570 research outputs found

    Shadowing, asymptotic shadowing and s-limit shadowing

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    We study three notions of shadowing: classical shadowing, limit (or asymptotic) shadowing, and s-limit shadowing. We show that classical and s-limit shadowing coincide for tent maps and, more generally, for piecewise linear interval maps with constant slopes, and are further equivalent to the linking property introduced by Chen in 1991. We also construct a system which exhibits shadowing but not limit shadowing, and we study how shadowing properties transfer to maximal transitive subsystems and inverse limits (sometimes called natural extensions). Where practicable, we show that our results are best possible by means of examples.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    Cross-Border Cooperation Programme As an Impetus for Establishment of New Modes of Governance in Croatia

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    Generated as a response to the requirements in managing European cross border cooperation programmes, Neighbourhood Programme Slovenia-Hungary-Croatia 2004-2006 (NP) in particular served as an impetus for establishment of new modes of governance in Croatia. Together with Hungary and Slovenia, Croatia participates in this trilateral Programme as an external EU border candidate state. The NP is implemented as a grant scheme in Croatia for the first time requiring many institutional changes for its implementation. On all levels of government, the NP contributed to the establishment of stronger relations among institutions, horizontally and vertically, and a transfer of know-how in preparation and implementation from experienced partners, Slovenia and Hungary. Such a complex programme generated also problems due to weak administrative capacity, different sources of financing and socio-economic discrepancies. On national level, weak capacity of the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MFAEI) has directly influenced the initiation and implementation of NP and difficulties in the decision-making process occurred. The relationship between MFAEI and the Delegation of the European Commission was unclear and there were difficulties in developing new administrative procedures. Additionally, insufficiently transparent information dissemination mechanisms through different government levels influenced the quality and selection of project proposals in certain counties. Socio-cultural differences in Croatia were insufficiently considered while setting up the coordination system resulting in the extent and quality of submitted proposals and their success in the selection procedure. Some regions showed successful coordination on county level contributing to selection of greater number of proposals from those counties, while in others, there was a lack of capacity in preparing coherent project proposals. In accordance with the presented first Croatian experiences in the trilateral European cross-border programme, the following can be concluded: In terms of socio-developmental impacts, the joint-project proposal preparation process of the cross border partners created intensive inter-institutional cooperation and inter-institutional communication. However, only successful project proposals result in inter-institutional collaboration through joint implementation of projects, which is considered fundamental to the creation of a network society and building of social capital.

    Reaching consensus on a connected graph

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    We study a simple random process in which vertices of a connected graph reach consensus through pairwise interactions. We compute outcome probabilities, which do not depend on the graph structure, and consider the expected time until a consensus is reached. In some cases we are able to show that this is minimised by KnK_n. We prove an upper bound for the case p=0p=0 and give a family of graphs which asymptotically achieve this bound. In order to obtain the mean of the waiting time we also study a gambler's ruin process with delays. We give the mean absorption time and prove that it monotonically increases with p[0,1/2]p\in[0,1/2] for symmetric delays

    “Criteria for establishing a model for defining Croatian regions lagging in Development”

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    Krešimir Jurlin, Jakša Puljiz, Sanja Malekoviæ Institute for International Relations, Zagreb The purpose of this paper is to introduce economic and demographic development criteria as a basis for Croatia’s regional policy. The paper is the result of a project whose main objective was to provide an analytical basis for developing a model for defining the level of development of the Croatian territorial units, with the aim of widening the span of territorial units which are currrently receiving government support under the “Law on areas of specific government’s concern”. The result of this project was a list of the least developed areas in Croatia, as well as a model for evaluating their development. The contents of the paper are basically the following: the criteria on the basis of which the evluation was carried out; the statistical basis and indicators of development; the creation of the development index; the evaluation model and criteria for classification; the testing of the model and experimental classification of the territorial units. Proposal: To be included under theme 1: Regional science

    Ageing of the Population – A Social Policy Challenge

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    U prvom dijelu rada autor iznosi zapažanja o demografskim procesima i starenju stanovništva. U drugom dijelu prezentirani su osnovni podaci o starenju koje determinira produljenje ljudskog vijeka, s jedne, te smanjene stope demografske reprodukcije, s druge strane. U nastavku se iznose projekcije o starenju stanovništva u Hrvatskoj i Europi u narednim desetljećima. U trećem dijelu raspravlja se o javnim politikama usmjerenim na prevladavanje i ublažavanje posljedica starenja stanovništva. Riječ je o konceptu aktivnog starenja, reformama u mirovinskom i zdravstvenom sustavu te sustavu skrbi o starima. Na kraju, autor se osvrće na neke aspekte budućeg međugeneracijskog sporazuma koji se treba temeljiti na paradigmi usklađenoj s promjenama okolnosti u kojima ljudi danas žive.In the first part of the paper the author makes observations about the demographic processes and ageing of the population. In the second part some basic data about ageing that determines prolongation of life cycle are presented on one hand, and the decreased rates of demographic reproduction on the other. The second part of the paper outlines the projections about the ageing of the population in Croatia and Europe in the following decades. In the third part of the paper public policies focused on overcoming and mitigating consequences of the population ageing are discussed. These include the concept of active ageing, reforms in pension and health systems and the system of the care for the elderly. Finally, the author reflects on some aspects of the future intergenerational contract that should be based on the paradigm adjusted with the changes of circumstances in which people live nowadays

    Proposal for New Development Categorisation of Regional and Local Units in Croatia

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    Current approach to designation of supported areas in Croatia is too fragment and inadequate for regional policy purposes. A proposal for new categorisation has been elaborated in order to bring more coherent and reliable methodology for development level assessment and categorisation of territorial units. New categorisation is based on a single set of socio-economic indicators applied both at county and local level