4 research outputs found

    Analysis of intraoperative frozen section consultations and audit of accuracy: a two year experience in a tertiary care multispeciality hospital in India

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    Background: Diagnostic accuracy of intra-operative frozen section (FS) depends largely on quality of tissue sections backed by good clinical communication and experience of reporting pathologist. Periodic audit of this consultation in surgical pathology help in assessing the efficiency of procedure and addressing the pitfalls. In this study authors have analysed the spectrum, indications and assessed the accuracy of FS consultation in their institution.Methods: A retrospective study of 212 consequent tissue specimens submitted for FS over two years in study centre was conducted. The FS and corresponding formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue section with their final histopathological examination (HPE) reports were studied and analyzed. The results were classified in concordant, discordant and deferred categories. Accuracy rates and discordant frequencies were calculated and comparison with other similar studies was done. Reasons for inaccuracies were deduced.Results: A total of 212 tissue specimens for FS were reported over two years in this study institute, six of which showed discordant results. Most common site of FS in this study centre was from central nervous system (CNS) lesions (28.77%). Indications for intra-operative consultation were mainly for establishment of tumor diagnosis (66.51%) and status of margins (29.25%). The accuracy rate was found to be 97.17% with error rate of 2.83%. On analysis of discordant cases; the reason for inaccuracy was mainly due to interpretation error (83.33%).Conclusions: The audit of FS consultation established that accuracy rates of this study institution are comparable with most international quality control statistics for FS. The discordant cases were mostly false positive hence emphasising that a variable degree of reservation is required while interpreting and communicating the FS results. The closest possible diagnosis should be communicated on FS and definitive diagnosis should be deferred to HPE in case of doubt

    Primary mucinous carcinoma of eyelid: A rare clinical entity

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    Primary cutaneous mucinous carcinoma of the eyelid, a rare pathologic entity, is an adenocarcinoma of the eccrine glands. Though it has low metastatic potential, it does have a significant recurrence rate. We present the occurrence, clinical and histological features, and management of this tumor in a 62-year-old male who presented with a recurrent, firm, nodular left lower lid lesion. He underwent excision with a 5 mm margin and the defect was repaired with a Mustarde's cheek rotation flap. A full oncological screening, including whole-body Positron Emission Tomography scan, excluded the presence of primary mucinous carcinoma elsewhere and any metastatic spread. This case underscores the importance of considering this tumor in recalcitrant eyelid lesions and highlights the pathology of this tumor