1 research outputs found

    Hranidbena i mesna svojstva mladih svinja različitog intenziteta formiranja u ranoj ontogenezi i unutarpasminske diferencijacije prema genu za melanokortin 4 (Mc4r) receptor

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    The aim of this study was to investigate young pig fattening and meat quality due to the varying formation intensities in early on- togenesis and two genotypes based on the mel- anocortin receptor 4 (Mc4r) gene. To calculate the correlations between traits and the econom- ic efficiency of using animals of experimental groups in industrial complex conditions, the assessment of animals for fattening and meat quality examined the following characteris- tics: average daily live weight gain during the control fattening period in grams; age of reaching 100 kg live weight in days, chilled car- cass length in centimetres; length of the bacon half of the cooled carcass in centimetres; lard thickness at the thoracic vertebrae T6-T7 in millimetres. Further, the biometric processing of research results and calculation of the eco- nomic efficiency was performed. Young pigs of the controlled population met the requirements of the 1st class and the elite class for fattening and meat qualities. In examining the interbreed differentiation of large white breed animals, the melanocortin 4 receptor (Mc4r) gene deter- mined that the Mc4rAG genotype outperformed the Mc4r AA genotype for average daily live weight gain, age at live weight of 100 kg, lard thickness at T6-T7, and chilled carcass length by an average of 4.50%. The difference between groups for the Tyler B\u27s index was 11.82 points, and according to the average daily increase in live weight, the disparity between young pigs of interbreed differentiation according to the formation intensity index was 4.69%, the age of reaching 100 kg live weight was 3.10%, and the chilled carcass length was 1.23%. The num- ber of reliable connections between fattening and meat qualities, and the formation inten- sity and Tyler B indices was 75.0%, indicating their promise for use in selection and breeding work. The maximum increase in additional production was obtained from young pigs of the Mc4r AG genotype (+2.71%) and of group I, in which the formation intensity index ranged from 0.935 to 1.087 points (+2.65%).Cilj je ovog rada bio istražiti tovne i mesne kvalitete mladih svinja različitog intenziteta formiranja u ranoj ontogenezi i različitih genotipova prema genu za melanokortin receptor 4 (Mc4r); izračunati razinu korelacije između svojstava, kao i ekonomsku učinkovitost korištenja životinja pokusnih skupina u uvjetima industrijskog kompleksa. Ocjenjivanje životinja za tov i kvaliteta mesa provedeni su uzimajući u obzir sljedeće značajnosti: prosječni dnevni prirast žive vage u razdoblju kontrolnog tova, g; dob dostizanja 100 kg žive vage, broju dana, duljina ohlađenog trupa u cm; duljina polovice slanine ohlađenog trupa u cm; debljina slanine na razini 6-7 torakalnih kralježaka u mm. Biometrijska obrada rezultata istraživanja i izračun ekonomske učinkovitosti rezultata istraživanja provedeni su prema općeprihvaćenim metodama. Utvrđeno je da mlade svinje kontrolirane populacije u tovu i kvaliteti mesa zadovoljavaju uvjete I. klase i elitnog razreda. Uzimajući u obzir unutarpasminsku diferencijaciju velikih bijelih pasmina, genom za melanokortin 4 receptor (Mc4r) utvrđeno je sljedeće: mlade svinje genotipa Mc4r AG nadmašuju vršnjake genotipa Mc4r AA po prosječnom dnevnom prirastu žive vage, dobi u kojoj je živa vaga 100 kg, debljini sala na razini 6-7 torakalnih kralješaka i duljini ohlađenog trupa za prosjek od 4,50 %. Razlika između skupina prema indeksu Tylera B. iznosi 11,82 boda (td=3,70;P<0,01). Prema prosječnom dnevnom prirastu žive mase, razlika između mladih svinja različite unutarpasminske diferencijacije prema indeksu “intenzitet formiranja” je 4,69 %, dob dostizanja 100 kg žive vage je 3,10 %, a duljina ohlađenog trupa iznosi 1,23 %. Broj pouzdanih veza između tovnih i mesnih kvaliteta, kao i indeksa „intenzitet formiranja“ i Tyler B. iznosi 75,0 %, što ukazuje na njihovu primjenu u selekcijsko-oplodnom radu. Najveće povećanje dodatnog uzgoja ostvareno je kod mladih svinja genotipa Mc4r AG (+2,71 %) i životinja I. skupine, kod kojih se indeks “intenziteta formiranja” kreće od 0,935 do 1,087 bodova (+2,65 %)