3 research outputs found
Nitrogen Vapor Shipment of Vitrified Cells: Challenges, Caution, and Emerging Opportunities
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Surgical Gloves: Perforation and Protection
- Author
- Aarnio P.
- Avery C.M.E.
- Berridge D.C.
- Calliot J.L.
- Gani J.S.
- Hester R.A.
- Hollaus P.H.
- Jensen S.L.
- Kovavisarach E.
- Kovavisarach E.
- Laine T.
- Laine T.
- Liew S.M.
- Louis S.S.
- National Association of Theatre Nurses
- Naver L.P.S.
- Nicolai P.
- Palmer J.D.
- Punyatanasakchai P.
- Quebbeman E.J.
- Ruddiman R.
- Sanders R.
- St Germaine R.L.
- Tanner J.
- Thomas S.
- Turnquest M.A.
- Twomey C.L.
- Vallance S.
- Webb J.M.
- Wilson S.J.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Sperm Cryopreservation
- Author
- A Agarwal
- A Agarwal
- A Agarwal
- A Agarwal
- A Bongso
- A Herrier
- A Honaramooz
- A Revel
- A Schuffner
- A Schuffner
- A Steirteghem Van
- AM Belker
- B Fjallbrant
- C Lessard
- C Sawetawan
- D Mortimer
- D Sakkas
- DM Zapzalka
- E Borges Jr
- E Rousillon
- E Toro
- ET Donnelly
- EZ Drobnis
- F Aubier
- F Boue
- F Mazzilli
- FF Pasqualotto
- FF Pasqualotto
- FF Pasqualotto
- FF Pasqualotto
- G Bahadur
- G Bahadur
- G Bahadur
- G Bahadur
- G Kalthur
- G Ragni
- G Verheyen
- G Verheyen
- G Verheyen
- GJ Matthews
- GJ Morris
- GL Pironcheva
- GN Clarke
- H Tournaye
- H Tournaye
- H Trummer
- HE Kulin
- HJ Glander
- HM Picton
- HM Shen
- HS Bhakoo
- I Aslam
- I Boiso
- I Croo De
- IG White
- J Cohen
- J Ehmcke
- J Gadea
- J Hallak
- J Hallak
- J Hammond
- J Muller
- J Pont
- J Schiller
- J Walton
- JA Robertson
- JC Calamera
- JF Apperley
- JJ Linfor
- JK Sherman
- JL Lasso
- JL Lasso
- JR Hazel
- JR Redman
- JR Spermon
- JT Anger
- K Jahnukainen
- K Kvist
- KLT Schmidt
- KP Nallella
- KR Chohan
- L Gandini
- L Zilli
- L Zilli
- LB Shettles
- LK Thomson
- LK Thomson
- LR Schover
- LS Amesse
- LX Feng
- M Gil-Salom
- M Meseguer
- M Nagano
- M Ollero
- M Schrader
- M Sergerie
- ML Greenberg
- ML Schmiegelow
- MP Laguna
- MT Zenzes
- N Marcus-Braun
- N Songsasen
- N Zribi
- NK Duru
- O Hovatta
- O Hovatta
- P Punyatanasakchai
- P Serafini
- P Stanic
- PF Brook
- PF Watson
- PJ Quinn
- PN Schlegel
- PR Schlegel
- PV Hansen
- R Schoysman
- RG Bunge
- S Chatterjee
- S Grunewald
- S Grunewald
- S Kliesch
- S Kliesch
- S Perraguim-Jayot
- S Postovsky
- S Schlatt
- S Schlatt
- S Schlatt
- S Viviani
- SA Prabakaran
- SE Park
- SI Peris
- SI Peris
- SJ Martin
- SJ Pickering
- SJ Silber
- SK Adiga
- T Hoekstra
- T Ogawa
- T Vutyavanich
- TF Kruger
- The Ethics Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine
- The practice committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine
- TM Said
- TS Paula De
- U Paasch
- U Paasch
- U Paasch
- V Hinkovska-Galcheva
- V Keros
- W Kuczynski
- WH Wallace
- WV Holt
- WV Holt
- Y Hovav
- Y Hsiek
- Y Ye
- YS Park
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study