7 research outputs found


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    Operating with business ethic we meet, some ethical systems, some of them developed in Antiquity, that still have a great influence upon economics development. One of these is the ethics of virtue. The aim of this paper work is to focus upon the one ethical system – virtue ethics and to illustrate his influence in economical field, offering a new coordination in this direction. We understand the importance of the human character for a successful leadership and management. Recent ethical dilemmas illustrate us how a vicious character has an influence not only to the possessor of that type of character but also to the entire community where he develop his activities. For a comprehensive understanding I expose a briefly review on virtue ethics as it was developed by Plato and Aristotle, ant its new coordination and influence upon our contemporaneous economy, illustrated by some examples.Business ethics, economic development, short and long term profit


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    The aim of this paper work is to conclude a short confirmation for business ethics. A redundant argument for business ethics, should, in our opinion start from the philosophical field. A major problem with business ethics is the foreclosing of philosophy, society and politics from its debate area. Before understanding the common sense for business ethics, we have to know how to act in a moral way. It is important to understand the identity of the human being, its signification and goals. Therefore the first part of this research enclose to philosophy, pointing out three aspects concerted to morality. We consider that only after a proper analyze of the human being, we can argue for business ethics and its implication in different area. Otherwise “business” becomes a problem for “ethics” and “ethics” become a problem for “business”


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    Recent conflicts regarding the milk market indicat tensions between milk producers and milk processing companies, about milk price. This conflict involved many farmers and was focused in two directions. First – the farmers' discontent about the imported mquota milk system, competitive, ethics


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    Operating with business ethic we meet, some ethical systems, some of them developed in Antiquity, that still have a great influence upon economics development. One of these is the ethics of virtue. The aim of this paper work is to focus upon the one ethical system virtue ethics and to illustrate his influence in economical field, offering a new coordination in this direction. We understand the importance of the human character for a successful leadership and management. Recent ethical dilemmas illustrate us how a vicious character has an influence not only to the possessor of that type of character but also to the entire community where he develop his activities. For a comprehensive understanding I expose a briefly review on virtue ethics as it was developed by Plato and Aristotle, ant its new coordination and influence upon our contemporaneous economy, illustrated by some examples


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    This article has as start point the following question: “Why do we work?†Indentifying at least three different answers, I consider that the attitude throughout work can be shaped based on these issue. At the first level, the value of work is based on the assumption that by work, the human being provides his living existence. On the second level, it is considered that the work supplies opportunities for self-expression, identity, drawing talent and enriching the personality. And on the last level, it is identified a new perspective upon work – as a reconciliation between private interest and public good. At each level, my aim is to present the status quo, but also the possible distresses when the value of work is bounded to one purpose, for example what happens if throughout our activity we are only absorbed to procure the supply basic needs or only to define our identity. If the attitude towards work specific for the first two levels is focused on "the desire to consumption", I consider that at the third level, the ethics governing employees shifted to “desire to productionâ€. That means that workforce is not only interested in economic rewards nor the gratification of self fulfillment or professional accomplishment, - aspects relevant on what one can receive- but it is focused on how it can be help full for the organization or for society, being concern upon on what it can offer, making a reconciliation between private interest and public good


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    In many countries (e.g. Japan, China) it has been proved that a key-driven factor in increasing their economical development consists on employees’ attitude toward work. Based on the assumption, the main objective of this article is to compound a descriptive image on drivers and barriers on work ethic in Romania, which illustrate the most frequent ethical issues in firm-employee relation. In this respect, the sense which I attributed to the term “work ethics†refers to specific attributes of relationship between two parts: employee and firm and in the second paper I will use this term based on Weber’s definition as a belief in the moral value of the work. The empirical evidences presented here are the results of a research based on an online survey which I applied to managers and/or persons in leading position in Romanian small and medium enterprises. Using this methodological instrument, I collect responses from 828 companies from 41 different Romanian counties land. The resultants indicates that the main source of the unethical practices is based upon a double phenomenon: employees fail to comply with their labor contract duties and management administration restricts employees’ rights to work (applying discriminatory practices) and rights to a fair wage

    An Agenda Of Morality For Business Ethics

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    The aim of this paper work is to conclude a short confirmation for business ethics. A redundant argument for business ethics, should, in our opinion start from the philosophical field. A major problem with business ethics is the foreclosing of philosophy, society and politics from its debate area. Before understanding the common sense for business ethics, we have to know how to act in a moral way. It is important to understand the identity of the human being, its signification and goals. Therefore the first part of this research enclose to philosophy, pointing out three aspects concerted to morality. We consider that only after a proper analyze of the human being, we can argue for business ethics and its implication in different area. Otherwise “business” becomes a problem for “ethics” and “ethics” become a problem for “business”.morality, business ethics, decisional process, moral law, personal ethics, microethics, macroethics