69 research outputs found

    The Ghost Of Herzberg Motivational Theory: Motivators And Demotivators

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    Managers tend to sense, that many employees could do more. The question is: What can we do to influence them to contribute more than job description reguqires? Herzberg answer it, but his Two-Factor Theory has not received strong support in the literature. Accordingly, the basic objective of this scientific debate is to examine the relevance Herzberg motivation theory in terms of the new work economy. Scientific research methods applied in confirming the working hypothesis about the ghost of Herbzerg motivation theory based on scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, methods of descriptive statistics, method of mathematical modeling and method of mathematicalprogramming. The resulting findings suggest that any manager should not ignore its recommendations

    A Study on the Interdependence of Quality and Satisfaction with Public Transport in Rijeka

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    The paper aims to determine the interdependence between quality ratings and the level of satisfaction of Rijekaā€™s inhabitants with the cityā€™s public urban transport system. The purpose of the study is to identify the effects that the individual elements of citizensā€™ satisfaction with public urban transport services have on public urban transport quality ratings. To accomplish the studyā€™s objective and purpose, and to prove the main hypothesis that there is a statistically strong and positive relationship between quality ratings and satisfaction with public urban transport, numerous scientific methods have been applied, in particular the survey method, the method of analysis and synthesis, and the methods of descriptive and inferential statistics. The studyā€™s main finding points to the low quality of Rijekaā€™s public urban transport system and to the low level of satisfaction of citizens with the system. A statistically strong and positive relationship was found between quality ratings and the satisfaction of citizens with public urban transport services. Citizens are the least satisfied with the frequency of public transport intensity and the availability of urban transport in evening

    Uspostavljanje ravnoteže na europskom tržiŔtu vodnoga prometa

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    Optimalization of production inside logistics chain for 21st century

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    U danaÅ”njem svijetu egzistiraju brojni logistički lanci natječući se u sličnim poslovima na različitim tržiÅ”tima diljem svijeta. Umrežavajući ponudu i potražnju, odnosno proizvodnju i potroÅ”nju, logistički lanci formiraju nacionalnu, regionalnu i globalnu logističku mrežu čija je temeljna zadaća maksimalizirati ukupnu generiranu vrijednost. Generirana vrijednost se definira kao razlika između cijene gotovog proizvoda ili usluge i napora koje treba uložiti u lancu da bi se ti proizvodi ostvarili. Profitabilnost lanca predstavlja se razlikom između prihoda ostvarenih prodajom proizvoda ili usluga, i ukupnih troÅ”kova u lancu. U skladu s tim u ovoj se znanstvenoj raspravi istražuje mogućnost optimalizacije proizvodnje unutar logističkoga lanca primjenom metode dinamičkog programiranja s osloncem na informacijske tehnologije.In todayā€™s world numerous logistics chains exist, competing for similar jobs in different markets throughout the world. By connecting the supply and demand, i.e. production and consumption, logistics chains create national, regional and global logistics network which task is to maximise total generated value. Generated value is defined as the difference between the price of finished product or service and the input necessary to create such products. The chain profitability is shown by the difference between the income obtained through sale of products or services and total expenditure in that chain. Accordingly, this scientific debate researches the possibility of production optimisation within logistic chain by application of dynamic programming method with emphasis on information technologies


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    Temeljni cilj ovoga rada jest istražiti sekundarne potrebe studenata specijalističkog diplomskog stručnog studija PoduzetniÅ”tva VeleučiliÅ”ta u Rijeci, i to potrebu za postignućem i potrebu za druÅ”tvenim odobravanjem. Potrebe su izvor motivacije. Potrebe ne izazivaju uvijek izravno ostvarivanje ciljeva kojima se one mogu zadovoljiti. To znači da je studente kroz obrazovanje za poduzetniÅ”tvo nužno stalno poticati da se njihovi motivi vezani za pokretanje poslovnog pothvata aktualiziraju, da ožive i da se realiziraju. Da bi se dokazala postavljena hipoteza o visokoj razini potrebe za postignućem studenata stručnog studija poduzetniÅ”tva koriÅ”tene su brojne znanstvene metode od kojih se izdvajaju metoda intervjuiranja, metoda analize i sinteze i komparativna metoda. Empirijsko istraživanje provedeno je metodom intervjuiranja na VeleučiliÅ”tu u Rijeci među studentima specijalističkog diplomskog stručnog studija u zimskom semestru akademske 2012/2013 i akademske 2013/2014. godine. Anketiranjem je obuhvaćeno 78 studenta. Među sudionicima istraživanja njih 21 (26,9%) bilo je muÅ”kog, a 57 (73,1%) ženskog spola dok se dob ispitanika kretala od 21 do 26 godina. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na iznad prosječnu (ne i visoku) razinu potrebe za postignućem i srednju razinu potrebe za druÅ”tvenim odobravanjem.The basic objective of this paper is to explore the secondary needs of students of specialist graduate studies of Entrepreneurship at the Polytechnic of Rijeka. Those are the need for achievement and the need for social approval. Needs are a source of motivation, but they do not always directly bring the realization of goals which would gratify them. This means that students should be constantly encouraged, so as to help the actualization of their business ventures, to bring them to life and to attain them. To prove the hypothesis on the great need for achievement of entrepreneurship students, numerous scientific methods were applied, among them interview, methods of analysis and synthesis, and comparative method. Empirical research was conducted through interviews with students of specialist graduate studies of Entrepreneurship at the Polytechnic of Rijeka during the winter semester of academic years 2012/2013 and 2013/2014. Seventy-eight students were included in the survey, 21 of them were male (26,9%) and 57 were female (73,1%), within the age group of 21-26. The results thus obtained suggest above the average level of need for achievement (but not a high level) and an average need for social approval

    The effects of motorway network development of traffic accident costs in Croatia

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    Temeljni je cilj studije istražiti doprinos razvoja mreže autocesta u smanjenju troÅ”ka nesreća. Rezultati odražavaju iskustva iz Hrvatske. Moguća negativna korelacija između duljine autoceste i troÅ”ka prometnih nesreća istražit će se promatranjem različitih duljina autocesta te broja i vrste nesreća koje su se dogodile. Rezultati se temelje na statističkim metodama regresijske i korelacijske analize. Analizirano je razdoblje od 2000. do 2013. Provedena regresijska analiza potvrđuje da svaki novi kilometar izgrađene autoceste ima za posljedicu smanjenje troÅ”kova nesreća, i to za 761 488 ā‚¬. Dobiveni podaci također govore da očekivani učinci daljnje izgradnje mreže autocesta u Hrvatskoj opadaju. Stoga, kako bi se povećala sigurnost u prometu potrebno je provesti odlučne mjere za poboljÅ”anje prometne kulture svih sudionika u prometu.The basic objective of this research is to explore the contribution of motorway network development in minimizing accident costs. Results of the study are based on Croatian experience. The likelihood of a statistically negative correlation between the total motorway length and traffic accident costs will be investigated through observation of variations in the total length of motorways and the number and type of accidents that occurred. The results are based on statistical methods of regression and correlation analysis. The analysis spans the period between 2000 and 2013. The conducted regression analysis has confirmed that one newly constructed kilometre of motorways results in a decrease of social accident costs by 761,488 ā‚¬. The gathered data suggest that the expected effects of further construction of Croatian motorway network on traffic safety are lessening, so in order to increase traffic safety further measures to improve traffic culture of all traffic participants should be implemented with more vigour
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