215 research outputs found

    Portal vein aneurysm causing obstructive jaundice

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    Pyrexia of unknown origin: a rare presentation of primary ovarian lymphoma

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    It is very rare to have a lymphomatous involvement of ovary. Malignant lymphoma of ovary is a well-known late manifestation of disseminated nodal disease. Primary ovarian lymphoma with ovarian mass as an initial manifestation is a rare entity and may have varied presentations which can cause confusion to the physician and cause delay in diagnosis. Study presents a case of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma where the initial presentation was fever with weight loss, and was evaluated as pyrexia of unknown origin. When no other cause of fever was identified PET-CT was done showing metabolically active uterine mass with no lymphadenopathy. Exploratory laparotomy was planned followed by hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo ophorectomy with omentectomy. Ovarian malignancy was detected intraoperatively, which was diagnosed as diffuse large B cell lymphoma, NHL double expresser phenotype on histopathology and IHC. Patient was started on chemotherapy and is doing fine

    Experimental and theoretical investigation of the Leidenfrost dynamics of solid carbon dioxide discs sublimating on a solid substrate

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    Volatile liquid droplets levitate on a cushion of their vapor when placed on a hot solid substrate. While extensive research has focused on investigating this phenomenon, commonly known as the Leidenfrost effect in the context of liquids, it may also occur for solids whose triple point pressure is above normal ambient conditions. The present study experimentally and theoretically investigates the Leidenfrost effect for a disc-shaped dry ice pellet placed on a temperature-controlled hot sapphire substrate. The spatial and temporal evolution of the vapor layer thickness below the pellet is measured for varying substrate temperatures using optical coherence tomography (OCT). Simultaneously, the shrinkage of the sublimating dry ice pellet is recorded using video cameras. It is shown that the bottom surface of the pellet is approximately flat within the surface roughness and the resolution of the experimental setup. Intriguingly, this study reveals that the vapor layer thickness below a Leidenfrost solid increases with time in contrast to the dynamics observed for a Leidenfrost liquid droplet/puddle. Additionally, a theoretical model based on the lubrication approximation is employed to estimate the vapor layer thickness and the temporal evolution of the pellet's geometry. The theoretical predictions generally agree well with the measurements throughout the majority of the pellet's lifespan, with deviations observed towards the end of its sublimation due to the assumption of a constant pellet diameter in the model. Furthermore, the theoretical predictions reasonably represent the pellet's lifetime across a wide range of substrate temperatures, validating the predictive capabilities of the theoretical model in the present scenario.</p

    Response of Garlic to Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers

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    An experiment was carried out to study the response of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth, yield and quality of garlic (Allium sativum L.) cv. Yamuna Safed-3. The results revealed that the combined application of 25% RDF with 75% N through FYM @ 20 t/ha gave higher marketable bulb yield of 19.34t/ha as compared to other treatments which were statistically on par with 100% RDF (18.53 t/ha ) and 50% RDF + 50% N supplied as FYM (18.94 t/ha). It is suggested that for better biometric observations, bulb characters and marketable bulb yield in garlic, combined use of inorganic and organic source of nutrient supply is preferable

    Explosive Nitrotriazolone Formulates

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    Nitrotriazolone has been synthesised and fully characterised. This explosive was found to exhibit self-binding properties forming pellets at different loads. The compression strength of these pellets were in the range 80-128 kgf/cm2 under one to three tonne/cm2 load. Other pressable formulations containing nitrotriazolone have also been successfully prepared. A composition comparable to composition B was also prepared using nitrotriazolone and trinitrotoluene (60:40). Mechanical properties and insensitivity of this new composition were found to be superior

    Self Injection length in La0.7 Ca0.3 Mno3-YBa 2Cu3O7-d ferromagnet- superconductor multi layer thin films

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    We have carried out extensive studies on the self-injection problem in barrierless heterojunctions between La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 (LCMO) and YBa2Cu3O7-d (YBCO). The heterojunctions were grown in situ by sequentially growing LCMO and YBCO films on LaAlO3 (LAO) substrate using a pulsed laser deposition (PLD) system. YBCO micro-bridges with 64 microns width were patterned both on the LAO (control) and LCMO side of the substrate. Critical current, Ic, was measured at 77K on both the control side as well as the LCMO side for different YBCO film thickness. It was observed that while the control side showed a Jc of ~2 x 10E6 A/ cm2 the LCMO side showed about half the value for the same thickness (1800 A). The difference in Jc indicates that a certain thickness of YBCO has become 'effectively' normal due to self-injection. From the measurement of Jc at two different thickness' (1800 A and 1500 A) of YBCO both on the LAO as well as the LCMO side, the value of self-injection length (at 77K) was estimated to be ~900 A self-injection length has been quantified. A control experiment carried out with LaNiO3 deposited by PLD on YBCO did not show any evidence of self-injection.Comment: 6 pages, one figure in .ps forma

    Dynamical evolution of Ge quantum dots on Si(111): from island formation to high temperature decay

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    Heteroepitaxial growth is a process of profound fundamental importance as well as an avenue to realize nanostructures such as Ge/Si quantum dots (QDs), with appealing properties for applications in opto- and nanoelectronics. However, controlling the Ge/Si QD size, shape, and composition remains a major obstacle to their practical implementation. Here, Ge nanostructures on Si(111) were investigated in situ and in real-time by low energy electron microscopy (LEEM), enabling the observation of the transition from wetting layer formation to 3D island growth and decay. The island size, shape, and distribution depend strongly on the growth temperature. As the deposition temperature increases, the islands become larger and sparser, consistent with Brownian nucleation and capture dynamics. At 550 degrees C, two distinct Ge/Si nanostructures are formed with bright and dark appearances that correspond to flat, atoll-like and tall, faceted islands, respectively. During annealing, the faceted islands increase in size at the expense of the flat ones, indicating that the faceted islands are thermodynamically more stable. In contrast, triangular islands with uniform morphology are obtained from deposition at 600 degrees C, suggesting that the growth more closely follows the ideal shape. During annealing, the islands formed at 600 degrees C initially show no change in morphology and size and then rupture simultaneously, signaling a homogeneous chemical potential of the islands. These observations reveal the role of dynamics and energetics in the evolution of Ge/Si QDs, which can serve as a step towards the precise control over the Ge nanostructure size, shape, composition, and distribution on Si(111)

    Ending cervical cancer: A call to action.

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    The outlook for elimination of the scourge of cervical cancer is bright, because we now have the tools to achieve this goal. In recent years human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in high-income countries has resulted in dramatic decreases in HPV infection and associated cervical disease. If all countries with a substantial burden of disease introduce the vaccine nationally, we can protect the vast majority of women and girls most at risk. For women who are beyond the vaccination target age, progress has been made in screening and treatment for cervical precancer, but we must accelerate this momentum to reduce incidence and mortality worldwide to the very low rates found in wealthier countries. Human and financial resources must be increased and directed to programs that follow best practices and reach all women, including the marginalized or disadvantaged. Seven key actions are recommended. Now is the time for action at national, regional, and global levels
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