data obtained by using tests. Analysis of the mastery test of learning outcomes in the pre-cycle reached 26.67%, in the first cycle it reached 53.33%, in the second cycle it reached 60% and in the third cycle it reached 73.33%. Based on the percentage in cycle III it can be said that it has achieved classical learning mastery. The results of the data analysis show that the application of the PAIKEM model can improve student learning outcomes. Based on the results of this research, it is suggested to the teacher that the application of the learning model is applied as an innovation in the teaching and learning process

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis PuisiMelalui Model Picture and Picture Dengan Menggunakan Media GambarPada Kelas V MI Darul Iman

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    A study has been carried out entitled Improving Poetry Writing Skills Through Picture and Picture Models with Image Media in Class V MI Darul Iman Students. In learning to write poetry using the technique of using picture and picture models with image media. A learning method that invites students to observe a set of pictures in class. The picture-and-picture method is also very useful in learning poetry. The essence of writing poetry is the result of recording events or pictures of interesting objects that are poured through his mind into written language. The picture and picture method here can inspire students to express themselves in poetry, by observing an interesting picture. The research was conducted at MI Darul Iman in class V and this research was carried out in 2 cycles and 4 stages in each cycle namely Planning, Action, Observation, and Reflection. Based on the results of research that has been carried out using the picture and picture model with image media can improve teachers in learning poetry writing skills in class V MI Darul Iman  students, it can also increase student activity in learning poetry writing skills and can increase the class average value in the cycle 1 with a score of 66.67 with a completeness percentage of 33.33% increased in cycle 2 to 80.07 with a completeness percentage of 86.66%. There was an increase in student scores of 53.33% from cycle 1 to cycle 2 with Very Good criteria

    Ensiklopedia Musik Nusantara

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    Indonesia memiliki kekayaan musik tradisional yang luar biasa. Sampai sekarang, banyak musik tradisional itu yang masih bertahan, bahkan berkembang, walaupun tidak sedikit pula yang berada di ambang kepunahan karena tidak begitu diminati lagi oleh generasi mudanya. Fakta itulah yang menjadi gagasan untuk mewujudkan sebuah musium musik tradisional. Tujuannya agar generasi muda sekurang-kurangnya mengetahui, bahkan diharapkan meleestarikannya sebagai bentuk kekayaan bangsa di tengah-tengah era digital dan berkembangnya gemuruh informasi di sosial media yang masif, sepat, dan padat. Lewat musik tradisional, generasi muda juga bisa belajar dari kearifan lokal yang telah dikembangkan oleh para pendahulunya selama bertahun-tahun. Buku ini berguna bagi mereka yang ingin mengembangkan musik tradisional, atau yang ingin menambah wawasan di bidang seni musik di Indonesia