80 research outputs found

    Cyclic diguanylate signaling in Gram-positive bacteria

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    The nucleotide second messenger 3′-5′ cyclic diguanylate monophosphate (c-di-GMP) is a central regulator of the transition between motile and non-motile lifestyles in bacteria, favoring sessility. Most research investigating the functions of c-di-GMP has focused on Gram-negative species, especially pathogens. Recent work in Gram-positive species has revealed that c-di-GMP plays similar roles in Gram-positives, though the precise targets and mechanisms of regulation may differ. The majority of bacterial life exists in a surface-associated state, with motility allowing bacteria to disseminate and colonize new environments. c-di-GMP signaling regulates flagellum biosynthesis and production of adherence factors and appears to be a primary mechanism by which bacteria sense and respond to surfaces. Ultimately, c-di-GMP influences the ability of a bacterium to alter its transcriptional program, physiology and behavior upon surface contact. This review discusses how bacteria are able to sense a surface via flagella and type IV pili, and the role of c-di-GMP in regulating the response to surfaces, with emphasis on studies of Gram-positive bacteria

    \u3ci\u3eClostridioides difficile\u3c/i\u3e Spore Production in Response to Antibiotic and Immune Stress

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    Clostridioides (Clostridium) difficile, an anaerobic, spore-forming Gram-positive pathogenic bacterium, is a major cause of hospital-acquired infections and can persist as surface-attached biofilms for protection from antibiotic and immune stress. C. difficile can form biofilms as a single species or with other anaerobic intestinal bacteria. The environmental signals that cause individual cells to secrete toxins, form biofilms, or develop into spores that can spread the infection to new patients are unknown. In these studies, we investigate bacterial responses to different stress. Antimicrobial host-defense peptides (HDPs) produced by animal immune systems are promising candidates to develop novel therapies for bacterial infection because they cause oxidative stress that damages multiple targets in bacterial cells, so it is difficult for bacteria to evolve resistance to these attacks. We investigate antibiotic treatments, metal ions and sugars, and antimicrobial peptide treatments to determine how. C. difficile reacts to multiple environmental stresses like those from antibiotic treatment or the human immune system. In our investigation of C. difficile and HDPs in an anaerobic environment, we found that the interaction of piscidin and copper is different in different oxygen environments. Antibiotics and oxidative stresses from other sources cause the cells to form spores and/or biofilms to protect themselves, but piscidin kill vegetative C. difficile cells without triggering these protective responses. Piscidins are highly active against C. difficile and could be a good candidate for drug development.https://digitalcommons.odu.edu/gradposters2022_sciences/1016/thumbnail.jp

    Expanding Our Grasp of Two-Component Signaling in \u3ci\u3eClostridioides difficile\u3c/i\u3e

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    The intestinal pathogen Clostridioides difficile encodes roughly 50 TCS, but very few have been characterized in terms of their activating signals or their regulatory roles. A. G. Pannullo, B. R. Zbylicki, and C. D. Ellermeier (J Bacteriol 205:e00164-23, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1128/jb.00164-23) have identified both for the novel C. difficile TCD DraRS. DraRS responds to antibiotics that target lipid-II molecules in the bacterial cell envelope, and regulates the production of a novel glycolipid necessary for bacitracin and daptomycin resistance in C. difficile

    A Purification and \u3ci\u3eIn Vitro\u3c/i\u3e Activity Assay for a (p)ppGpp Synthetase from \u3ci\u3eClostridium difficile\u3c/i\u3e

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    Kinase and pyrophosphokinase enzymes transfer the gamma phosphate or the beta-gamma pyrophosphate moiety from nucleotide triphosphate precursors to substrates to create phosphorylated products. The use of Îł-32-P labeled NTP precursors allows simultaneous monitoring of substrate utilization and product formation by radiography. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) on cellulose plates allows rapid separation and sensitive quantification of substrate and product. We present a method for utilizing the thin-layer chromatography to assay the pyrophosphokinase activity of a purified (p)ppGpp synthetase. This method has previously been used to characterize the activity of cyclic nucleotide and dinucleotide synthetases and is broadly suitable for characterizing the activity of any enzyme that hydrolyzes a nucleotide triphosphate bond or transfers a terminal phosphate from a phosphate donor to another molecule

    Sound the (Smaller) Alarm: The Triphosphate Magic Spot Nucleotide pGpp

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    It has recently become evident that the bacterial stringent response is regulated by a triphosphate alarmone (pGpp) as well as the canonical tetra- and pentaphosphate alarmones ppGpp and pppGpp [together, (p)ppGpp]. Often dismissed in the past as an artifact or degradation product, pGpp has been confirmed as a deliberate endpoint of multiple synthetic pathways utilizing GMP, (p)ppGpp, or GDP/GTP as precursors. Some early studies concluded that pGpp functionally mimics (p)ppGpp and that its biological role is to make alarmone metabolism less dependent on the guanine energy charge of the cell by allowing GMP-dependent synthesis to continue when GDP/GTP has been depleted. However, recent reports that pGpp binds unique potential protein receptors and is the only alarmone synthesized by the intestinal pathogen Clostridioides difficile indicate that pGpp is more than a stand-in for the longer alarmones and plays a distinct biological role beyond its functional overlap (p)ppGpp

    Study of Glucose Supplementation on Antibiotic Efficacy Against \u3ci\u3eStaphylococcus aureus\u3c/i\u3e

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    Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), is a Gram-positive, facultative anaerobic, biofilm-forming bacterium. It is the leading cause of skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) in the United States. The public health impact of S. aureus has been increased by the emergence of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It has also shown intermediate resistance to Vancomycin, which suggests that full resistance may develop. It is known that hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) from diabetes reduces immune system function. Patients with diabetes experience a greater rate of skin and soft tissue infections. This research explores the effect of increasing glucose concentration on S. aureus response to multiple classes of antibiotics to determine whether hyperglycemia could contribute to treatment failure of diabetic S. aureus SSTIs. Our results support the claim that hyperglycemia will not contribute to treatment failure of diabetic SSTIs while working with different classes of antibiotics.https://digitalcommons.odu.edu/gradposters2022_sciences/1014/thumbnail.jp

    Using nsPEFs to Sensitize MRSA to Vancomycin Treatment

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    Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is a biofilm-forming pathogen. S. aureus treatment is marked by the development of antibiotic resistance. The public health impact has increased since the emergence of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), which has started to show intermediate resistance to vancomycin in MRSA. Nano-second pulse electric fields (nsPEFs) are low-energy and high-power electric pulses, which have been suggested to sensitize pathogens to antibiotics by creating transient pores in the cell membrane. Our combinatorial treatment includes nsPEF pre-treatment and vancomycin post-treatment of MRSA cells. Our results show that MRSA log phase cells had the highest susceptibility to vancomycin. Surprisingly, MRSA biofilm cells were more susceptible to vancomycin when compared to MRSA stationary planktonic cells. These results demonstrate that nsPEFs could remove the pathogen’s protective barrier that is caused by biofilms. They also have the potential of increasing the efficacy of current antibiotic treatments against other pathogens that are developing resistance to antibiotics.https://digitalcommons.odu.edu/gradposters2023_gradschool/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Regulation of Type IV Pili Contributes to Surface Behaviors of Historical and Epidemic Strains of Clostridium difficile

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    ABSTRACT The intestinal pathogen Clostridium difficile is an urgent public health threat that causes antibiotic-associated diarrhea and is a leading cause of fatal nosocomial infections in the United States. C. difficile rates of recurrence and mortality have increased in recent years due to the emergence of so-called “hypervirulent” epidemic strains. A great deal of the basic biology of C. difficile has not been characterized. Recent findings that flagellar motility, toxin synthesis, and type IV pilus (TFP) formation are regulated by cyclic diguanylate (c-di-GMP) reveal the importance of this second messenger for C. difficile gene regulation. However, the function(s) of TFP in C. difficile remains largely unknown. Here, we examine TFP-dependent phenotypes and the role of c-di-GMP in controlling TFP production in the historical 630 and epidemic R20291 strains of C. difficile . We demonstrate that TFP contribute to C. difficile biofilm formation in both strains, but with a more prominent role in R20291. Moreover, we report that R20291 is capable of TFP-dependent surface motility, which has not previously been described in C. difficile . The expression and regulation of the pilA1 pilin gene differs between R20291 and 630, which may underlie the observed differences in TFP-mediated phenotypes. The differences in pilA1 expression are attributable to greater promoter-driven transcription in R20291. In addition, R20291, but not 630, upregulates c-di-GMP levels during surface-associated growth, suggesting that the bacterium senses its substratum. The differential regulation of surface behaviors in historical and epidemic C. difficile strains may contribute to the different infection outcomes presented by these strains. IMPORTANCE How Clostridium difficile establishes and maintains colonization of the host bowel is poorly understood. Surface behaviors of C. difficile are likely relevant during infection, representing possible interactions between the bacterium and the intestinal environment. Pili mediate bacterial interactions with various surfaces and contribute to the virulence of many pathogens. We report that type IV pili (TFP) contribute to biofilm formation by C. difficile . TFP are also required for surface motility, which has not previously been demonstrated for C. difficile . Furthermore, an epidemic-associated C. difficile strain showed higher pilin gene expression and greater dependence on TFP for biofilm production and surface motility. Differences in TFP regulation and their effects on surface behaviors may contribute to increased virulence in recent epidemic strains

    Growth in a Biofilm Sensitizes \u3ci\u3eCutibacterium acnes\u3c/i\u3e to Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields

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    The Gram-positive anaerobic bacterium Cutibacterium acnes (C. acnes) is a commensal of the human skin, but also an opportunistic pathogen that contributes to the pathophysiology of the skin disease acne vulgaris. C. acnes can form biofilms; cells in biofilms are more resilient to antimicrobial stresses. Acne therapeutic options such as topical or systemic antimicrobial treatments often show incomplete responses. In this study we measured the efficacy of nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPEF), a new promising cell and tissue ablation technology, to inactivate C. acnes. Our results show that all tested nsPEF doses (250 to 2000 pulses, 280 ns pulses, 28 kV/cm, 5 Hz; 0.5 to 4 kJ/ml) failed to inactivate planktonic C. acnes and that pretreatment with lysozyme, a naturally occurring cell-wall-weakening enzyme, increased C. acnes vulnerability to nsPEF. Surprisingly, growth in a biofilm appears to sensitize C. acnes to nsPEF-induced stress, as C. acnes biofilm-derived cells showed increased cell death after nsPEF treatments that did not affect planktonic cells. Biofilm inactivation by nsPEF was confirmed by treating intact biofilms grown on glass coverslips with an indium oxide conductive layer. Altogether our results show that, contrary to other antimicrobial agents, nsPEF kill more efficiently bacteria in biofilms than planktonic cells
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