8 research outputs found

    Development of tuneable Fabry-Perot sensors for parallelised photoacoustic signal acquisition

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    Fabry-Pérot (FP) sensors have enabled high resolution 3D photoacoustic (PA) imaging in backward mode. However, raster-scanning of the interrogation laser beam across the sensor can result in slow 3D image acquisition. To overcome this limitation, parallelized PA signal acquisition can be used for which FP sensors with uniform optical thickness are required. In this work, the optical thickness is tuned a) irreversibly through the use of a photopolymer host matrix and b) actively using embedded electro-optic (EO) chromophores. Polymer spacers (5 μm) were deposited using spin coating and sandwiched between two dielectric mirrors and transparent ITO electrodes. The employed polymer guest-host system consists of an EO chromophore (2-methyl-4-nitroaniline) and poly(vinyl cinnamate). EO tuneability was induced using contact poling and a tuneability of 68 pm was demonstrated. The optical thickness was homogenised by raster scanning a UV beam whilst varying the exposure time across a 4 mm2 detection aperture

    Development of a backward-mode photoacoustic microscope using a Fabry-Perot sensor

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    Optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy (PAM) has been shown to enable the acquisition of high resolution (μm) functional and anatomical images. For backward-mode operation, conventional piezoelectric ultrasound transducers need to be placed far away from the signal source due to their opacity and size. This can result in reduced acoustic sensitivity. Planar Fabry-Perot polymer film interferometer (FPI) sensors have the potential to overcome this limitation since they are transparent to the excitation wavelength, can be placed immediately adjacent to the signal source for high acoustic sensitivity, and offer a broadband frequency response (0 –50 MHz). In this study, we present a high frame rate, backward-mode OR-PAM system based on a planar FPI ultrasound sensor. A ns-pulsed laser provides excitation pulses (<200 nJ, maximum pulse repetition frequency = 200 kHz, 532 nm) to generate photoacoustic waves that are detected using a planar FPI sensor interrogated at 765-781 nm. For backwardmode operation and highest acoustic sensitivity, the excitation and interrogation beams are coaxially aligned and rasterscanned. The optical transfer function of the sensor, the spatial resolution and the detection sensitivity were determined to characterise the set-up. Images of a leaf phantom and first in vivo images of zebrafish larvae were acquired. This approach will enable fast 3D OR-PAM with high resolution and high sensitivity for functional and molecular imaging applications. FPI-based ultrasound detection also has the potential to enable dual-mode optical- and acousticresolution PAM and the integration of photoacoustic imaging with purely optical modalities such as multi-photon microscopy

    A backward-mode optical-resolution photoacoustic microscope for 3D imaging using a planar Fabry-Pérot sensor

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    Optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy (OR-PAM) combines high spatial resolution and strong absorption-based contrast in tissue, which has enabled structural and spectroscopic imaging of endogenous chromophores, primarily hemoglobin. This makes OR-PAM an important tool for preclinical vascular research. Conventional piezoelectric ultrasound transducers often need to be placed far away from the signal source due to their opacity, which results in reduced acoustic sensitivity. Optical ultrasound sensors are an alternative as their transparency allows them to be positioned close to the sample for minimal source-detector distances. In this work, a backward-mode OR-PAM system based on a planar Fabry-Pérot ultrasound sensor and coaxially aligned excitation and interrogation beams was developed. Two 3D imaging modes, using raster-scanning for enhanced image quality or continuous-scanning for fast imaging, were implemented and tested on a leaf skeleton phantom. In fast imaging mode, a scan-rate of 100,000 A-lines/s could be achieved. In raster-scanning mode, 3D images of a zebrafish embryo were acquired in vivo. The transparency of the FP sensor in the visible and near-infrared wavelength region makes it potentially suitable for combined functional and molecular imaging using OR-PAM and multi-photon fluorescence microscopy

    Design optimization of silicon-on-insulator slot-waveguides for electro-optical modulators and biosensors

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    An approach for design optimization of the geometrical parameters of silicon-on-insulator slot-waveguides for electro-optical modulators and biosensors is presented. Theoretical investigations of field confinement factors and effective nonlinear areas for different slot-waveguide structures are critically analyzed and thoroughly calculated. With our simulation results we explain the high efficiency of electro-optical modulators and the enhanced sensitivity of biosensors compared to strip-waveguides. The influence on the effective refractive index, field confinement factor, and effective nonlinear area of the slot width and the silicon rail width were investigated

    Development of a backward-mode photoacoustic microscope using a Fabry-Pérot sensor

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    Optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy (PAM) has been shown to enable the acquisition of high resolution (μm) functional and anatomical images. For backward-mode operation, conventional piezoelectric ultrasound transducers need to be placed far away from the signal source due to their opacity and size. This can result in reduced acoustic sensitivity. Planar Fabry-Perot polymer film interferometer (FPI) sensors have the potential to overcome this limitation since they are transparent to the excitation wavelength, can be placed immediately adjacent to the signal source for high acoustic sensitivity, and offer a broadband frequency response (0 –50 MHz). In this study, we present a high frame rate, backward-mode OR-PAM system based on a planar FPI ultrasound sensor. A ns-pulsed laser provides excitation pulses (<200 nJ, maximum pulse repetition frequency = 200 kHz, 532 nm) to generate photoacoustic waves that are detected using a planar FPI sensor interrogated at 765-781 nm. For backwardmode operation and highest acoustic sensitivity, the excitation and interrogation beams are coaxially aligned and rasterscanned. The optical transfer function of the sensor, the spatial resolution and the detection sensitivity were determined to characterise the set-up. Images of a leaf phantom and first in vivo images of zebrafish larvae were acquired. This approach will enable fast 3D OR-PAM with high resolution and high sensitivity for functional and molecular imaging applications. FPI-based ultrasound detection also has the potential to enable dual-mode optical- and acousticresolution PAM and the integration of photoacoustic imaging with purely optical modalities such as multi-photon microscopy

    Partially slotted silicon ring resonator covered with electro-optical polymer

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    In this work, we present for the first time a partially slotted silicon ring resonator (PSRR) covered with an electro-optical polymer (Poly[(methyl methacrylate)-co-(Disperse Red 1 acrylate)]). The PSRR takes advantage of both a highly efficient vertical slot waveguide based phase shifter and a low loss strip waveguide in a single ring. The device is realized on 200 mm silicon-on-insulator wafers using 248 nm DUV lithography and covered with the electro-optic polymer in a post process. This silicon-organic hybrid ring resonator has a small footprint, high optical quality factor, and high DC device tunability. A quality factor of up to 105 and a DC device tunability of about 700 pm/V is experimentally demonstrated in the wavelength range of 1540 nm to 1590 nm. Further, we compare our results with state-of-the-art silicon-organic hybrid devices by determining the poling efficiency. It is demonstrated that the active PSRR is a promising candidate for efficient optical switches and tunable filters

    Novel Ring Resonator Combining Strong Field Confinement with High Optical Quality Factor

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    Slot waveguide ring resonators appear promising candidates for several applications in silicon photonics. Strong field confinement, high device tunability, and low power consumption are beneficial properties compared with strip waveguides. Slot waveguide ring resonators suffer, however, from rather low optical quality factors due to optical losses. This letter proposes and experimentally demonstrates a novel concept based on a partially slotted ring and a strip-to-slot mode converter. An exceptional high quality factor of ∼ 105 has been measured

    Hybrid-Waveguide Ring Resonator for Biochemical Sensing

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    This paper proposes a hybrid-waveguide ring resonator for on-chip biochemical sensing. Consisting of a low-loss strip-waveguide and a highly sensitive slot-waveguide integrated in a silicon photonic platform, it combines advantages of both waveguide types. In this way, it provides the unique feature to increase the sensitivity while maintaining low optical losses. Thus, this resonator structure may represent a promising alternative approach for future integrated biochemical sensing applications. This is suggested by a theoretical analysis, involving numerical simulation of the hybrid-waveguide ring resonator and an optimization of the slot-waveguide structure with regard to light-analyte-interaction. It is demonstrated that the hybrid-waveguide concept may overcome limitations in terms of overall resonator sensitivity, which is described by a figure of merit, connecting the optical losses with the resonator sensitivity