42 research outputs found

    SINR Analysis of Opportunistic MIMO-SDMA Downlink Systems with Linear Combining

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    Opportunistic scheduling (OS) schemes have been proposed previously by the authors for multiuser MIMO-SDMA downlink systems with linear combining. In particular, it has been demonstrated that significant performance improvement can be achieved by incorporating low-complexity linear combining techniques into the design of OS schemes for MIMO-SDMA. However, this previous analysis was performed based on the effective signal-to-interference ratio (SIR), assuming an interference-limited scenario, which is typically a valid assumption in SDMA-based systems. It was shown that the limiting distribution of the effective SIR is of the Frechet type. Surprisingly, the corresponding scaling laws were found to follow ϵlogK\epsilon\log K with 0<ϵ<10<\epsilon<1, rather than the conventional loglogK\log\log K form. Inspired by this difference between the scaling law forms, in this paper a systematic approach is developed to derive asymptotic throughput and scaling laws based on signal-to-interference-noise ratio (SINR) by utilizing extreme value theory. The convergence of the limiting distribution of the effective SINR to the Gumbel type is established. The resulting scaling law is found to be governed by the conventional loglogK\log\log K form. These novel results are validated by simulation results. The comparison of SIR and SINR-based analysis suggests that the SIR-based analysis is more computationally efficient for SDMA-based systems and it captures the asymptotic system performance with higher fidelity.Comment: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Beijing, May 19-23, 200

    Opportunistic Scheduling and Beamforming for MIMO-SDMA Downlink Systems with Linear Combining

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    Opportunistic scheduling and beamforming schemes are proposed for multiuser MIMO-SDMA downlink systems with linear combining in this work. Signals received from all antennas of each mobile terminal (MT) are linearly combined to improve the {\em effective} signal-to-noise-interference ratios (SINRs). By exploiting limited feedback on the effective SINRs, the base station (BS) schedules simultaneous data transmission on multiple beams to the MTs with the largest effective SINRs. Utilizing the extreme value theory, we derive the asymptotic system throughputs and scaling laws for the proposed scheduling and beamforming schemes with different linear combining techniques. Computer simulations confirm that the proposed schemes can substantially improve the system throughput.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 18th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Athens, Greece, September 3 - 7, 200

    Opportunistic Scheduling and Beamforming for MIMO-OFDMA Downlink Systems with Reduced Feedback

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    Opportunistic scheduling and beamforming schemes with reduced feedback are proposed for MIMO-OFDMA downlink systems. Unlike the conventional beamforming schemes in which beamforming is implemented solely by the base station (BS) in a per-subcarrier fashion, the proposed schemes take advantages of a novel channel decomposition technique to perform beamforming jointly by the BS and the mobile terminal (MT). The resulting beamforming schemes allow the BS to employ only {\em one} beamforming matrix (BFM) to form beams for {\em all} subcarriers while each MT completes the beamforming task for each subcarrier locally. Consequently, for a MIMO-OFDMA system with QQ subcarriers, the proposed opportunistic scheduling and beamforming schemes require only one BFM index and QQ supportable throughputs to be returned from each MT to the BS, in contrast to QQ BFM indices and QQ supportable throughputs required by the conventional schemes. The advantage of the proposed schemes becomes more evident when a further feedback reduction is achieved by grouping adjacent subcarriers into exclusive clusters and returning only cluster information from each MT. Theoretical analysis and computer simulation confirm the effectiveness of the proposed reduced-feedback schemes.Comment: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Beijing, May 19-23, 200

    Opportunistic Collaborative Beamforming with One-Bit Feedback

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    An energy-efficient opportunistic collaborative beamformer with one-bit feedback is proposed for ad hoc sensor networks over Rayleigh fading channels. In contrast to conventional collaborative beamforming schemes in which each source node uses channel state information to correct its local carrier offset and channel phase, the proposed beamforming scheme opportunistically selects a subset of source nodes whose received signals combine in a quasi-coherent manner at the intended receiver. No local phase-precompensation is performed by the nodes in the opportunistic collaborative beamformer. As a result, each node requires only one-bit of feedback from the destination in order to determine if it should or shouldn't participate in the collaborative beamformer. Theoretical analysis shows that the received signal power obtained with the proposed beamforming scheme scales linearly with the number of available source nodes. Since the the optimal node selection rule requires an exhaustive search over all possible subsets of source nodes, two low-complexity selection algorithms are developed. Simulation results confirm the effectiveness of opportunistic collaborative beamforming with the low-complexity selection algorithms.Comment: Proceedings of the Ninth IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, Recife, Brazil, July 6-9, 200

    Distributed Opportunistic Scheduling For Ad-Hoc Communications Under Noisy Channel Estimation

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    Distributed opportunistic scheduling is studied for wireless ad-hoc networks, where many links contend for one channel using random access. In such networks, distributed opportunistic scheduling (DOS) involves a process of joint channel probing and distributed scheduling. It has been shown that under perfect channel estimation, the optimal DOS for maximizing the network throughput is a pure threshold policy. In this paper, this formalism is generalized to explore DOS under noisy channel estimation, where the transmission rate needs to be backed off from the estimated rate to reduce the outage. It is shown that the optimal scheduling policy remains to be threshold-based, and that the rate threshold turns out to be a function of the variance of the estimation error and be a functional of the backoff rate function. Since the optimal backoff rate is intractable, a suboptimal linear backoff scheme that backs off the estimated signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and hence the rate is proposed. The corresponding optimal backoff ratio and rate threshold can be obtained via an iterative algorithm. Finally, simulation results are provided to illustrate the tradeoff caused by increasing training time to improve channel estimation at the cost of probing efficiency.Comment: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Beijing, May 19-23, 200

    Distributed Opportunistic Scheduling for MIMO Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Distributed opportunistic scheduling (DOS) protocols are proposed for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) ad-hoc networks with contention-based medium access. The proposed scheduling protocols distinguish themselves from other existing works by their explicit design for system throughput improvement through exploiting spatial multiplexing and diversity in a {\em distributed} manner. As a result, multiple links can be scheduled to simultaneously transmit over the spatial channels formed by transmit/receiver antennas. Taking into account the tradeoff between feedback requirements and system throughput, we propose and compare protocols with different levels of feedback information. Furthermore, in contrast to the conventional random access protocols that ignore the physical channel conditions of contending links, the proposed protocols implement a pure threshold policy derived from optimal stopping theory, i.e. only links with threshold-exceeding channel conditions are allowed for data transmission. Simulation results confirm that the proposed protocols can achieve impressive throughput performance by exploiting spatial multiplexing and diversity.Comment: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Beijing, May 19-23, 200

    Fairness-Oriented User Scheduling for Bursty Downlink Transmission Using Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

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    In this work, we develop practical user scheduling algorithms for downlink bursty traffic with emphasis on user fairness. In contrast to the conventional scheduling algorithms that either equally divides the transmission time slots among users or maximizing some ratios without physcial meanings, we propose to use the 5%-tile user data rate (5TUDR) as the metric to evaluate user fairness. Since it is difficult to directly optimize 5TUDR, we first cast the problem into the stochastic game framework and subsequently propose a Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL)-based algorithm to perform distributed optimization on the resource block group (RBG) allocation. Furthermore, each MARL agent is designed to take information measured by network counters from multiple network layers (e.g. Channel Quality Indicator, Buffer size) as the input states while the RBG allocation as action with a proposed reward function designed to maximize 5TUDR. Extensive simulation is performed to show that the proposed MARL-based scheduler can achieve fair scheduling while maintaining good average network throughput as compared to conventional schedulers.Comment: 30 pages, 13 figure

    DF4LCZ: A SAM-Empowered Data Fusion Framework for Scene-Level Local Climate Zone Classification

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    Recent advancements in remote sensing (RS) technologies have shown their potential in accurately classifying local climate zones (LCZs). However, traditional scene-level methods using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) often struggle to integrate prior knowledge of ground objects effectively. Moreover, commonly utilized data sources like Sentinel-2 encounter difficulties in capturing detailed ground object information. To tackle these challenges, we propose a data fusion method that integrates ground object priors extracted from high-resolution Google imagery with Sentinel-2 multispectral imagery. The proposed method introduces a novel Dual-stream Fusion framework for LCZ classification (DF4LCZ), integrating instance-based location features from Google imagery with the scene-level spatial-spectral features extracted from Sentinel-2 imagery. The framework incorporates a Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) module empowered by the Segment Anything Model (SAM) to enhance feature extraction from Google imagery. Simultaneously, the framework employs a 3D-CNN architecture to learn the spectral-spatial features of Sentinel-2 imagery. Experiments are conducted on a multi-source remote sensing image dataset specifically designed for LCZ classification, validating the effectiveness of the proposed DF4LCZ. The related code and dataset are available at https://github.com/ctrlovefly/DF4LCZ

    Diffusion Enhancement for Cloud Removal in Ultra-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery

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    The presence of cloud layers severely compromises the quality and effectiveness of optical remote sensing (RS) images. However, existing deep-learning (DL)-based Cloud Removal (CR) techniques encounter difficulties in accurately reconstructing the original visual authenticity and detailed semantic content of the images. To tackle this challenge, this work proposes to encompass enhancements at the data and methodology fronts. On the data side, an ultra-resolution benchmark named CUHK Cloud Removal (CUHK-CR) of 0.5m spatial resolution is established. This benchmark incorporates rich detailed textures and diverse cloud coverage, serving as a robust foundation for designing and assessing CR models. From the methodology perspective, a novel diffusion-based framework for CR called Diffusion Enhancement (DE) is proposed to perform progressive texture detail recovery, which mitigates the training difficulty with improved inference accuracy. Additionally, a Weight Allocation (WA) network is developed to dynamically adjust the weights for feature fusion, thereby further improving performance, particularly in the context of ultra-resolution image generation. Furthermore, a coarse-to-fine training strategy is applied to effectively expedite training convergence while reducing the computational complexity required to handle ultra-resolution images. Extensive experiments on the newly established CUHK-CR and existing datasets such as RICE confirm that the proposed DE framework outperforms existing DL-based methods in terms of both perceptual quality and signal fidelity

    SAM-Assisted Remote Sensing Imagery Semantic Segmentation with Object and Boundary Constraints

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    Semantic segmentation of remote sensing imagery plays a pivotal role in extracting precise information for diverse down-stream applications. Recent development of the Segment Anything Model (SAM), an advanced general-purpose segmentation model, has revolutionized this field, presenting new avenues for accurate and efficient segmentation. However, SAM is limited to generating segmentation results without class information. Consequently, the utilization of such a powerful general vision model for semantic segmentation in remote sensing images has become a focal point of research. In this paper, we present a streamlined framework aimed at leveraging the raw output of SAM by exploiting two novel concepts called SAM-Generated Object (SGO) and SAM-Generated Boundary (SGB). More specifically, we propose a novel object loss and further introduce a boundary loss as augmentative components to aid in model optimization in a general semantic segmentation framework. Taking into account the content characteristics of SGO, we introduce the concept of object consistency to leverage segmented regions lacking semantic information. By imposing constraints on the consistency of predicted values within objects, the object loss aims to enhance semantic segmentation performance. Furthermore, the boundary loss capitalizes on the distinctive features of SGB by directing the model's attention to the boundary information of the object. Experimental results on two well-known datasets, namely ISPRS Vaihingen and LoveDA Urban, demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. The source code for this work will be accessible at https://github.com/sstary/SSRS.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure